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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

FBI corruption

The fantasy of the Trump/Russian collusion is totally falling apart as after more than a year of “investigation”, read that as attempted frame, has turned up absolutely nothing. Mueller is therefore now trying to build a different fantasy. In this fantasy, President Trump has “thought” about firing Mueller. Mueller’s new fantasy is that if President Trump simply “thought” about it, then he can accuse him of obstruction of justice and prosecute him for his “thoughts”. Meanwhile, the real facts about what has been happening are beginning to emerge!

If you care to know some REAL FACTS, please continue reading. First of all, FBI agent Orr has been demoted TWICE for acts that he committed which were in violation of FBI protocol. In my opinion, he should be fired and criminally charged for his activities. FBI agent Strzok has been demoted, and I anticipate that he will be fired and also criminally charged for his activities. Agent Strzok’s lover, a lawyer in the FBI, will most certainly suffer the same fate as him. FBI agent McCabe has now also been fired, and I hope that criminal charges will be brought against him. There is plenty of evidence to charge Agent Comey with obstruction of justice, and I expect that he will eventually be charged as more evidence is uncovered. Although I have no evidence yet, in my opinion FBI agent Rosenstein may very well have been involved in the same nefarious activities. The democrats are trying to claim that these demotions and firings do not indicate any wrong doing by these FBI agents. SURE!!! FBI agents are demoted, fired and charged with criminal activities as a NORMAL FBI procedure for no reason! All of these agents were involved in a plot to frame President Trump in an obvious coup attempt against a sitting President.

But the FBI corruption is only part of the story that is being uncovered. But for the rest of the story, read my further posts.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

democrats vs blacks

I would really like to get some comments on this post. I find it difficult to understand how the democrats have convinced anyone that they are fighting for Black rights. There is nothing in the democrat’s history which really supports such a contention. Let’s start near the beginning of American history. You know and I know that there was one group of people in the United States that owned slaves from the beginning of American history. Yes, you guessed it! It was the democrats! Now how can anyone claim that slave owners were interested in the rights of their slaves? Slaves were almost exclusively Blacks. So that sets the stage. From the very beginning, democrats had no interest in Black rights!

Who was the president who fought to give slaves their freedom? You guessed it, Abraham Lincoln, a republican president. But did the democrats accept President Lincoln’s stand. Of course, not! The democrats were not going to give up their slaves without a bloody civil war. So, the democrats caused the civil war by fighting against black rights.

We all know how the civil war ended, but the democrats were still adamantly opposing black rights. You are aware of the “Jim Crow Laws” that the democrats instituted once they had lost the civil war. The whole purpose of the “Jim Crow” laws was to deny blacks their rights by devious and dishonest laws that prevented blacks from exercising their rights. The battle over “Jim Crow” went on for many years, but eventually the “Jim Crow” laws were destroyed.

Do you think that settled the issue of black rights? Of course not. The democrats then found sneaky ways to institute “separatism” which was a means of denying blacks access to public facilities. The democrats also devised intricate rules to deny blacks their voting rights with absurd “reading tests”. Eventually, most of these ploys by the democrats were also defeated.

Then the democrats hit upon a very devious plan to ensure that the blacks would have maximum difficulty in obtaining economic equality. They devised an elaborate “welfare” system where they could pretend that they were assisting “the poor” (read that as mostly blacks). Of course, there is a system of devious rules that are part of the “welfare aid” which is intended to discourage anyone on “welfare” from doing anything to “exit” from welfare. So effectively, the system is set up to offer a minimal subsistence existence just so long as the welfare recipient does nothing outside of the “guidelines”. Effectively, the government can dictate where a welfare recipient can live (is this segregation?), and how much money the recipient can earn. Combine this with the democrat’s demand that no one should be able to send their kids to a school of their own choice when the education being provided by the government is inferior.

So how does this all work together? The democrats tell the “minorities” that they can’t succeed because of “discrimination”. But in reality, if a black is rejected for a job, the most probable reason for the rejection is because the government-provided education was probably inferior, preventing the job applicant from having the skills needed for the job.

So now the democrats have hit on a “solution” whereby they can promote the illusion that they support black rights, thereby winning the majority of black votes. First of all, the democrats have worked to set up an education system where superior private education is mostly denied to the black population. Then they have promoted the widespread fantasy that blacks will be denied employment because of racism. This fantasy also helps to support the other half of the democrat’s strategy. They promote the idea that poor blacks should therefore accept the near poverty existence of welfare because they will be denied jobs based on racism. Then they can claim that they are the “white knights” fighting for blacks, but haven’t you noticed that most of the areas suffering from chronic poverty and lack of opportunity are those areas being run by democrats?

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Explaining Chuck Shumer

The funds for the wall on the southern border have been authorized since 2006. Authorizing funds does nothing at all. Once funding is authorized, it must be then be appropriated before it can be spent. To offer authorization for funding is an empty promise, especially if you are offered authorization for funding by Chuck Shumer. A promise from Chuck Shumer and four dollars will buy a cup of coffee in a cheap restaurant. The same cup of coffee can be bought for three dollars if you discard the Chuck Shumer promise.

Chuck Shumer is spouting a lot of bald-faced lies. He claims that he has offered full funding for the wall and for increased military spending. That is a lie. He has offered authorization for these two items. Once the Republicans request appropriation of the funding, Chuck Shumer and his democrat flunkies will refuse to appropriate the funding. It is obviously a lie. His offer has no value because it does not provide money for the funding.

In addition, his offer is to increase chain migration which is exactly the opposite of what President Trump and the GOP want. He also makes no offer at all addressing the issue of the immigration lottery. So he wants to keep it in place to ensure that we will be totally exposed to infiltration by terrorists, drug dealers and other criminals.

In return for his offer OF NOTHING AT ALL, he wants citizenship for 4 million illegal aliens who have no right to be in this country.

To recap Chuck Shumer’s offer, the Republicans get nothing that they want and the Democrats get everything that they want plus a totally non-functional ongoing immigration system that guarantees that the same circumstances will reoccur.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

another attaboy

If your source of news is CNN, MSNBC or one of the other Trump-hating fake news, you may not have heard some of the latest news. First of all, it is getting hard to keep up with all of the companies giving pay raises and bonuses as a direct result of the Trump tax cut, but it is now over 150 companies and growing daily. Of course, the tax cut was in addition to President Trump's scrapping so many of Obama's business-killing regulations. Add to this the plethora of announcements from business regarding future plans to expand. The most notable is the announcement from Apple that they intend to invest up to 350 billion dollars in new facilities in America over the next ten years as a direct result of the new tax code. In the second and third quarter, the economy grew in excess of 3% and the preliminary estimate is that fourth quarter growth will exceed 4%. In all eight of his years, Obama never matched these kind of results, and President Trump has only had a year. Also, other notable achievements are that Black unemployment is at a 17-year low, and Hispanic unemployment is the lowest in history since they started keeping statistics.

When President Trump was elected, the know-nothing talking heads in the fake news stated that the economy would crater under Trump. We now know that was a lie. The fake news predicted that the stock market would crash. It has been the exact opposite. Another lie. When the tax bill was being pursued, the democrats claimed it would be disaster. Another lie. They claimed that the 'common people' would see no benefit. Wages and available jobs are climbing very quickly. Another lie. The current lie being pushed is that the 'common people' will see no additional income. I wonder how the 'liberal' media is going to explain away the increases that most people are going to start seeing within another month or so once the new withholding rates are implemented. At what point does the 'boy that cried wolf' syndrome finally begin to set in and people begin to realize how the 'liberal' media is lying to them?

more truth about democrats

The democrats have made it crystal-clear that they will do anything to ensure that millions of illegal aliens be given legal status, probably as American citizens with a multitude of freebie benefits to be paid exclusively by American taxpayers. Their position is that they care little or not at all for what is good for our country and they only care about illegal aliens. They don’t care if our military families’ paychecks are terminated causing undue hardship just as long as they can promote their “everything for illegals” attitude. They don’t care if they expose our country to excessive danger due to lack of money just as long as the people who have broken our laws get everything that they want. They don’t care about law and order, and rather they are pushing for anarchy by undermining the laws of our country. Why would anyone who loves America pursue goals which are guaranteed to harm our country by destroying the whole concept that we are a nation of laws? It would be easy to conclude that the democrats hate America, and that may have some truth in it, but I would like to analyze this logically.

First of all, it is a given that the democrats are only motivated by power and the accumulation of more power. So since we know that basis of motivation, it becomes quite a bit easier to understand what they are attempting to do. I have outlined this before, but for those of you who have not heard it before, here is a short explanation of the democrats overall plan.

First of all, everyone knows that the democrats are vehemently opposed to any kind of voter ID system that may provide the ability to determine if a person is an American citizen with the right to vote. They usually scream that requiring any kind of documentation is “racist” (their favorite accusation for just about everything), and they have been successful in making it very difficult to even identify who is trying to vote. Many “liberal” states, especially California, are violently opposed to any attempt to identify voter fraud, probably because it is rampant in their state. What is the overall purpose of this opposition? Obviously, it makes it difficult to ascertain if a person can legally vote. Secondly, it is meant to make it even more difficult to identify who voted, AND HOW OFTEN ONE PERSON VOTED. Without adequate voter ID, anyone (including illegals) can vote IN ANY AREA.

Second of all, the democrats are heavily opposed to having any control of our borders. No matter what kind of suggestion you make for securing our borders, the “liberal left” will be opposed. Now why would any American oppose protecting us from illegal aliens, drug dealers, gun runners, terrorists, or criminals who want to illegally enter America? Well, in regards to illegal aliens, it is rather obvious. The democrats are offering illegal aliens access to everything that they want at American taxpayer expense. Democrats tell illegal aliens to break our laws, there will be no punishment. They tell illegals, sneak in and we will give you free education, free medical care, free housing, welfare payments, food stamps, preferred position for college education, and anything else that will assure the democrats that the illegals will be willing to vote for democrats, even if it is illegal for them to vote. This position of the democrats is clearly demonstrated by their willingness to shut down our government regardless of the consequences in order to cater to illegal aliens.

So what happens if the democrats are successful in destroying any semblance of border security and destroying any decent voter ID requirements? It clears the way for total anarchy in our country regarding elections. I can easily see the democrats bussing illegals across the Mexican border on election days to vote in our elections. Not only voting, but voting multiple times in multiple locations with the obvious conclusion. They would be willing to pay the associated costs to transport the illegals into and around our country to illegally vote thereby turning all elections into a farce, and we can say goodbye to anything resembling a democracy. As a matter of fact, we can say goodbye to America as a country.

A Truth about democrats

In the coming months the democrats are going to try to convince everyone that they are really moderates. Nothing could be further than the truth! They will spin any kind of story that they think will buy your vote, and as soon as they have gotten your vote, they will then pursue their radical left-wing agenda. Let’s just do a little analysis. First of all, they not only tell us that we must support the murder of unborn babies, they also tell us that we must provide the money to accomplish these murders. They declare that this is “women’s rights”.

First of all, let me ask you a simple question. If they really care about women’s rights, why don’t you ever hear any kind of concern expressed about the lack of women’s rights in Muslim nations? In most of the Muslim nations a woman cannot vote. Neither can a woman successfully prosecute a man for rape unless she can get three Muslim men to testify that they witnessed the rape. Fat chance of that happening! Most Muslim women are not allowed to even drive a car or venture out of the home unless accompanied by a man. If a female is deemed to have disgraced the family honor, she can be murdered in an ‘honor killing’ with no repercussions. Instead of outrage, the democrats fall all over themselves lauding the merits of the Muslim society. The most prominent democrats, the Clintons, routinely take millions of dollars from Muslim nations in thinly-disguised bribes for their political support. I could write a very long dissertation demonstrating the lack of real concern for women’s rights by the democrats, but instead it will much more understandable to explore the real reason that the democrats demand that we allow them to murder unborn babies.

To state it as simply as possible, “It’s all about the money, stupid”. Think about this in a coolly logical manner. The democrats battle for the right to pay Planned Parenthood almost a billion dollars a year in taxpayer money for the primary purpose of murdering unborn babies. Why would anyone fight to pay that kind of money to murder hundreds of thousands of unborn babies? There is a fortune in profits earned every year in the business of murdering babies. First of all, the actual process of abortion rakes in millions of dollars. Then there is the other side of the business which the democrats claim does not exist, but it most obviously does exist. You know the business, harvesting body parts from the dead bodies of murdered babies.

So it is obvious that Planned Parenthood exists primarily for the purpose of profiting from these murders, but what do the democrats get for their billion dollars of support. Truth be told, they don’t have to pay the money, taxpayers foot the bill! To state this as simply as possible, “It’s all about the political power, stupid”. The democrats are only interested in power and money. If you have political power, you will have tons of money, and they know this. So their game is always about amassing power, and all of the money that comes with it, and if a few hundred thousand unborn babies must be killed, then so be it. It is a beautiful demonic scheme. The democrats provide the political cover and taxpayer money to support the killing of babies, and then receive more political support and money in return. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

If you buy the democrats lies, do you really think they will give up such a perfect scheme once they have gotten your vote?

Thursday, January 18, 2018

democrats attempting blackmail

It must be noted that the budget process is totally unrelated to the DACA issue. The budget process can, and should, be completed separately from any consideration of the DACA issue. However, in their typical mode of operation, the democrats are using the budget process to attempt to blackmail the republicans into total surrender regarding the DACA resolution without even attempting to resolve the underlying immigration problems which have caused the DACA issue in the first place. It is exactly what I expect from the democrats, absolutely zero effort to reach an agreement which might provide both sides some or most of what they want. The democrats have zero regard for what is needed for the good of our country, or for the safety of our citizens, or for the needs of our military. They only care about the desires of illegal aliens. They will not negotiate in good faith, and believe in only zero-sum politics. The democrats are solely to blame for this fabricated crisis which they have manufactured for blackmail purposes, and they should be held totally accountable for any and all negative consequences from the government shutdown which they have purposely manufactured.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

More Nancy Pelosi nonsense

Nancy Pelosi is once again peddling nonsense. As I am sure you are aware, the democrats fought the tax cut bill for all they were worth. To restate that, the democrats contributed nothing to help the American economy. As a matter of fact, they have been very vocal in their demand that taxes be increased. Their agenda is to tax every business out of existence, and spend excessively by paying out free money to everyone but working taxpaying citizens, including freebies for illegal aliens. In other words, they want to continue the disastrous business-killing Obama-era economic death spiral which gave us eight years of economic misery under Obama. Having contributed nothing to the effort to improve our economy, Nancy Pelosi is busy trying to bad-mouth the tax cuts which have been implemented. Surely you remember her previous comments, “The tax cut will provide nothing for the working people” she claimed. Now that dozens of companies are announcing either pay increases or bonuses as a direct result of the republican tax cut, she is making a fool out of herself claiming that the 200 million dollars of bonuses announced by AT&T are just “crumbs”, and that the 100 million dollars of bonuses and pay increases announced by WalMart is “nothing”.

You have to remember who Nancy Pelosi is. She is a multi-multi-millionaire who does not even try to understand the needs of the “common person” You should be sure to remember that when she refers to the “common person”, she has nothing in common with the “common person”, and that is the personal choice which she has made. The “common person” is someone that she considers to be very far beneath her. For her, several thousand dollars really is “crumbs” or just “pocket change”, and this is because she makes no effort at all to understand our needs. We are nothing but a “group” within her identity politics for which she has a standard propaganda line. If the democrats had had their way, the “common man” would have gotten nothing but more taxes while the illegal aliens would be enjoying more handouts from the democrats in their devious schemes to exploit the illegal aliens.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

RE: Deniro

I feel a need to comment on the latest tirade from Robert Deniro. To begin with, it goes without saying that he was the picture of unkempt, uncouth, uninteresting, and contemptable. He obviously is unable to utter a complete sentence without a plethora of obscenities, and his vocabulary is almost exclusively four-letter words. In my opinion, he presented an excellent picture of the town drunk. As the quip goes, if it looks like a town drunk, and it acts like a town drunk, and it speaks like a town drunk and it smells like a town drunk, then it probably is a town drunk. Guess what? Hollywood is telling you that Robert Deniro is one of the best examples of quality manhood that they have to offer, and they actually believe that you should also idolize him, just because they do! I find nothing to idolize! I see a contemptable man who has no clue what the phrase moral value means. When you hear of the next obscene Hollywood sex scandal, maybe you should  look for the name Robert Deniro!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

another attaboy for President Trump

Japanese automakers Toyota and Mazda have picked Alabama as the site of a new $1.6 billion joint-venture auto manufacturing plant, a person briefed on the decision said Tuesday.

The plant will employ about 4,000 people and will be built in the Huntsville area in Limestone County, said the person, who asked to remain anonymous because the location hasn't been officially announced.

Alabama officials said they expect Gov. Kay Ivey to make a major economic development announcement on Wednesday in Montgomery, but they would not give any details.

My comment about this:

The Trump-hating liberal media will be certain to forgo giving President Trump any credit for this!!!!

Friday, January 5, 2018

The 'liberal' trump-hating media is ignoring another acheivement - as usual

Do you remember those Obama statements such as, we can not destroy ISIS immediately. Obama speak was that it would take many years to 'degrade' the ISIS organization with no overall destruction of ISIS. Obama did absolutely nothing about the almost daily beheadings which ISIS was doing. Obama did absolutely nothing while the Christians in ISIS-controlled territory were routinely massacred. I don't remember Obama even making any substantial statements of outrage concerning the ISIS-directed murders. In my opinion, Obama did all he could to impede any activities against ISIS, All of that being said, President Trump has been directly responsible for tremendous destruction of ISIS in his first year. According to reliable sources, the territory controlled by ISIS and the known ISIS members has been reduced by about 98% since President Trump has been in office.

Do you see any articles reporting this excellent accomplishment in any of the Trump-hating, viciously biased 'liberal' media. Nary a whisper from most, and barely a whisper from the rest. And I can assure you that the 'liberal' media will not report anything positive about ongoing efforts or successes in this area in the foreseeable future. Now, do you wonder why I avidly avoid any exposure to the Crappy Nothing Network (normally referred to as CNN) and their brothers-in-hatred propagandists!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

contempt of congress

It appears that the FBI and the DOJ are stonewalling subpoena requests from congress. In order to have a properly functioning government, congressional subpoenas must be complied with. Congress can place someone in contempt of congress for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena, but the punishment for contempt of congress is almost laughable. The penalties must be increased so that there will be some respect for congress. Notable recent examples of contempt of congress with zero consequences for the perpetrator were Eric Holder and Lois Lerner. The charge should become a felony with fines up to $100,000 per occurrence (or more), up to 3 three years in prison, and lifetime bar from holding any federal government position with immediate termination of any current federal position.

If you agree with this, contact your congressman, and the president and suggest that legislation be passed to make contempt of congress a real crime. Also, email all of your friends and suggest that they do the same.