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Saturday, December 31, 2016

New York success story

Maybe you did not read the announcement. So I will mention the latest story about the New York subway. The New York mayor was pleased to announcement that Manhatten's Second Ave Line will be opening in the first month of 2017. It was noted that the announcement was met with approval by those patrons on the east side because they will, for the first time, be served by the subway system. I found it interesting that this is the first phase of the project, and I would like to add the following comment. Apparently, the project was first proposed in 1920, and there was no mention of when the next phase will be completed. Also, the cost of this first phase of the project was 4.5 billion dollars for the 2 miles of subway. For those of you that are interested, please note that the cost per inch of the subway project was approximately $35,511 per inch. This looks like it is another example New York city's fine on-time and under-budget city government at work.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Racist college professors

Damon Sajnani will be teaching a class at the University of Wisconsin at Madison this next semester which in the overview of the class implies that all white people are racist. If someone tried to put a class into any college in the nation which described itself as intended to explore the racist black population in America, they would be run out of the town on a rail, and justly so. However, in the super 'liberal' colleges it appears that anyone can call any white person a racist or make racial slurs against whites with impunity. I am disgusted with the blatant double standard that is constantly applied. Whites can be demeaned but not even a whisper about racist blacks is allowed.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

An Article by Sandy Fitzgerald

The United States could have killed a key United Nations resolution that condemned Israel for its West Bank settlements by voting against it rather than abstaining, former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said Friday night, but he thinks President Barack Obama took the action to "box the incoming Trump administration in."

"This was a stab in the back against the Israelis," Bolton told Fox News' "Hannity" show Friday night. "It was entirely predictable. I would say this for people in the pro-Israel community in the United States who defended Obama's Middle East policy over these last eight years: You should have seen this coming and this is what you get for supporting Barack Obama."

Obama has had a contentious relationship with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the years, Bolton conceded, but he thinks the administration's decision to abstain from the UN vote on Friday goes deeper than that.

"I think this was an effort to box the in-coming Trump administration in, and it violates nearly 50 years of American bipartisan policy on the Middle East, going back to the iconic resolution 242 after the 1967 war."

The proposed resolution says Israel's occupation is "illegitimate," said Bolton, and "therefore it has no land to give back in exchange for peace. Contrary to what the Obama administration has said, this puts a huge thumb on the scale against Israel."

Further, Bolton said, the consequences of the revolution will be felt for many years in negative ways for both Israel and the United States.

There has been a great deal of bipartisan pushback against the decision to abstain from the resolution, but Bolton said it was "entirely foreseeable" that Obama took the action he did.

And even with the resolution, there is "not a chance" Israel will quit developing in the West Bank region, and "nor should they,"s aid Bolton.

"I do think, contrary to what Obama says, this is the death now of the two-state solution," Bolton said. "It shows once again it's fundamentally unworkable, and I think Netanyahu and a nearly unanimous Israeli opinion will support him on that."

When it come to the United States, he continued, "it's time to stand up for principle."

"I've certainly advocated for a long time, which is votes in the united nations should have consequences," said Bolton. "We've got two issues here, the 14 countries that voted in favor of the resolution and the United Nations as a whole."

Bolton continued that he'd recommend that Trump call the resolution "illegitimate" and say the United States will try to repeal it, and if that fails, cut the U.S. contribution to the UN.

Monday, December 26, 2016

A bad tenant?

Obama is setting up a new tradition for leaving the White House. He is acting just the same as any no-class hateful renter who is evicted from a rental home. The most base of renters will go out of their way to destroy the landlord’s property when they are evicted.  Some of the things that I have heard that low-class renters have done is to dump cement into the toilet and take other measures to stop up all of the plumbing fixtures. I have heard of them throwing ink all over the carpet, and purposely causing thousands of dollars of water damage. They knock holes in the walls and break window as well.
Obama’s actions in the last weeks of his presidency rival those of any low-class renter that I have ever heard of. He has gone out of his way to destroy Israel’s position by instructing our U.N. representative to allow a measure to pass which is in total conflict with all previous American policies. It is my opinion that he has decided that it is no longer necessary to make even a hint of an effort to hide his hatred for Jews and especially his hatred for Israel.

Since Donald Trump has won the election, Obama has been in panic to issue as many executive orders as he can manage with the express purpose of leaving Trump with as big of a mess to clean up as is humanly possible. Most of the dung that he is spreading can be undone by Trump via the same vehicle, executive actions, but the purpose can’t be undone. It will detract Trump from putting all of his attention into doing the best job for the American public. Obama is making a mighty effort to torpedo Trump’s presidency. If it is not clearly obvious to you, I will spell it out so that there is no mistake. Obama does not care one iota how much damage he does or how much his actions may hurt America. His goal is to spitefully hinder Trump in any way possible!
This is exactly the type of actions which one should expect from a third-rate dictator-want-to-be who was totally unable to work with anyone in the Republican Party or even someone who had a different opinion about anything. Obama’s solution for everything was to play third-world dictator and listen to no one that disagreed with him. Thank God we will be rid of him soon. Goodbye Obama, and good riddance.  I hope that your legacy is placed in the toilet where it belongs.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Is this more Obama and Demcrat lies?

Obama and the Democrat leadership will do anything to diminish the Trump administration. In my opinion, this latest accusation regarding Russia is simply an attempt to diminish Trump's victory and also to try to tarnish Trump's image by implying that Trump is in some kind of anti-America conspiracy with President Putin.
Fact: The DNC emails were hacked by some one.
Fact: The emails were made public by WikiLeaks.
Fact: The emails leaked presented Hillary and the DNC as deceitful and dishonest.
Fact: The information in the emails was true.
Allegation, probably untrue: Obama is accusing Russia for the hacking.
In the spirit of presenting FACTS, I have included an excerpt from a recent article quoting President Putin.

Russian President Vladi­mir Putin has a message for the White House and Democratic leaders who accuse him of stealing their candidate’s victory: Don’t be sore losers.

That was how Putin answered a question Friday at his nationally televised annual news conference about whether Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election in favor of Donald Trump.

The Democrats “are losing on all fronts and looking elsewhere for things to blame,” he told the nearly 1,400 journalists packed into a Moscow convention hall for the nearly four-hour event. “In my view, this, how shall I say it, degrades their own dignity. You have to know how to lose with dignity.”

The Kremlin leader — who also sent an upbeat letter to Trump last week that the president-elect revealed Friday — pointed out that Republicans had won the House and Senate, as well.

“Did we do that, too?” he asked with a slight grin.

 (Reuters) To chide the Democratic leadership, Putin invoked the U.S. president he occasionally mentions as someone he admires. He appears to seek favorable comparison to Franklin D. Roosevelt, America’s longest-serving head of state, because of his own efforts to help Russia prosper after the ruinous depression that followed the Soviet Union’s demise.

“Outstanding figures in American history from the ranks of the Democratic Party would likely be turning in their graves. Roosevelt certainly would be,” Putin told the journalists.
“Trump understood the mood of the people and kept going until the end, when nobody believed in him,” Putin said, adding with another wry smile, “except for you and me.”

Trump’s transition team said Friday that Putin had sent a letter Dec. 15 wishing the president-elect a merry Christmas and conveying a desire “to take real steps to restore the framework of bilateral cooperation in different areas as well as bring our level of collaboration on the international scene to a qualitatively new level.”
“A very nice letter from Vladimir Putin; his thoughts are so correct,” Trump’s transition team quoted the president-elect as saying. “I hope both sides are able to live up to these thoughts, and we do not have to travel an alternate path.”

The Russian leader has repeatedly denied involvement in the U.S. election despite the accusations from the White House, and the Kremlin has questioned the evidence for the claims. On Friday, Putin borrowed some of Trump’s dismissive rhetoric, remarking, “Maybe it was someone lying on the couch who did it.”

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

More deceit

The men who wrote our constitution never imagined that the political representatives in America would ever be so unethical as the democrats leadership has become. The founders had integrity and morals and it is easy to understand that they assumed that American politics would have it also. Our founders were wrong. The leadership in the democratic party is demonstrating a total lack of integrity, and a total immersion in devious conduct in a win-at-any-cost attempt to undermine the presidential election results. They are stating that the electors have no obligation to vote the will of the voters in their state. They are utilizing the alleged hacking of the DNC emails by the Russians as a red herring to propose that the electors should 'correct' the election results. First of all, there is an assumption that the Russians were responsible for hacking the DNC emails. There is no proof that this is true. The only thing known is that someone hacked the DNC emails. Then there is the assertion by the democrats that the revealing of the emails caused Hillary to lose the election. There is no way to ever prove or disprove that assertion. Based on these two assertions, which are probably both incorrect, the democrats now claim that the electors should 'vote their conscience'. The information revealed in the hacked emails was all true!!! The democrats are simply angry that the voters found out the truth about their biased views. The democrats are not really concerned about any of the hacking. They are simply looking for any means to illegally steal the  election.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Democrats want to throw out democracy

For the last month, the democrats have complained, whined, and tried every maneuver conceivable to try to delegitimize Donald Trump's victory. There were 538 electors chosen as a result of the election, and the electors are required to vote for the candidate that received the most popular votes in their state. Donald Trump won 306 electoral votes because the people in the states voted for Trump. Now the democrats have employed the entire leftist media to try to subvert the republican victory by asserting that the electoral electors should ignore the will of the voters and elect anyone that they want when they cast the electoral votes next week.   The democrats are now saying that the 538 people in the electoral college should ignore the results of the presidential election and choose anyone that they want.

To make this crystal-clear, what the democrats are pushing for is to totally ignore the November election results. They are claiming that the electors in the electoral college can, and should, vote for anyone that they want for the office of president. The democrats are pushing to discard the democratic election process and to elect the president based strictly on the will of the 538 electors in the electoral college. This is tantamount to discarding the whole idea of any democratic process in choosing the president. There does not appear to be any limit to how low the democrat leadership will sink to win using any and all means available. If they are unsuccessful, what do you think they will try next? Perhaps, they can lead a revolution to take over by force!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Time to accept reality

The Democrats ongoing obsession with invalidating Mr Trump’s presidential election victory seems to have no bounds. They continue to invent every excuse possible to explain how his victory was a ‘fluke’ or to propose that his victory should be discounted. The democrats carried the state of California by more than 3 million votes. Could it be that a substantial number of votes cast in California were cast by illegals voting illegally? But the point is that the majority of the remainder of the country voted for Donald Trump. However, the democrats continue to try to invalidate Mr Trump’s victory by saying that the majority of votes were for Hillary. The Constitution clearly states that the presidential election is determined by electoral votes, not the popular vote.

Then they fall back on their same old tired excuse by claiming that Trump won the election because all of the Republicans (or maybe only most Republicans) are racists. Somehow they then claim that we hated Hillary because we are racist and we turned out in force to vote against her. It is obviously an idiotic emotional attempt to discount Mr. Trump’s victory.

Then they claimed that Mr Comey, the FBI director, purposely used the ongoing criminal investigation to sabotage Hillary’s campaign. Of course, just a few months earlier they had heaped praises on his head because he did not indict Hillary in spite of the existence of very powerful evidence against her.

The latest idiotic claim is that Russia hacked into the Democratic National Convention’s emails for the express purpose of sabotaging Hillary’s campaign. Of course, they completely ignore the fact that Wikileaks is the source of the leaked emails, and Wikileaks insists that Russia was not the hacker. All of this ignores the fact that the leaked emails were the TRUTH! Essentially, the democrats are really claiming that the American public had no right to be informed of the truth. So what else will they invent as the excuse that they lost the election!!!

The truth of the matter is that Donald ran the superior campaign. The truth of the matter is that Donald was the superior of the two candidates. And the truth of the matter is that election was decided by the voters in complete compliance with the constitution.

More invalid anti-trump rhetoric

On reading an article by Mr Robert Tracinski in The Federalist, I was impressed by his ability to twist what Mr Trump has said to put a negative spin on his words. It was done so smoothly that one could very easily miss the purposeful misdirection. For one thing, Mr Tracinski made the comment that Trump is proposing that there be a 35 % tax imposed on all imports. Please be aware of that statement, ALL IMPORTS. If you actually listen to what Trump is proposing then you can easily see that this misdirection is entirely wrong and intended to lay the groundwork for Mr Tracinski’s following accusations. What Trump is actually proposing is that any AMERICAN COMPANY that proposes moving their DOMESTIC MANUFACTURING out of the U.S. should have to pay consequences in the form of a 35% tax ON THEIR IMPORTS which were PREVIOUSLY MADE in America. Every other country in the world levies fees and/or distributes government incentives to companies in order to protect their domestic manufacturing jobs. If we put our companies in an inferior bargaining position in the world market, that is not free trade, it is stupidity.

Then Mr Tracinski deliberately misinterprets other statements made by Mr Pence and Trump regarding the ‘free market’. Mr Pence states that America has losing in the market place. Anyone with a grain of intelligence that has listened to Trump knows that he has repeated many times that America is ‘losing in the marketplace’ because of stupid trade agreements that cripple American businesses ability to compete. Mr Tracinski misdirects the reader into believing that Mr Pence and Trump are saying that the free market fails ‘every time’. That is totally wrong. What they are saying is that the incompetents have set up trade agreements that screw America EVERY TIME.

Friday, December 9, 2016

More jobs!!!

Trump is still a month away from occupying the office of the president, but he continues to be heads and shoulders above Obama in caring, in effort, and in getting results. The latest news highlights are as follows. Trump has gotten a commitment from the Ford CEO to expand Ford's manufacturing facilities in the U.S. with the commitment that it will be concentrating on hiring American workers. Trump has gotten a commitment from an investment firm outside the U.S. to invest up to 50 billion dollars in American manufacturing facilities also committing to employ American workers. What a contrast to Obama's leading from behind philosophy employing no effort on Obama's part to protect American jobs. But what do you really expect? After all, expending any personal effort on his part would have probably interfered with Obama's constant golf vacations! It was much easier for Obama to simply repeat over and over, those jobs are gone, get over it, those jobs are gone, get over it!

The Democrats Pretension

Retired coal miners have a problem! The coal companies had told them that their health care would be provided when they retired. Guess what? Hillary and the democrats drove the coal mine companies out of business. Remember Hillary's quote, "We will be putting a lot of coal miners out of work!" Since the democrats drove the coal companies out of business, the companies are no longer able to provide health insurance for the retired coal miners. This is not the fault of the coal companies. The responsibility for the loss of insurance lies squarely on the democrats heads. So now what are the democrats doing? They are pretending that they are concerned about the coal miners' welfare. The democrats are making a lot of noise about ensuring that the government provides the miners with health insurance. Such a wonderful situation. The democrats cause a horrendous problem for retired American workers due to a lack of empathy or caring, then they act like they are the white knights riding in to save the day BECAUSE NO ONE ELSE IS CONCERNED. Give me a break! The problem was caused by purposeful, deliberate uncaring efforts by the democrats, and now they pretend to care!!! The only thought in their minds is to find some way to recover the votes of the people that they have treated so callously. The democrats consider themselves to be the 'elite' and will only stoop to associate with what they consider to be the 'rabble' in order to garner votes. Pretend to love us, then ignore us once they have gotten what they want. The hypocrisy is very transparent!

Monday, December 5, 2016

A Comparison

In June of 2016, the steelworkers union pleaded with Obama to intervene with Carrier to save American jobs. Obama's answer to the union was to say that those jobs were gone, and he said that there was nothing that he as President was able to do to save the jobs. I am sure that you have heard the latest news. Trump took a couple of days of effort and saved over 1000 American jobs at Carrier. It is really a shame that we did not have a decent President in power when Carrier first began to talk about moving to Mexico.

I have a simple question. President Obama (with the power, prestige, and influence of the office) either could not or WOULD NOT save those jobs. Which was it? Either he is terribly ineffective and therefore unable to do anything, or Obama flat DOES NOT CARE about American workers and made ZERO EFFORT. After all, President-elect Trump has much less influence and power, but HE CARES! To me, the overriding issue is that during his eight years Obama made no effort to save American jobs. Trump has already made much more effort with much, much more results than Obama, and he still has not assumed the office of President.

Monday, November 28, 2016

the lack of integrity is unbelievable

The lack of integrity demonstrated by the democrats in this election is staggering. The disrespect for the law by the democrats is also unbelievable. Hiring thugs to disrupt the republican rallies is against the law. It violates election laws. The FBI (now controlled by Obama and the democrats) did not even acknowledge that there had been a violation of election laws, and you can be sure that there will be no FBI investigations or prosecutions of the guilty parties involved.

Then, in anticipation of a democratic winner, the democrats decried what they said the republicans would do when they lost. The democrats accused the republicans of the 'future riots' which they claimed the republicans would commit when they lost. Guess what. When the democrats lost the election, they rioted (just like they had claimed the republicans would do).

Then, the democrats tried to claim that the winner of the election should be the person who won the most popular votes.  The constitution disagrees!!! The constitution states that the winner is the person that gets the most electoral votes. The democrats rioted saying that they wanted the election results thrown out BECAUSE THEY DID NOT WIN.

Now the democrats are tying to undermine the constitution again. How are they trying this time, you ask? Well, now they are trying anything and everything to get the electors to break their oaths and vote against the person that they are bound by law to vote for. There really is no limit to how low the democratic leadership will stoop to twist, subvert, and otherwise bypass existing laws to get what they want!!!!! What the democrats are trying to say is that the 538 electors should meet and vote for anyone that they want to vote for, regardless of how the voters in their state voted. According to the democrats, there is no need for any citizen to ever vote for the president. The 538 electors should, according to the democrats thinking, simply meet, ignore any candidates from any political party, and install the person that they want into the office of president! Why not simply copy the communist party and simply put the most powerful communist into the office of president!? Why not just do what the democrats really want. Do away with elections altogether, let the democrats select a dictator (or maybe an emperor), and be done with it!

Monday, November 21, 2016

GG speaks

I suppose that everyone is talking about the garbage that GiGi was shoveling on the awards last night. It was a classic example of a third-rate airhead attempting to demean someone that is obviously her intellectual and moral superior.

Talking heads

The liberal media commentators with big mouths and small brains have been doing everything in their power to convince their listeners that the Trump transition team is in disarray. Be aware that these same talking heads were falling all over themselves praising Obama for his 'great' work. Two weeks after winning his election, Obama was too busy playing golf using taxpayer money to even have picked his first cabinet nominee. Finally, in the third week, Obama finally picked his first cabinet choice. And the liberal media talking heads fell all over themselves gushing out praises for Obama. It has only been two weeks since the election, and Trump is way ahead of schedule for his transition effort. So much for the lying liberal talking heads fabricated fairy tales!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Obama's legacy

During the presidential election, Obama pointedly demanded that voters defend his legacy. It is not a surprising demand on his part. It should be quite obvious that Obama is one of the most narcissistic people that you will ever meet. Obama really thinks that everything that he espouses and everything that he does should be applauded by everyone. In his excessive self-love and overriding self-centered view, he really thinks that there is no other opinion that should count about anything other than his opinion. His continual demeaning and mocking comments about anyone that has an opinion that differs from his are intended to silence any discussion or free thinking by anyone else.

Obama’s concern for his legacy has been an ongoing staple of his agenda in his public appearances, and with your permission, I would like to expound on it just a little. Most of the people in my circle of friends would be very happy to illuminate Obama as to the miserable failure his legacy will reflect. However, I think that I would much rather dedicate this article to discussing how well he has achieved his goals.

First of all, I will mention the hatred and booing that Vice-President elect Pence received while attending a play in New York. The reaction of the crowd, Obama-led left-wingers, spewed out hatred and total intolerance for a fine and decent man who has done a very commendable job of serving the people of his state. He definitely does not deserve to be vilified. However, this is a perfect example to show that Obama has been very successful in implementing one of his goals. The crowd was exhibiting Obama’s wishes exactly, total intolerance for someone with views that are different and total disrespect for anyone who is different. The crowd’s reaction is the result of Obama’s efforts to demean and vilify any and every person whose views are different than the political left.

Second of all, I will commend Obama for achieving another of his goals. It is wonderfully expressed by his own words, “I have a pen and a phone………”. Let me interpret what he was really saying when he spoke those words. “I don’t care what the laws say that were lawfully instituted by congress. I will write my own laws in complete defiance of the constitution of the United States. I will purposely break the oath that I took to enforce the laws of this country when I accepted the office of president.”. Then in the cases of Trevon Martin and Michael Brown, he expressly ignored the concept of innocent until proven guilty in his over-zealous desire to label all police as racially biased. In both cases, he was proven wrong, but he accomplished his goal of undermining the men who have the responsibility of upholding our laws. He clearly achieved his goal of undermining the foundation of American life which is that we are a country of laws. He was able to instill a disrespect for laws and law-abiding citizens, another wonderful achievement for his legacy.

Under Obama’s dictatorship, we not only have to accept homosexual behavior, he demands that we have to actively support and applaud it. There are many people who find homosexual behavior offensive and repugnant, but under Obama’s dictatorship, we are demeaned. Not only do we have to openly support it, it is implied that we should put it on a par with heterosexual behavior. Under Obama, we are required to open our children to exploitation by adults of the opposite gender in public bathrooms. Yes, Obama this is another part of your legacy. Well done!

For anyone with the ability to think, observe, and deduce, it is obvious that Obama’s opinion is that most of the world’s problems have been caused by America. He clearly thinks that America should have little or no role in world affairs. This was exemplified by his ‘apology tour’ early in his first term. The phrase “leading from behind” has been coined, quite appropriately, to describe Obama’s leadership in international affairs. The subsequent rise of ISIS perfectly demonstrates the result of Obama’s efforts to diminish America’s role in world affairs. The Russian activities in the Ukraine are a direct result of Obama’s efforts to diminish American power and influence. China’s activities in trying to dominate the shipping lanes in the China Sea is another example of diminished American influence purposely caused by Obama. The give-away-everything deal with Iran is another example of Obama’s efforts to weaken American power and influence. Obama set out with the objective of diminishing American international power and influence, and he has been very successful. Again, I have to say well done. This is part of the ‘change’ that Obama promised us in the 2008 election. That is another fine feather in your legacy.

Obama, there are so many facets to your legacy that I am unable to even scratch the surface within the scope of this article, but I promise that I will get back to you with more updates in the future.

Friday, November 18, 2016

More deceit

Well, Loretta Lynch and the corrupt justice department are playing the same old game again! There have been many instances of Trump supporters being attacked by hateful left-wing radicals since the election. You can be dead certain that if Hillary supporters had been attacked, the justice department would have already launched an all-out probe into 'hate crimes'. However, since it was 'only' Trump supporters being attacked, there will be a pretense of an investigation, then there will be a long delay in any type of investigative results, then there will be a pretense of empathy with the victims, then the whole investigation will be dropped with some type of 'explanation' of the attacks which will lead to a 'conclusion' that the attacks were not hate crimes. Thank God that Obama's corrupt 'Justice' will be gone in a few more months!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

democrats = anarchy

The democrats lost the election. The results are in. The election is over. The democrats do not believe in the rule of law. They are now trying to invalidate the lawful results of our election by calling for a revote by the electors, AND THEY ARE SAYING THE ELECTORS SHOULD NOT VOTE THE CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Why don't they just go to Russia where there is only one political party and the so-called elections are just a sham. It is obvious that they don't think that anyone except democrats should have any say-so in our elections!

commentary on article in USA today

Today I read an article in the USA today written by Josh Hafner which I would like to comment about. I felt that the article was poorly written and not easy to follow. My impression was that he wrote it in a hurry and did not take the time to check it for grammar or readability. It appeared that he was trying to make the argument that Trump's selection of Steve Bannon shows a propensity for hatred in the Trump organization. I find his whole article to be both presumptuous and preposterous.

Since Trump won the election, there has been a steady stream of hate, innuendo, and outright lies spewed by the political left. Josh refers to something written on a web site two years ago which is attributed to Steve Bannon. He presents one sentence, specifically ignores the context in which the statement was made, and then LEAPS to the conclusion that Trump is therefore approving of spewing hatred. It is the height of hypocrisy for Josh to even hint of hate within the Trump administration when there has been nothing but hateful language and actions taken by the political left after the election. The left continues to demand that any and all effort to 'heal the nation' must come from Trump even as they heap as much dung on him as possible. Josh's article, his assertions, and his attitude are all a continuance of the ongoing hate campaign from the political left, and really isn't worth the effort of struggling through his inept writing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thank God

I am looking forward to the Trump administration with great anticipation. For one thing, he will repeal Obama's litany of unconstitutional executive orders that were used expressly to bypass the lawful implementation of laws. Instead, Obama, like a third-world dictator, unilaterally 'wrote' his own laws in defiance of the laws passed by our congress, and in defiance of the intentions of our constitution. I keep telling myself that it is only a short time until we will be rid of the first American dictator. Obama and the democrats are justifiably concerned that Trump will run the government as a dictator. After all, that is how they want to run it. Their concern is unfounded. Trump probably will repeal most or all of the unconstitutional executive orders, but there is no way he will emulate Obama's third-world governing style. Thank God!

sore losers

Before the election, the democrats were certain of a democrat victory, and they were painting extremely ugly pictures of how the republicans would react. Guess what! They were exactly right in their predictions except that it is the ugly democrats that are acting out instead. Their nasty comments and dire predictions about the upcoming republican administration are a perfect embodiment of what they said the republicans would do. As usual, they based their predictions on how they would react, extremely nasty! Just a short history lesson, in the last two presidential elections when the democratic dictator, Obama, was elected, the republicans accepted the election results with quiet acceptance. As you can tell, the democrats are unable to do the same.

Friday, November 11, 2016

law of the jungle

America is a country run by laws. This is not a third-world country run by anarchists where power is seized by the use of violence or the threat of violence. The left-wing agitators instigating all of the riots now do not believe in government by laws. They believe that only they have any rights, and they intend to ignore all laws. The destruction of property and the threat of violence is not ‘free speech’. It is mob rule, and it is intended to destroy the rule of law and instill the law of the jungle instead.  

tit for tat

The shoe is on the other foot, and the democrats are running scared. After enduring eight years of dictatorial conduct in the White House by Obama to stuff the democrat’s agenda down the republican’s throats through the overreaching use of executive orders, the republicans have taken control of the White House and both houses of Congress. The democrats think that the republicans are going to play the same game of dictatorial politics. In all fairness, why not? Obama issued executive orders for the specific purposes of ignoring laws passed by congress, rewriting existing laws via executive orders, and instituting two levels of justice (one level for his cronies to ignore their transgressions and the other level of imperial punishment for his opponents). The democrats want to tar the republicans with the accusation that they will act like democrats by misusing power. They can’t imagine a world in which the people in power will be trying to improve the quality of life for EVERYONE!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

temper tantrums

I have to comment on the demonstrations being orchestrated by the radical left in the last few days. Trump won the election while following all of the election laws. The democrats used tactics that were at the least unethical if not downright illegal. Even so, Trump won the election. Now these fascist-leaning individuals are throwing a tantrum. Obviously, their belief is that no one should be allowed an opinion which differs from theirs. Obviously, they believe that if they don’t get what they want, then they can threaten violence. They even desecrate the American flag. They walk around spewing obscenities and call their disgusting behavior ‘free speech’. They do not believe in free speech. They think that they are the only people that have civil rights. It only makes sense. Their ‘leader’, Hillary, is continually in one scandal after another where she at least appears to be either morally deficient or a downright criminal. Her supporters apparently desire to sink to her level.

Friday, November 4, 2016

The stench of corruption is overwhelming

It is extremely hard to decide how to organize this post because there is simply so much corruption that it truly is overwhelming. So I guess that I will try to just list the high points of the corruption in the Obama administration as a lead-in into the filthy criminal organization that the Clintons have created. Since there is so much, I will probably leave out whole chunks of important information, but here goes. Do you remember the Fast and furious scandal? The justice department, under Eric Holder, arranged to provide many automatic weapons for the drug dealers under the guise of a 'botched' undercover operation. Obama publically decried the operation as a failure and vowed to find the 'guilty persons'. Then he and Eric Holder proceeded to cover up and bury the whole thing. There was never any investigation, and there was  never anyone held responsible for the resulting violence and murders of our border agents. My opinion is that someone in the Obama administration profited very well as a result of the 'fast and furious' operation. I also believe that either Obama or Eric Holder profited as well. But since it was thoroughly covered up, the truth will never be known!.

Do you remember the IRS scandal? Dozens of conservative political organizations were unlawfully denied their rightful tax-exempt status. The purpose of the denial was to diminish their political influence by decreasing their financial resources. Congress tried to investigate the IRS and all of their efforts were stymied because the IRS blatantly demonstrated contempt for congress by refusing to provide any information. Congress was unable to prosecute them for contempt of congress because Obama had totally corrupted the Justice Department to the point that the Justice Department refused to issue any indictments. Corruption of the Justice Department was the first thing that Obama did when he took office. For his entire administration, the Justice Department has refused to permit any indictments for any criminal offense committed by Obama's 'cronies'.

Obama's corrupt administration interlocks perfectly with the Clinton criminal organization. Obama placed Loretta Lynch into the head position of the Justice Department in order to ensure that the criminal activities of the Clintons will never be punished. Loretta Lynch is now and has been a 'bosom buddy' of Hillary Clinton for years. The Clinton organization 'arranged for' the 'donation' of about $600,000 (give are take) to the political campaign of the wife of the second in command of the FBI. He was the person in charge of investigations into the Clinton's. Needless to say, the investigation was fruitless. Do you like the smell of this? The FBI investigations into the Clintons is being purposely hampered by Loretta Lynch through denying the FBI the tools needed to do a complete investigation such as subpoena authority, formation of a grand jury, indictment authority, and much more. If Hillary becomes president, the one last remaining organization that has not been corrupted, the FBI, will be rendered ineffective. Hillary will ensure that the FBI power will be removed by whatever means she needs to use. Yes, in my opinion, that includes getting rid of selective FBI agents by WHATEVER MEANS IT TAKES! Hillary has no morals whatsoever, and in my opinion she is completely unconcerned with the effects of her actions on other people.

The Clintons are only interested in garnering power and wealth. They will make any kind of a deal with anyone for anything if it brings them more power and/or money. Hillary does not care for the welfare of anyone other than Hillary, and she has absolutely no problem with telling any lie to accomplish what she wants done. The Clinton Foundation has been set up for the exclusive purpose of providing money laundering, a vehicle for political 'pay to play' bribes, and a source of tax-free income for the Clintons. They spend the minimum necessary for 'humanitarian purposes' to 'qualify' the foundation, but even their 'humanitarian' efforts are riddled with cronyism where they use the foundation to distribute money to their 'donors' in the form of business contracts, etc. While Hillary was Secretary of State. they managed to leverage her political influence into hundreds of millions of dollars of  'pay-to-play' income. Her only purpose for seeking the office of President is to leverage the political power of the office of president into probably billions of 'pay-to-play' payments.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Look at what she does! Ignore what she says!

In order to understand Hillary, one must remember this axiom. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING SHE SAYS. BELIEVE WHAT SHE DOES!

Hillary claims that she supports equal pay for women, but what does she do? Check out the internet regarding men and women in the Clinton Foundation. The higher up in the organization you go, the fewer women you see. There is definitely not a commitment to put women into higher positions of authority in the Clinton Foundation. Dig a little deeper. Guess what, the pay for women in the Clinton Foundation is inferior to the pay for men at the same level. What do you think? If she does not promote women in her Clinton Foundation, and she pays them less than men for the same work, what does that say? To my mind, it speaks volumes. She does not actually support equal pay for women. What she says is meaningless. What she does is the opposite of what she claims she does!

Hillary claims that she supports women’s rights. However, she has accepted millions and millions of dollars from nations such as Saudi Arabia which treat women as little more than sexual slaves. However, Hillary takes their money, arranges special treatment in awarding contracts to these nations, and never says anything derogatory about their treatment of women. It is an established fact that Hillary (through pay-for-play payments to the Clinton Foundation) has accepted tens of millions of dollars from these nations, and during her tenure as Secretary of State, there were many contracts ‘awarded’ to these countries. Do you really see anything in Hillary’s actions which indicate support of women’s rights?

Hillary claims that she fights for the welfare of children. She claims in her commercials that she wants to ensure that all children have an equal chance at success. Sure sounds good doesn’t it! At the same time she is saying this she advocates for the ongoing murder of over 200,000 babies every year. Of course, she conveniently refers to the ongoing yearly slaughter as ‘women’s reproductive rights’. She even supports partial-birth abortion. In a nutshell, as the baby is being born, they puncture the skull, suck out the baby’s brain, and kill the child as it is being delivered. It is a barbaric practice and is currently illegal in America, but mark my words, if Hillary is elected, she will try to reinstate it! How do you believe Hillary’s claim to love and support children, when she openly advocates killing them for no more reason than ‘the pregnancy is an inconvenience for the mother’.  Look at what she does, ignore what she says!

Hillary claims to support the police. She laments for the murders of our police officers. Don’t you find it hard to square this with her open support and endorsement of organizations such as ‘Black Lives Matter’, which is a blatantly racist organization which advocates killing police officers? She gives lip service to supporting the police, but look at what she does. It is clear that she only says she supports the police in order to get their votes.

Hillary claims to be concerned about the safety of American citizens. A presidential candidate should be concerned about citizen’s safety, right? However, look at what she advocates. She wants ‘open borders’. Let’s put that in different words. She wants us to have no one defending the borders of our country. If you are a drug dealer, Hillary wants you to be able to freely cross our border with any kind of material you want in your possession. If you are an illegal gun dealer, Hillary wants you to have total unfettered access to and from our country with any weapon of mass destruction you want to bring in. If you are a criminal from another country, she says come on in. She will do nothing to stop you from entering our country for whatever illegal reason you want. If you are a terrorist, come on in! If you are ‘only an illegal alien’ she may even issue an executive order to give you welfare payments paid for by the American taxpayers. Do you see any concern for safety of American citizens in an ‘open border’ environment? Look at what she does!

I could go on and on. There are plenty of other examples, but if you are still not convinced, you are a lost cause. One last time, look at what Hillary does, ignore what she says!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Will the lies ever stop?

Do you remember the lies which you were told? Your medical costs will go down. Purposeful and deceitful lie! Your premiums will go down. Another deceitful lie. You can keep your current doctor. Another deceitful lie. The average family's cost will decrease by $2400 per year. A disgusting lie. Surely you still remember the way you were lied to.

The average medical premiums have zoomed upwards by more than 50% for the typical American family under Obamacare. There were many people who lost their medical coverage altogether. The typical deductible for a family is now closer to $10,000. Altogether, the average medical costs have already skyrocketed under Obamacare. It is a farce for it to be referred to as the 'affordable care' act. You know, and I know that the Obama administration has done everything possible to prevent the reporting of the upcoming Obamacare cost increases before the election. Obama and Hillary colluded to prevent you, the voters from knowing just how sorry of an health care plan Obamacare is.

Hillary is on a desperate mission to convince you that she will bring down the cost of Obamacare. She claims that the excessively high deductibles and the outrageous premiums being charged and the spiraling prescription cost will all be reduced under her administration. I feel no trust in her promises. She lies about everything. The fault for the out-of-control medical costs belongs exclusively to Obama and Hillary. HILLARY IS CLAIMING THAT THE MISERABLE FAILURE CALLED OBAMACARE SHOULD BE KEPT WITH SOME 'SMALL' CHANGES!! When will the gullible people wake up and realize that they are being fed a continuing line of lies? Can't you smell the dung being offered to you again?

In spite of Obama and Hillary's best efforts, the coming skyrocketing costs of Obamacare have been released. You know as well as I do that the real hikes in costs will probably be even higher than the released information has stated. The main news agencies (all left-wing controlled) will do all that they can to suppress this information. If you think that people have a right to know how the government intends to put it to them, then you can copy this post and email your friends with the information, or you can google it (obamacare rate hikes). For your information, I have listed the increases in all of the states with increases above 20%. The average hike will be in excess of 25%. By the way, the increases vary by state depending on the whim of the government officials, probably not even related to what the real costs are.

Here are the ONE-YEAR increases coming soon.
Arizona – 116% increase in obamacare costs, Oklahoma – 69% increase in obamacare costs, Tennessee - 63% increase in obamacare costs, Minnesota – 59% increase in obamacare costs, Alabama – 58% increase in obamacare costs, Pennsylvania – 53% increase in obamacare costs, Nebraska – 51% increase in obamacare costs, Montana – 44% increase in obamacare costs, Illinois – 43% increase in obamacare costs, Kansas – 42% increase in obamacare costs, North Carolina – 40% increase in obamacare costs, South Dakota – 39% increase in obamacare costs, West Virginia – 32% increase in obamacare costs, New Mexico – 29% increase in obamacare costs, Alaska – 29% increase in obamacare costs, South Carolina – 29% increase in obamacare costs, Oregon – 27% increase in obamacare costs, Iowa – 25% increase in obamacare costs, Wash DC – 22% increase in obamacare costs, Utah - 20% increase in obamacare costs.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Reason number 3 to vote against Hilllary

In my previous post, I spoke about the second reason to vote against Hillary. With your permission, I will now expound on the third reason to vote against Hillary.

At the beginning of Hillary’s career when she was 27 years old, she was fired from her position as a staff attorney during the Watergate investigation. You can read the quote from her boss in my previous post titled ‘Some Things Never Change’. He elegantly explained why he fired her. Those characteristics that Hillary displayed at that time have continued up to the present time and have in fact become even more corrupt. The third reason to vote against Hillary is because she is completely and irretrievably corrupt.

If you refer to my previous post titled ‘Charles Krauthammer on the Clinton Foundation’ it clearly describes the way that the Clinton Foundation is set up specifically to function as a money-laundering organization. I am sure that if Al Capone could look at the Clinton Foundation in detail, he would express very high approval of how well it functions as a money-laundering operation. In addition, it is also a very good medium through which money can be funneled to Hillary Brown Shirts for their unethical activities which is virtually untraceable. The point is that the Clinton Foundation is an integral part of the thoroughly corrupt organization.

Hillary is only interested in accumulating large amounts of money and power. She will say anything and do anything to accomplish these goals. Why is this important to you, the voter? You cannot believe anything that Hillary says. She has bragged about having a ‘public face’ in which she expresses whatever view her Brown Shirts have determined will gain her the most votes. Translating this ‘Hillary speech’ to English – She lies to the public as needed to gain votes or power.

Why is Hillary’s greed important to you, the voter? She will make a deal with anyone for anything if the price is right. She does not care about ‘the little people’. If she is elected President, everything in America that is worth anything, and if she can profit from its sale, will be sold for Hillary’s enrichment. Refer to my previous post titled ‘Hillary and Bill sold American Uranium resources to Russia’. The Clintons may have received up to 145 million dollars for this ‘deal’. Can you imagine what Hillary will be able to sell, and who she will be able to sell to if she is the President?

Hillary and Bill sold American Uranium resources to Russia

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she and Bill through the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in 'pay-for-play' payments from Russian Sources for their help in the sale of 20% on all of America's uranium resources. Read the entire article written by John Hayward and printed in July of this year at the url below:

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Reason number 2 to vote against Hillay

In my previous post, I spoke about the first reason to vote against Hillary. With your permission, I will now expound on the second reason to vote against Hillary. In a nutshell, the second reason is because Hillary is a liar.
If you are a Hillary Brown Shirt, I am sure that you have either totally ignored Hillary’s lies or you are probably clinging to the fantasy that she doesn’t lie. You may even be trying to rationalize her lies by making the statement, “All politicians lie!” While there is some truth to that statement, all politicians don’t habitually lie. Even when presented with blatant and undeniable proof of her lies, Hillary will continue to push the same lie, or minimize her lie in an effort to convince the listeners that the event she is lying about is inconsequential. Most of the time, when she is presented with proof of her lies, she fabricates another lie in an effort to support her previous lies.

Taking a very small sample of her lies is enough to convince any reasonable person that she lies habitually. Regarding the Benghazi attack, Hillary first claimed that the attack was not a terrorist attack. Instead, she claimed that it was a ‘spontaneous demonstration that turned violent’. Of course, any intelligent person should know that demonstrators don’t show up at a spontaneous demonstration with rocket launchers. Why did she lie? The reason is simple. It was politically inconvenient to have a terrorist attack occur at that time because the political left was claiming that the terrorists were defeated, and there was an election happening that might be negatively affected if the terrorists were not ‘controlled’. We know that she was lying because we have copies of emails she wrote that explained how the attack was a planned terrorist attack! Then there are the series of lies regarding her ‘use of a private server’ where she made repeated claims that she didn’t receive or send any classified emails. The FBI found multiple instances (read that as hundreds of instances) where there were classified emails involved. I could go on and on, but I am just mentioning a few instances to show that she is a liar. As final proof that Hillary is a liar, just read her own words spoken to a group of businessmen. She stated that she has a ‘private policy’ for her set of confidants which she claims is the truth, and she has a ‘public policy’ which she claims is for the general public which is a stance taken to fool people into voting for her.

The real question to be answered is “Why does Hillary’s habitual lying disqualify her as President?” First of all, if you are a Christian, or you are a person with morals, it should outrage you to be subjected to a person that is a habitual liar. One of the qualities that should be a requirement in a President is to be an honest person, at least most of the time. You Hillary Brown Shirts will surely try to say that ‘everyone lies’, but I say that not everyone lies ALL THE TIME.

Last of all, if you like what Hillary has said in her ‘public policy’ speeches, ask yourself “What does that mean?” She will tell the public anything (read that as any lie) to obtain their vote. She bragged about doing exactly that. Since she lies about everything, how can you trust anything that she says? She will do what she wants to do, and what she has said in the past will be totally disregarded if she wants it disregarded.

The first reason to vote against Hillary

All of the liberal media are pretending that the election has already been concluded and they are busy writing the ‘Trump epitaph’. I still believe that if God says Trump will win, then even with all of the public media against Trump, even with all of the ‘established corrupt political machine’ against him, Trump will still win. That said, I will now expound on the first reason to vote against Hillary.

If Hillary wins the election there will be a plethora of negative consequences. The first and most devastating is that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who have no respect for the constitution. The role of the Supreme Court as defined in the constitution is to ensure that the laws of the land are in keeping with the principles outlined in the constitution. The judges that Hillary will appoint are not interested in the principles outlined in the constitution. Instead, they are intent in redefining the laws of the land to conform to whatever their idea of justice is. Some of the principles in the constitution that are in danger are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the second amendment. The attitudes expounded in the uncovered emails from within the Hillary Campaign graphically show the total disdain that Hillary has for the Catholics and the Christians in America. You can be sure that if Hillary is elected, there will be further laws enacted to restrict the rights of spiritual expression in America. For instance, she may push for ‘freedom for spiritual expression in the privacy of the person’s home’ with the implied restriction that spiritual expression outside the privacy of one’s home is to be diminished.

Freedom of speech is clearly in jeopardy in Hillary’s insistence that everyone should comply with what is politically correct. In Hillary’s view, it is politically correct to state that a women’s right to ‘reproductive choices’ in indisputable. This is Hillary-speak for ‘if you want to kill your baby, the state must help you’. But the more insidious result will be that the political left will totally dominate the public media to an extent never seen, and that will be unbelievable. The dissemination of political propaganda in America currently is extremely biased to the political left, and under Hillary this will accelerate to a point where the propaganda machine will rival the Nazi propaganda machine that existing during Hitler’s reign.    

The political elite have their ‘hired guns’ to protect them. If you should make the suggestion that they do without their armed bodyguards, then they will immediately accuse you of wanting them dead. Look at how they accused Trump when he said something about bodyguards for the elite. However, they want to deny you the right to defend yourself against attack. Hillary will mount an all-out attack on the second amendment to ‘modify it’ into non-existence. I cannot predict how devious her assault will be, but it will come in the form and guise of ‘public safety’ measures against gun ownership. She may even allow you to have your guns, and outlaw your right to purchase bullets. Who knows?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Christian speaks out

I had this article forwarded to me, and I cannot identify who is the author. However, it is well-written and expresses a viewpoint that I think needs to be widely read. Therefore, I am passing it on in its entirety without any changes or further comments.

This may be the best and most honest political promotion statement you will ever read.  It decidedly does not brush objections aside. 


You hate Hillary?  READ it.


  You hate Trump?  READ it. 


You think there's no choice?  READ it.  And, read it with your grown-up hat on. 

We've all been dealt huge responsibility with this election.  The first step toward accepting responsibility is accepting it, and the first step toward accepting it is recognizing it. 


READ THIS.  Read every single word.  It'll take you about three minutes.  Be sure to read to the end (take a few minutes and read all of it!)

Are you sickened and despondent with the current campaign and upcoming presidential election?
I consider myself a conservative and do truly believe our country is at a political/economic/moral/ social crossroads. I need to let you know I could/would never vote for Hillary Clinton to lead this country.  To me, she represents everything that is wrong with our current political structure.  On the flip side, I look and listen to Donald Trump and I cringe at every rude, insulting comment he makes.

If you find yourself in a similar state of mind, please read the following article:

A Message For Christians About Donald Trump

Here's a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.

"A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof at home with massive flooding up to the 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says "No, I'm waiting for God. I prayed and I know he's coming."  2nd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God." 3rd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God."

Water rises. The man drowns. Now he's meeting God in heaven. The religious man says, "Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?"

God says, "Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats
Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?

Maybe God is trying to tell us something important--that now is not the time for a "nice Christian guy" or a "gentleman" or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentlemen don't apply here. Maybe a gentleman and "all-around nice Christian" would lead us to slaughter.

Or do you want another Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, John McCain, Gerald Ford or Paul Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to "the promised land?" Did they change the direction of America ? No, because if you don't win, you have no say.

Paul Ryan couldn't even deliver his own state, Wisconsin ! And as leader of the House, Paul Ryan rolls over to Obama like my dog rolls over for a scrap of food, or a steak bone.  Nice, but obedient. I mean Paul Ryan...not my dog. My dog is actually a pretty good defender and loyal.

Maybe God is knocking on your door loudly, but you're not listening. Maybe God understands we need a "war leader" at this moment in time. Maybe God understands if we don't win this election, America is dead. It's over. The greatest nation in world history will be gone. Finished. Kaput. Adios.

And with one last breath, maybe what we need to save us at the last second, is someone different. Someone you haven't ever experienced before-- because you weren't raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you're combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe just a tad arrogant too.

Someone with a personality you've never seen on stage at your church. Maybe, just maybe, being a nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Hillary and her billion dollars, and her best friends in the media who will unleash the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.

I guess you think God is only nice and gentlemanly. Really? Then you've missed the whole point of the Bible. When necessary, God is pretty tough. When necessary, God strikes with pain, death and destruction. When necessary, God inflicts vengeance.
Maybe you think God couldn't possibly be associated with someone like Trump. Trump is too vicious, rude and crude.

When we won WWII, was God "nice?" Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler? Were we gentlemanly when firebombing Germany? Were we gentlemanly when dropping atomic bombs on Japan ? Is God ever "nice" on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB's like General George S. Patton so the good guys can defeat evil?


It's pretty clear to me God sends unique people to be "war leaders." That's a different role than a pastor or church leader. God understands that.

And maybe it's time to re-define "nice." Maybe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan aren't nice at all--because they led us to defeat. And losing again would mean the end of America . And God can't allow that. Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe they're just jealous they had their chance and blew it. Maybe they'd rather help elect Hillary than allow a Trump victory that would make them look weak, feckless and incompetent.

"Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord 
shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." (Isiah 40:30-31)

God is about miracles. We don't need a "nice guy" or a "gentleman" right now. It's the 4th quarter and we're losing 14-0. We need a miracle.

So let me repeat my message to Christians: "YOU'RE MISSING THE BOAT."

I believe Trump is our miracle. I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he's more like a battleship!

No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time.  Yes, he's a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America , American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for Christians.


It's Trump...or it's the end of the American dream.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

More about Hillary's Brown Shirts

Have you heard of Scott Foval? Have you heard of the many Trump events which had violent demonstrations against Trump? Have you heard the propaganda from the liberal media which did everything in their power to blame the violence on Trump instead of putting the blame correctly on the violent demonstrators? Do you want to know the truth? Don’t look for the truth in the liberal media! The truth is that the violent demonstrations were a planned strategy by Hillary’s organization to accomplish two goals. The first goal was to interrupt and destroy the Trump rallies as much as possible. After all, only Hillary’s organization should have the right to free speech. The second goal was to pin the ‘violent’ reputation onto the Trump organization. Another lie by misdirection. The tasks were accomplished by another branch of the Hillary Brown Shirts. Hannity reported the information on his web site which you can view by clicking on the address below.


A Hillary Brown Shirt Story

You probably have no idea who Patrict Kennedy is, so I want to be sure that you know that he is an ardent Hillary supporter. In my opinion, I think he should be identified as another of Hillary’s Brown Shirts. But maybe you don’t know the implication of being a Hillary Brown Shirt. Just in case you are not acquainted with historical facts about Nazi Germany, I will just quickly describe Hitler’s Brown Shirts. During Hitler’s rise to power, he gathered his most dedicated followers into a coherent group whose main function was to provide ‘services’ for Hitler. Those services could be threats of violence against Hitler’s opponents, unlawful actions to cover up Hitler’s actions, and so on. Basically they would do anything Hitler wanted done regardless of how lawless the action was. I think I have said enough to provide a definition of what I mean when I refer to Hillary Brown Shirts.

After Hillary’s emails were subpoenaed, they were supposed to be turned over to Congress in their entirety. We know that Hillary destroyed over 33000 of them in defiance of the Congressional subpoena. However, she apparently made the mistake of not destroying all of the incriminating emails. There was one email classified as top secret. By law, it should have been delivered to the FBI with the top secret classification still attached. Patrict Kennedy knew that that would not be good for Hillary. So he went to the FBI and tried to negotiate a ‘quid pro quo’ to have the email’s classification changed to unclassified in return for a ‘favor’ given to the FBI. Now let me reiterate that the email had been subpoenaed which means that it is therefore against the law to change the classification at that point. Hillary defenders will try to make the argument that email security clearances are changed routinely to allow for people with lower classification to read the emails, which is true, but it is never supposed to be changed when the email has been subpoenaed. For a change, the Hillary corruption did not spill over into the FBI. However, they did allow Patrick’s attempt at coercion to go unpunished. Attempting to ‘bribe’ the FBI should have been recognized and prosecuted as a crime.  

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hillary's America

I am sure that by now you have read about the Hillary thugs that torched the Republican headquarters in North Carolina. I am also certain that you are aware of all of the efforts made by the Hillary thugs to destroy and prevent the Republican meetings through the entire campaign. This is a perfect prediction of Hillary's America. In her vision, the right to free speech will only be given to Hillary thugs. All other attempts to speak out will be squashed. It is very similar to the  tactics used by Hitler's Brown Shirts to silence any opposition in Hitler's rise to power in Nazi Germany. It is a continuation of and extension of the corrupt administration we have seen by Obama. In Obama's corrupt government the IRS was used to shut down the Republican organizations by denying them the same tax-exempt status that the Democrat organizations were given. In Obama's corrupt administration there is at least two different standards of justice. There is the strict interpretation and punishment for those who are not in the 'privileged class' even if there is no crime committed, and then there is the non-punishment for the guilty 'privileged class'. The treatment that was afforded to Hillary is a perfect example. Hillary will continue the same corrupt government that has been established by Obama. Effectively, Hillary will attempt to outlaw the Republican party.
Also, in Obama's administration there has been total disdain for our laws. Obama's executive orders which ignore existing law and his executive orders which change existing laws, effectively writing laws in an unconstitutional manner, will be continued and expanded under a Hillary administration. She has already noted her intention to expand the use of executive orders if elected. When a president is able to ignore existing laws and effectively change existing laws by executive order, then America no longer has a president, we then HAVE A DICTATOR. This is another of Hillary's visions for America.
Last of all, Hillary has only two things that are important to her, power and money. Through the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons have been able to establish a 'play for pay' scheme that is rampant with corruption. There has been millions of dollars, probably hundreds of millions of dollars 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation as payment for political favors. If she is elected this will accelerate immensely. Everything in America, all of our wealth, all of our natural resources, all of our military power will be for sale by Hillary. Anything and everything that the president can do to help any foreign power or corrupt business will be for sale to the highest bidder. Since no one knows who will be willing to pay Hillary the most money for political favors, it is extremely difficult to know exactly what executive orders will be written or who will be awarded the billion dollar government contracts, but you can be pretty sure that you, the average citizen, will be left holding the empty bag.
The Hillary campaign, all of the lies, and all of the efforts to shut down free speech for anyone but Hillary during the campaign are just the beginning of the descent into the toilet if Hillary is elected.