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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mueller is off limits

Mueller is setting the stage to open up Trump’s entire life to his never-ending fishing expedition in search of something that can be used to impeach President Trump. Trump’s life before his campaign for President should be off-limits to any investigation by Mueller because Mueller lacks any kind of legal justification or probable cause to warrant such an invasion of privacy. In regards to this, it should be noted that the reason that Jeff Sessions recused himself from involvement with Mueller’s investigation was because Jeff felt that it was improper for him to be involved with an investigation of the Trump campaign because he had been a part of the Trump campaign. If Mueller wants to try to investigate any part of President Trump’s life prior to the campaign, then Jeff Sessions can “UNRECUSE HIMSELF”. There is no possible conflict of interest for Jeff Sessions regarding an investigation before the presidential campaign WHEN JEFF SESSIONS WAS NOT INVOLVED WITH TRUMP!!

If I were Jeff Sessions, and Mueller attempts to expand the investigation to all of President Trump’s life, I would “UNRECUSE” myself and terminate this perpetual political witch hunt. It has become undeniably obvious that the purpose of the “special counsel” is defined entirely as a purely political hatchet job intended to continue, forever if necessary, until something is found to damage President Trump.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

California Dreamers

You could not pay me enough money to live in California. The Governor has proudly announced that he will pardon illegal aliens who have committed crimes to ensure that they do not have to comply with American laws. The mayor of Oakland has publically announced that she is assisting illegal criminal aliens to evade capture by warning them of impending ICE raids. Illegal aliens kill American citizens on city streets with little concern for being held accountable. Miles of city streets in multiple California cities are lined with cardboard boxes being used as homes for the homeless. Those same sidewalks are crowded with human feces and stains of dried urine, and the California government turns a blind eye to the problem because they are too busy moving even more illegal aliens into cardboard box homes on the adjoining streets. The Hollywood elite, the political elite, and the Silicon Valley elite live in their mansions far away from the growing ghetto, safely protected by their walls around their estates and their private army of armed guards. California is quickly degenerating into the same cesspool as the third-world countries from which they are importing the illegal aliens.

If you are a legal American citizen in California, be aware that the government has determined that you are lower in rank and value than the illegal aliens. Be aware that your only role is to pay the bill for taking care of the flood of illegal aliens. If you are one of the unfortunate American citizens to have lost your job to an illegal alien, be sure to say thank you to the democrats running your state.

Last of all, be aware that California will soon be implementing a new policy to insure that these same illegal aliens will also be allowed to register to vote. Yes, that is true. California began to set up the scenario when they started issuing drivers licenses to everyone in the state, regardless of their legal status. Now, California is going to automatically send out forms to register to vote when the driver license must be renewed. Yes, the “official” fantasy is that there will be checks put into place to ensure that the “driver” is an American citizen before registering him to vote. FAT CHANCE! If you are an American citizen who still lives in California, I have a word of advice. Get out while you can before California passes laws allowing the illegals to legally steal from you!

Re: gun control

In 1865, a  Democrat shot and killed Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States  .

In 1881, a  left wing radical Democrat shot James Garfield, President of the United  States - who later died from the wound.
In 1963, a  radical left wing socialist shot and killed John F. Kennedy, President  of the United States.

In 1975, a  left wing radical Democrat fired shots at Gerald Ford, President of the  United States.

In 1983, a  registered Democrat shot and wounded Ronald Reagan, President of the  United States.
In 1984,  James Hubert, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 22 people in a  McDonalds restaurant.
In 1986,  Patrick Sherrill, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 15 people in  an Oklahoma post office.

In 1990,  James Pough, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 10 people at a GMAC  office.
In 1991,  George Hennard, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 23 people in a  Luby's cafeteria in Killeen , TX.
In 1995,  James Daniel Simpson, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 5  coworkers in a Texas laboratory.

In 1999,  Larry Asbrook, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 8 people at a  church service.
In 2001, a  left wing radical Democrat fired shots at the White House in a failed  attempt to kill George W. Bush, President of the US.

In 2003,  Douglas Williams, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people at a  Lockheed Martin plant.
In 2007, a  registered Democrat named Seung - Hui Cho, shot and killed 32 people in Virginia Tech.
In 2010, a  mentally ill registered Democrat named Jared Lee Loughner, shot Rep.  Gabrielle Giffords and killed 6 others.

In 2011, a  registered Democrat named James Holmes, went into a movie theater and  shot and killed 12 people.

In 2012,  Andrew Engeldinger, a disgruntled Democrat, shot and killed 7 people in  Minneapolis.

In 2013, a  registered Democrat named Adam Lanza, shot and killed 26 people in a  school in Newtown ,CT.

As  recently as Sept 2013, an angry Democrat shot 12 at a Navy ship  yard.

Clearly,  there is a problem with Democrats and guns.

Not  one NRA member, Tea Party member, or Republican conservative was  involved in any of these shootings and murders.


It  should be illegal for Democrats to own guns.

We  don't need gun control, we need Democrat control.

Guns  don't kill people, Democrats do!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

justice be damned, politics be served

Everyone knows that the Dimms have only one agenda, obstruction of anything that President Trump wants to do, regardless of the inherent value of the activity. Their cohorts, the dishonest liberal media, share the same agenda with the additional caveat, they want to present everything about President Trump in a negative manner, even if it means writing total lies about him. In the Dimms desperate attempts to obstruct or destroy anything positive about President Trump, they will do anything if they feel it will help their efforts. Let me repeat that in different words, they do not care if their actions are moral or legal as long as the result hinders President Trump's efforts.

With that understanding, I will advance the following conclusion. The Dimm’s leadership does not care if their actions harm America or destroy the foundations on which our country is based just as long as it successfully obstructs President Trump. In addition, it is also true that the Dimm’s leadership does not appear to have any concern for the destruction of American foundational principles which occurs as “collateral” damage in their pursuit of their far-left agenda. The opposition to President Trump has now been spawned within the judicial system by the Dimms so that court decisions being rendered have little or nothing to do with current written law. Instead, the left-wing federal judges are issuing decisions based on nothing but the left-wing opposition to Trump. These rogue judges are demonstrating extremely “bad behavior” by using their power for strictly political purposes and showing downright contempt for written laws. The resulting destruction of the very fabric of the American judicial system obviously does not concern the radical left-wing judges intent on their purely political agenda. Their rallying cry is “Justice be damned, politics be served!”. It is a continuation of the corruption of every facet of government by the left-wing radicals which was proliferated during the Obama regime, and now is trying to corrupt every facet of our government.

Friday, February 23, 2018

judge shopping by the Dimms

I have been following the Dimm’s process of judge-shopping to find judges biased against President Trump’s executive orders. The Dimms file a motion in a lower-level federal court that the Dimms know is biased against the executive order. The biased federal court prevents the executive order from being implemented until the lower level court decision is reversed by a higher court with the final act being to appeal to the Supreme Court, if necessary. It is obvious that the Dimms only objective is obstruction simply for the sake of obstruction. I have a couple of questions.

The first question is as follows: Since the law states clearly that in immigration matters, the President has the authority to limit access into the U.S. for anyone, then how can these lower level judges claim to have any authority to pass judgement on a presidential executive order regarding immigration? Where in the constitution does it say that lower level judges have been granted more power than the President? Where in the law does it say that anyone has the right to usurp the President’s authority in an area where he has been granted final authority by statute?

That then leads into my second question. When judges make decisions that are not based on the law, those judges are acting in a corrupt manner, which is totally counter to what they were expressly assigned to do. Judges are not placed in authority to make capricious or arbitrary decisions. Their job is to determine what the law says is the proper decision regarding the matter be decided. According to Article III of the constitution, a judge’s tenure may be terminated if the judge does not exercise “good behavior”. It is clearly obvious that they intended that judges should be held accountable and measured by “behavior standards”. I think that there must be a process in place that will ensure that any judge that does not exhibit “good behavior” may have his tenure terminated. One of the criteria defining “good behavior” should be that the judge’s decisions should be in keeping with current written law. Perhaps a position of Judicial Inspector General reporting to both congress and the DOJ should be instituted to handle investigations of “bad behavior” of judges. It is quite obvious that the process of “judge shopping” to file lawsuits, and motions needs to be curtailed. Also, a judicial branch where the law changes every time a different judge is involved is not indicative of the actual existence of meaningful government by law. Instead it is indicative of government by junior level dictators who are issuing decisions based on their own arbitrary biases.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

attaboy for Trump

Its official, first year of President Trump's administration achieved 3% GDP, something Obama never came close to in his whole 8 years in office. In addition, unemployment claims dropped to a 43 year low this month. I have previously mentioned the fact that unemployment figures for Hispanic and blacks are at historic lows, but I feel it must be restated. President Trump's success stories are completely ignored by the "liberal" trump-hating media, CNN and MSNBC being the worst offenders. Many economists are now beginning to say that if President Trump's economic agenda is fully implemented, it is very possible to see a consistent 3% or better GDP for the next decade. BUT BE AWARE THAT IF THE DEMOCRATS HAVE THEIR WAY, THEY WILL SABATOGE THE ACHEIVEMENT OF THIS GOAL.THEY WILL, IF THEY ARE ABLE, REINSTATE EXCESSIVE REGULATIONS TO CHOKE BUSINESSES, AND EXCESSIVE TAXES TO PROMOTE THE WELFARE STATE THEY WANT. THE DIMMS HAVE NO PLAN FOR AMERICAN SUCCESS. THEY ARE THE PARTY OF ZERO PROGRESS, ZERO COOPERATION, AND ZERO INTEREST IN WORKING FOR THE GOOD OF AMERICA.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

was obama involved

There has been a good deal of information released about the Steele dossier and subsequent events in the last weeks. Using this information combined with an understanding of the people who were or might have been involved in the events, I would like to reconstruct what may have actually transpired. Since there is a dedicated effort to obfuscate and cover-up the truth, it is necessary to make some logical assumptions to facilitate this reconstruction.

First of all, I think that one can look at the past actions of the individuals involved and make accurate assessments of their motives which has some predictive value of what they would think and do. We know that Hillary assumed total control of the DNC finances very quickly upon entering the presidential campaign. Given this, it is plainly obvious that she was completely aware of the expenditure of 12 million dollars to create the Steele dossier. We know that Hillary mounted smear campaigns against many people in the past. As a matter of fact, her favorite method of dealing with her opponents is the extensive use of smear campaigns. It is a fact that the information contained within the dossier is not verified, and the allegations are downright sleazy. How did Hillary guarantee that the dossier would be a smear campaign? She insured that the person hired to compile the dossier hated Trump. Mr Steele expressed his hatred for Trump and his desperation to prevent Trump from becoming president in documents he wrote. I will refer to the dossier he created as the Steele dossier, and it consists of propaganda from Russian sources, third and fourth-hand accusations, and most of its content has be totally debunked.

Now it gets more interesting. Everyone knows that Obama was very committed to Hillary being elected president. He even went on the campaign trail for her. It is my contention that he was much more involved than simply campaigning. Pause for a little Obama history. Obama has demonstrated over and over that he fully supports the first rule of third-world dictators. Stated as simply as possible, that rule is that all of the government agencies and resources have one true purpose, which is to destroy or diminish the political opponents of the dictator. A common term describes this as “weaponizing”. Obama weaponized the IRS to cripple the fund-raising capabilities of his political opponents, the GOP. Obama weaponized the EPA to destroy the coal industry in America. Obama weaponized the DOJ to protect his fellow democrats and to file prosecutions against his political opponents. There is no reason to list all of the examples. Even one instance is sufficient to show Obama’s misuse of government resources.

Back to the developing story regarding Obama’s involvement with the fantasy document called the Steele dossier. Part of the weaponizing process had also included the corruption of some of the higher-level FBI. The result of this corruption was that there were people in positions of great power who believed that it was their job to decide who would be the next president. In other words, they thought it was their sacred duty to destroy the political opponents of Obama’s regime. One of these corrupted FBI officials was married to a woman who worked at the firm that was involved with creating the Steele dossier. They both knew that the dossier was a smear job created by the DNC, and they were aware that the accusations in the dossier were totally unsubstantiated. That did not stop them from using the dossier to fraudulently obtain a fisa warrant to spy on the Trump campaign communications. They tried to use the information illegally obtained to derail Trump’s campaign effort, and when that failed, they used the dossier to set up a witch-hunt called a special investigation as a totally open-ended “fishing expedition” to find some kind of a crime that President Trump can be impeached for. Given the reputation of some members of this group of “lawyers”, you can be sure that there is no law that they will be unwilling to “bend” to manufacture some kind of a criminal indictment. And how can I believe that Obama was involved with or even leading this third-world “coup” effort. There are documents which have been discovered showing that Obama was aware of these activities as they were happening. The only question is, how deep was his involvement?

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The new San Francisco

Have you gone to San Francisco lately? Did you ever go there in the past to enjoy the cuisine, the unique atmosphere, or just to stroll through some classy tourist area? If you have not been there recently, prepare yourself for a disgusting experience. All through the city, the evidence of extremely abominable life style and living conditions abound. Walk down the crowded sidewalks. No, not necessarily crowded with people, but maybe crowded with human feces. Do you want to look into a shop through the large glass window? Maybe you should be prepared to clean off the urine stains for a better view. If you have children, you may want to shield their eyes from the vision of drug addicts shooting up in plain view.

Welcome to the democrats vision of a wonderful life as defined in the “sanctuary city” handbook. The overwhelming number of homeless and illegal aliens existing in a replica of most any other third-world city is shocking. And as you view this ongoing disaster, be totally aware that this is the result of the democrat’s leadership which has been in control for decades. The extensive number of homeless may be the product of the “sanctuary city” status which is a magnet attracting thousands of illegal aliens who have no home, no money, no job, no knowledge of English, and no prospects of improving their condition in the “city by the bay”. Some of them are not illegal aliens. Maybe some are American citizens who have had their job taken by cheap labor (illegal aliens). Maybe some are American citizens who have lost their jobs and/or homes because of the extremely high state taxes. Don’t worry. It is all of the dimm’s master plan. Import people (illegals) who are predominantly unemployable and tax the citizens into poverty so that everyone is living in dirt-poor poverty in perpetual dependence upon “crumbs” from welfare to live. Meanwhile the political elite and the Hollywood elite live in their mansions, surrounded by their security walls and 24-hour security guards, safe and secure from the reality they have helped to create.

Monday, February 19, 2018

increasing mass murders

I have heard many commentators discussing the issue of increased violence in America in recent years. Some of them are only interested in talking about gun violence with the apparent opinion that it is guns that kill people. I have not heard of a gun floating around firing bullets at people all by itself, but if you listen to some of these commentators it would be easy to assume that the guns had done all of the killing without any person directing it. Guns are a very efficient way for a person to kill many other people, but the killer is the person wielding the gun. That is a key element which must be understood. A killer can kill other people using any number of weapons, and lacking a gun, a killer will use a different weapon.

Perhaps the proper question to ask is “Why is there an ever-increasing supply of killers emerging in America in recent years.” The number of mass killings is most definitely increasing, which means that the number of killers is growing. I think that there has been a growing moral decay in our society for many years, and at the same time, I think that there has been an accompanying decrease in empathy for others. However, just consider what attitudes and beliefs a person would need to have in order to desire to kill others, and then actually perform the killing.

The glaring truth is that there must be a high level of hate present in order to engage in a mass killing. I think that we see the purposeful creation of hate constantly in our daily lives. For instance, look at the political environment. It is rare to see two persons with differing views actually talk to each other about the differences of opinion. Instead, one side or the other will immediate descend into a tirade of unfounded accusations, or efforts to smear the other person with unfounded labels such as “racist”, “Nazi”, or worse. The “discussion” quickly degenerates into efforts to demonize the other person. Obviously, it is to your advantage to successfully label your opponent as a “demon” with “evil” intentions, ad-nauseam. “The result is a total lack of understanding and unreasoning hatred of the “demonized” opponent.

There has been an intolerance for different opinions evolving for many years, and it appears to be extremely prevalent now. The “liberal” “PC” requirement is a logical result of extreme intolerance. It evolves into “group think” where everyone must think alike or be labeled as “deplorable” or worse. Anyone who is not “thinking properly” is then demonized. The level of hate is set based on just how evil the demon is declared to be.

Combine these with the overwhelming exposure to violent behavior in the media. Almost any movie released by Hollywood emphasizes violence and depicts it graphically for the viewer. The viewing of this violent behavior desensitizes the viewer and destroys any empathy with victims. Most of the time the person initiating the violence is glorified. Then there is the graphic violence inherent in a plethora of computer games. One could ask, “Is the current public media building a society enamored with violence?”

So we teach people that everyone should think like we do, and if they don’t, then they are demons. We further teach them that it is proper for a person to use violence against people with differing opinions. Then we glorify the use of violence so that if you use violence then you are a “hero”. And last of all, we expose people to graphic violence on a daily basis which desensitizes them and increases the propensity to commit violence. Then, we express that we are baffled by the increase of mass killings.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Do democrats support DACA?

When Obama created the “DACA” via executive order, there were approximately 600,000 illegals who were included in the amnesty program. Even though there was the probability that the executive order was not constitutional, the left wing ‘liberals’ and the ‘liberal’ media went wild with praise for Obama. They had nothing but praise, and there were many comments lauding the ‘scope’ of the executive order in providing possible amnesty for so many illegals. Can you imagine just how insanely hysterical they would have been in praising Obama if he had later increased the number of possible amnesties to almost 2 million?

Fast forward to last week. In his proposal to congressional democrats, President Trump increased the number of possible “DACA” recipients to nearly 2 million, roughly 3 times the number that Obama had set up. How did the left wing democrats and left wing media react? They accused him of every nasty intent that they could make up! The democrats ignored the obvious fact that President Trump’s proposal would give them three times the number of possible amnesties than they were demanding. In other words, President Trump’s proposal was immensely generous, to the point of being ridiculously generous. By accepting Trump’s offer, the democrats would get three times what they had stated they wanted. You guessed it. The democrats rejected the offer, and resorted to their vile name-calling and hateful rhetoric.

To state this as simply as possible, if you offer someone more than they stated they wanted, and they reject it, then it is painfully obvious that they were lying. The democrats DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE DACA SITUATION. If they had cared, they would have accepted such a generous offer. Now let’s look at the overall offer with a little bit of logic. President Trump was saying this. “I want to secure the border to provide security for American citizens. I want to be able to stop the flow of drugs and criminals into America. I want to ensure that there will not be an ongoing flood of illegal aliens into America.” President Trump proposed a “COMPROMISE” where both sides would get some of what they want. You know about the word “COMPROMISE”, it is something that the democrats WILL NOT ACCEPT. The democrat’s actions are clearly predicated on hatred for Trump. The democrats have no real desire to help the DACA recipients. Instead, they are intent on using DACA simply as a political weapon in their ongoing hate-trump campaign. The democrats have no intention to accomplish anything positive regarding immigration policies. Their real intention is to simply OBSTRUCT, OBSTRUCT, AND THEN OBSTRUCT SOME MORE. Stated differently, the democrats simply do not care about what is good for America. They do not care about any negative consequences which may occur as a result of their ongoing HATE-TRUMP mission.


There are some indisputable truths which is plainly obvious from these recent activities.

 Number one: The democrats have zero interest in accomplishing anything regarding immigration issues. They clearly intend to maintain the current policies so as to maximize the chaos regarding immigration, or even better in their eyes, eliminate all laws regarding immigration.


Number two: The democrats refuse to acknowledge the fact that illegal aliens are a source of problems in America which causes American citizens harm. Also, taxpayers’ costs incurred by the illegals are significant and totally avoidable.


Number three: Believing the democrats views will change is very naïve. They will oppose everything as long as they have any political power

Conclusion: If ending the ongoing negative consequences of illegal aliens is important to you, you must be aware that no solution will ever be implemented as long as the democrats have enough political power to prevent it. It should not be necessary to say that it is incredibly important for the GOP to win a super majority in the senate this year in the mid-term elections.


You can put some pressure on democrat senators to provide full funding to build the border wall, end chain immigration, and end the lottery immigration. Here is a list of some democrat senators you may be able to influence because they are up for reelection this year. If you are a registered voter in their state, contact them and tell them that these three issues are important to you. If you think that the DACA offer should have been accepted, you might tell the senator.

Florida:                      Bill Nelson

Indiana                      Joe Donnelly

Michigan                   Debbie Stabenow

Missouri                    Claire McCaskill

Montana                   Claire McCaskill

North Dakota          Heidi Heitkamp

Ohio                           Sherrod Brown

Pennsylvania           Bob Casey Jr

West Virginia           Joe Manchin

Wisconsin                 Tammy Baldwin

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

"higher education"

Most parents in America are willing to sacrifice greatly to provide their children with the opportunity to obtain a college education. They have been convinced that their children will rewarded for obtaining a college degree by increased income during their working lifetime. However, there are many young college graduates who are not realizing any substantial economic benefit from possessing a college degree. Why is this occurring?

Perhaps part of the problem is resident within the “education” that the student receives at college. First of all, the subject matter of education being provided from many colleges is rather suspect. If a college education is supposed to increase the possibility of obtaining a job, doesn’t if follow that the college should be teaching skills that the hiring companies want to see. In most colleges, especially many of the Universities, the educational curriculum is developed in some “academic” vacuum in which the objective of the education gets lost in esoteric and fuzzy academic objectives. Quite often, these objectives seem to have little practical value in the working environment. I think that it is pretty evident that the actual knowledge obtained from a college education is almost irrelevant when a company states that any degree will suffice. What they are really saying is that they are interested in someone who has demonstrated the determination to successfully obtain a college education, but the knowledge is really of little or no value. What a waste of years of effort by the graduate!

In many instances, the “knowledge” imparted to the graduate is worse than being unrelated to skills needed, it may actually impede the graduate’s ability to succeed at a given job. In addition, they seem to think that indoctrinating the students with political opinions (as preferred by the professor) is their main objective. Many of the parents are furious that they paid someone thousands of dollars to indoctrinate their child with communistic views or even something worse. What do you call it when the professors’ main objective is to force their political views onto their students? Would you call it propaganda, indoctrination, or education? What would you call it when your kid comes back home with a hatred of America embedded in his mind from his professors at college? What do you call it when your kid comes home convinced that the use of threats, force, and violence is acceptable behavior when dealing with disagreement? When you see these results from “college education” do you find yourself disenchanted with so-called “higher education”. Perhaps in the future we can talk about the common practice of “higher education” administrators who will do everything in their power to provide illegal aliens a college degree “free of charge”, but will short-change and oppose any effort to provide anything similar for American students.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Mueller's fishing expedition should be terminated

The Mueller probe is purely a fishing expedition which has been ongoing for more than 18 months. It was initiated as a political weapon from the very start, and there was never any existence of evidence providing a reasonable belief of wrong-doing to support the initiation of the fishing expedition. In addition, the stated offense that was used to initiate the fishing expedition is not a crime. Having had zero success in finding anything resembling collusion by President Trump, the Mueller witch hunt has now initiated another fishing expedition. The fantasy offense being bantered about now is obstruction of justice. There is absolutely zero supporting evidence to support a reasonable belief that such a crime has been committed by President Trump. Since Mueller is quite aware that they have no chance of prosecution for obstruction, his immoral legal team are now trying to finagle a situation where they can set a devious trap to accuse President Trump of perjury. Who is able to stop this insane charade that Mueller and the democrats intend to continue forever? It is plainly the tactics employed by a police state to harass political opponents, and certainly should be declared illegal in America.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

california - a study in poverty

Many years ago, I lived in California for a number of years. There are beautiful and scenic areas all over the state, and many miles of beautiful beaches on the pacific coast. There was a very good job market with plenty of wealth to go around. I lived there during the years when being liberal really meant liberal. The common response to someone who expressed a dissenting view was, “Hey, whatever’s cool for you.” And the person really meant it. There was not a riot or violence or the threat of one because you said “something wrong”. Overall, the life style was upper middle class, and there was an easygoing acceptance of other people’s views.

It seems that all of that has changed for the worst. When I lived there, a speaker could appear on a college campus and give a speech with outlandish views. Those who were interested in his speech attended it, and those who were uninterested ignored it. It might invoke lively discussion or not, but it did not invoke riots, threats, and violence. In the current environment, “liberals” definitely are not liberal. When I was there, free speech was permitted. Today, so called “liberals” are doing everything in their power to destroy free speech. When I lived there, the few panhandlers staked out their territories near bus stations and other areas where they believed they could get handouts, but there was little evidence of wide-spread hard-core poverty. Today in many of the California cities there are miles of public streets lined with large cardboard boxes being used as shelter for a significant portion of the population. However, the Hollywood elite, politicians, and the Silicon Valley tech companies have plenty of money. California appears to be separating itself into a state with a very small minority accumulating very excessive wealth and power, and a very substantial majority sinking deeper into poverty every year. In my opinion, the state of California is being moved into something resembling a third-world country, and I think that it is clearly a result of the extremely poor democratic leadership which has dominated California politics for many years. California should be a very rich state. It has the industry, natural resources, location, and climate to invite total success. It is being grossly mismanaged by the state government.

The people running California are demonstrating a total indifference for the common welfare of its citizens. Instead, they encourage the breaking of immigration laws to import illegal aliens who are a drain on the state’s wealth. They display a total disregard for the rule of law, and instead they foster disrespect for the law. Riots occur regularly instigated either by minorities or college rioters, and the local government does little or nothing to bring the rioters to justice. Instead, it appears that the government purposely permits rioters to indulge in blatant criminal destruction of private property and stealing during riots. The Hollywood hypocrites have their luxury mansions with extensive walls, security guards, alarm systems, and even some guard dogs to ensure that no one can get onto their property. Meanwhile, they pretend that border security for America consisting of a wall, border guards, and surveillance equipment is racist. So, they elevate illegal alien wants above the needs of the American citizens, and even provide preferential treatment for the illegal aliens which Americans are not provided. Recently, the California governor was proud to announce that he will be giving pardons to illegal aliens who commit felonies so that they will not be subjected to our laws. All of these preferential benefits for illegal aliens is being paid using taxpayer money fleeced from grossly overtaxed citizens.

In California, American citizens are treated more like second-class people while illegal alien’s welfare seem to be the state’s first priority. I remember that there were good entertainment facilities there, but I refuse to go because I don’t want to be the next Kate Steinle. Is there another state in America that allows grossly guilty murderers to walk free with such regularity as California?

democrat primary

In the 2016 Republican primary race, there were many influential republicans who did not want Donald Trump to win the primary, but since the Republican primary is set up to allow the voters total control over the selection of a candidate, they were not able to prevent Donald Trump’s victory. The Republican delegates are selected solely based on the popular vote in each state. That is the proper way to select a candidate because the selection was determined strictly by the popular vote in the individual states.

However, the Democrat’s primary race is not set up the same way. The democrat delegates are divided into two groups. One group is selected by the popular vote and the other group is selected by the leaders of the Democratic Party. The setup is intended to provide the leaders of the Democratic Party enough leverage to control who will win the primary in the vast majority of cases. Let me explain how it works.

In the 2016 democratic primary, there were a total of 4763 delegate votes available. The delegate votes were divided as follows: 4051 selected by popular vote, 712 selected by party leaders. The 712 delegates are referred to as super delegates, and their votes are not determined by or affected in any way by the popular votes cast in the state primaries. In order to win the primary, a candidate must garner more than 50% of the total delegate votes, 2382 or more delegates. So if there are two candidates, then one of them is the “party candidate”, and begins the primary process with a lead of 712 to nothing over the other candidate. Let’s see what the other candidate must accomplish to win the primary.

The “other candidate” must win at least 2382 delegates to win the primary. However, 712 delegates are not available to him. So instead of needing to win 2382 delegates out of 4763, he needs to win 2382 out of 4051 (the remaining available after the 712 super delegates are subtracted). Do the simple math, 2382/4051. That calculates out to 58.8% of the popular votes. If you are aware of history, there are very, very few political elections where one candidate garners 58.8% of the vote. Simply stated, the democratic primary is rigged so that the party leaders are able to pick their candidate virtually 100% of the time. One might even be inclined to say that the democratic primary race is a sham.

Now in all fairness, the democrats claim that the super delegates are free to vote for whoever they choose. So in theory, they do not have to vote for the “party’s candidate”. However, you know and I know that to go against the wishes of the party leaders would probably be political suicide. One merely has to ask one simple question. “Why have the democratic leaders set up their primary election in this manner”. The only answer is that they wanted to ensure that they have the power to dictate who will be the winning candidate in any primary.

I have one final question. Why would any democrat (not a powerful leader) be happy with this arrangement? Why should anyone (not just democrats) approve of a political party that sets up a system such as this for the express purpose of thwarting the will of the majority within the party? How can the democrats claim that they are the party of the “common man” when even their election process is corrupted to ensure that the will of the common people is ignored?

Saturday, February 10, 2018

group think

In April of 2017, DNC chairman Tom Perez flatly stated that all democrats must be in favor of abortion rights. This type of demand from democrat leaders is very common. I think that it is a result of the “PC” movement which the democrats initiated a few years ago. The democrat leaders seem to have decided that they will direct all of the thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, and actions of the other democrats. I like to call it “group think”. Since I am a conservative independent, the thought that anyone believes that they have the right to control my thoughts is abhorrent to me. Yes, the republicans can be irritating to deal with in that trying to have a republican consensus on any subject can be similar to trying to round up a group of greased pigs. However, in my opinion, it is much more desirable to have a group of people who have independent thought processes than to declare that only the agreed-upon leaders have the right to independent thought. The entire concept of the “PC” system seems to be extremely dictatorial to me, and very undesirable. You can see where this leads by observing all of the riots on the college campuses when there is a speaker scheduled who is not part of the “PC” group think. The so-called “liberals” have “liberalized” the “PC” concept by adding the truly fascist notion that they have the right to use force and violence to prevent anyone from exercising the right of free speech if the speaker does not comply with their “PC” standards.

This “PC” environment where the only the “leaders” have a voice leads into some really idiotic situations. For example, the mayor of New York has voiced the opinion that the laws against public urination and defecation should be ignored. I guess that he reached this conclusion because there are so many homeless in his poorly-run city that there are insufficient public facilities. However, this same mayor is consumed with implementing laws to limit the size of sodas which can be sold in fast food establishments. Another example is the declaration by California democrat leaders that it will be a “sanctuary state”. This decision appears to be based on the belief that “illegal aliens” are considered to be much more important than the rule of law, and that “illegal aliens” desires must be elevated above the rights of American citizens. Just recently, the governor of California has issued a public statement. I will paraphrase it as follows. He, the governor, will pardon any “illegal alien” convicted of a felony so as to provide “sanctuary” from established laws.

I hope that it is obvious that the “PC” group think system leads the democrat leaders to believe that what they believe or want is superior to existing law. Therefore, they do not seem to attach much importance to obeying existing laws. So, I guess that the logical conclusion is that if you believe in complying with existing laws, or you believe in the individual’s right to independent thought, or you believe in the individual’s right to free speech, or if you believe that using violence to accomplish political goals is wrong, then you probably don’t qualify to be a democrat.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A Recap

I know that Hillary and the DNC paid about 12 million dollars to generate a dossier about Donald Trump which has been shown to be nothing but third and fourth-hand hearsay and unfounded accusations. I know that they went to extreme measures in an effort to cover up the fact that they were the source that paid for the dossier. I know that Hillary and the DNC enlisted the help of high-level rogue FBI people to fraudulently use the dossier to obtain fisa warrents to illegally spy on Americans. I know that those same rogue FBI people lied to the FISA court by implying that the dossier was a valid fact-based document. I know that there were extremely excessive numbers of illegal leaks of information by FBI sources. I know that there was a dedicated effort to frame President Trump of a fabricated charge. I know that the special counsel led by Mueller is a purely political witch hunt with only one aim, find something that they can claim President Trump did wrong. I know that Obama used government agencies as political weapons against his political opponents, exactly like any third-world dictator would do. It is a very small baby step to assume that Obama would use the FBI and the DOJ as weapons against his political enemies.

Given what I just listed, and given the known facts regarding the development of the current witch hunt which has gone on for over 18 months with exactly zero evidence of collusion, I would like indulge in some speculation.

The stated purpose for the dossier was that it was the usual political effort to develop dirty accusations against a political opponent. As such, there was little interest in assuring that the allegations were true. The only purpose was to develop dirt which could be thrown. This is basically what the democrats are saying, and they claim that it is the normal process for any campaign. I don’t believe this. It is my opinion that from the very beginning, the democrats intended to initiate an FBI investigation of a fantasy crime. They intended to use the FBI to derail the Trump campaign, and then failing that, the FBI investigation is intended to enable a successful coup against President Trump.

In my opinion, the purpose, the plan, and the execution thereof was a joint effort of the Obama Administration and the Hillary campaign. The dossier was paid for by the DNC, and was written by Christopher Steele, whose hatred for Trump is documented in texts. Mister Steele was willing to go to any lengths to prevent Trump from being elected president. Fusion GPS was one of the intermediary agents used in developing the dossier because, in part, FBI agent Ohr’s wife worked there. It is a gross conflict of interest for the FBI agent who was involved in the faux Hillary email investigation, to work with his wife to develop a politically-motivated sleaze dossier. However, there was an obvious political bias within the FBI leadership to ensure that the Hillary investigations were nothing but shams, and conversely this bias was exploited to make false accusations against President Trump. I can almost guarantee you that if there is a real effort made to learn the truth, Obama himself was a principal player in setting up this ongoing witch hunt by Mueller. It is a gross misuse of power by a sitting president to use government agencies such as the IRS and the FBI to destroy his political opponents. I know that Obama used the IRS in that manner, ala Lois Lerner. I know that the FBI has been used as a political weapon. All of the firings and demotions within the FBI attest to this fact. And it is my conclusion that the current situation is the result of a conspiracy to enable a coup against President Trump. This was not a banana republic before Obama became president.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

an article by Steven Moore

Tuesday, 06 Feb 2018 08:44 AM

The unseemly sight of nearly the entire Democratic congressional delegation sitting on their hands and clinging to their chairs throughout Donald Trump's State of the Union speech is further evidence that they want America to fail on Trump's watch.

Hundreds of American companies are bringing jobs to America and paying American workers bonuses: Democrats sat stone-faced. The lowest black unemployment rate in 40 years: Democrats smirked. We are defeating ISIS in the Middle East: Ho-hum.

Many on the left are suffering from a severe case of anti-Trump derangement syndrome. ATDS sufferers crave bad news. In a bright, sunny economic sky, they point to the single cloud.

The other day I was on CNN and was sparring with April Ryan of the American Urban Radio Networks — who is, to say the least, not friendly to Trump. When I mentioned all of the companies that are hiring more workers and paying bonuses or raises to their employees, including as many as 1 million Walmart employees, I thought this might elicit some positive reaction. Instead, she complained that Walmart is closing many of its Sam's Club stores, resulting in employees' being laid off. Yes, the Sam's Club closures impact around 9,000 workers, though many of them have been reassigned to other Walmart stores. Meanwhile, about 100 times that number will get raises and/or bonuses.

Liberals have been protesting Walmart pay scales for years. Now Walmart is raising their minimum wage by $2 an hour, but the left is angrier than ever.

For at least two weeks the TV networks on the left praised Michael Wolff's book "Fire and Fury." They obsessed over the charge of whether Trump was mentally competent to hold office and even called for his ousting under the 25th Amendment — all based purely on unsubstantiated charges in a book that has now been exposed as largely a work of fiction. Many members of the ATDS crowd don't even care whether the information is true or false. They are the "birthers" on the left.

One year in, and Trump's successes are dismissed as a result of Barack Obama's policies — which is rich, since Trump has one-by-one reversed Obama-era policies. If the economy and stock market had tanked in 2017, liberals would have seized upon the bad news as evidence that Trump's policies were abject failures. Now that the policies are working, Obama gets the credit. They are so blinded by ATDS, they can't even acknowledge the double standard.

I remember at a Wall Street Journal editorial meeting when Barack Obama was first elected president and he was rolling out Obamacare, the stimulus plan, tax increases, a regulatory assault and a litany of other dimwitted economic policies, one of the writers said what we were all thinking: If this program works, everything we believe on the economy is wrong.

We opposed the policies, not the man, and in the end the Keynesian big-government policies were indeed a failure. We ended up with our weakest economic recovery since World War II.

It is true that opposition to Obama on the right prompted some conservatives to root against American success on his watch. When the International Olympics Committee snubbed Obama's hometown of Chicago, there were videos of conservatives celebrating the bad news. The cascade of disappointing economic data on Obama's watch was too often cheered by Republicans.

"Some of these (Republicans) are starting to put politics first and country second," observed then-Rep. Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., who is now a senator. "The American people are starting to wonder if they are rooting against America," he charged. He had a point back in 2009. But, senator, look in the mirror.

Most Americans are not especially ideological. We are for what works. The United States is on a roll right now, and the good economic news transcends political spin. Tens of millions of Americans are starting to see the benefits in their paychecks. If Trump-haters continue to sit on their hands and oppose America's comeback, voters will see they are putting political ideology over patriotism. That's no winning ticket, and it means they are in for a miserable next seven years.

Stephen Moore is a distinguished visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation, economics contributor to FreedomWorks and author of "Who's the Fairest of Them All?"

Monday, February 5, 2018

FBI internal affairs?

Dictators, Despots, and third-world banana republics all use law enforcement and other government agencies as weapons to destroy their political opponents. The better countries with democratically organized government tend to use the same agencies more to benefit the overall society. The most alarming fact to be exposed by the Nunes memo which was just unclassified is that it clearly shows that the upper level members of the FBI believe that they should use their power to destroy anyone who does not share their political opinions. Not only that, it also clearly shows that the upper level members of the FBI also believe that they should use their power to protect people who share their political views. Last of all, it also shows that the mindset of the upper FBI has been to bend or even break the law to protect those sharing their political views and conversely attack those with differing political views. This is frightening!

When Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and a plethora of other historical dictators came into power, one of the first actions they took was to totally corrupt the law enforcement to use them as weapons. In those cases where there was an existing government body of lawmakers (such as congressmen), the dictators destroyed the lawmakers oversight powers, and they also ensured that the lawmakers were kept ignorant of the actions being undertaken by the weaponized law enforcement. The actions of the FBI leadership as detailed by the Nunes memo shows a carefully choreographed plan to accomplish those exact goals. The FBI leadership used their power to attack individuals of a different political group by fraudulently obtaining fisa warrants to unlawfully spy on U.S. citizens. The FBI leadership stonewalled attempts by congress to lawfully obtain information to exercise their constitutional oversight responsibility. The FBI leadership even made a short-lived effort to lie to congress about the availability of information, claiming it had been lost. So far, FBI agent Orr has been demoted twice. He should be fired and probably even prosecuted for participating in the effort to assemble a fraudulent dossier that included colluding with Russian agents. James Comey was fired for blatantly conducting a sham investigation of Hillary Clinton. He should be prosecuted for obstruction of justice. FBI agent Andrew McCabe has been fired for planning and assisting in the fraudulent fisa warrant activities, and his apparent acceptance of money from Hillary for his wife’s political campaign in return for helping organize the sham investigation of Hillary’s email scandal. Agent Stryzok has been demoted for blatant hatred of President Trump embodied in posts to his lover, participating in the sham Hillary investigation, and apparently conspiring to bring about a coup of our duly elected president, plus other issues. He should be convicted of conspiracy to overthrow our government. The whole Russia/Trump collusion fantasy was constructed by Hillary and Obama in collusion with various Russian agents assisted by these same FBI leaders. So some of the dirty political actors are getting some measure of punishment for their illegal and/or immoral activities.

 But there needs to be more action taken. For one thing, it appears to me that we need an internal affairs unit created within the FBI to ensure that such corruption will not be repeated. The internal affairs should have several distinct functions. First of all, any request from congress for information from the FBI must be complied with IMMEDIATELY. Stonewalling these requests MUST NOT BE TOLERATED.  Therefore, internal affairs should be the point of contact for information requests from congress. To make absolutely sure that information will be available, a redundant document storage and retrieval system must be set up which will create duplicate documentation outside of the possible access of normal FBI agents, but available to internal affairs. Once created, no document in the internal affairs document base can be updated, revisions of originals will be reflected as additional documents with full traceability of changes. Also, no document can be deleted from internal affairs. It can only be archived. To further ensure that documentation integrity is maintained, there should also be a storage of documents with the Inspector General, again accessible by only the IG. Another function which the FBI internal affairs department should perform is a review of all investigations related to any political figure to ensure that a corrupt high-level FBI agent will have difficulty taking actions which are not within normal investigative procedures. The internal affairs department should have the right to initiate internal investigations to identify and prosecute any FBI personnel leaking information to the public media. It also seems to me that internal affairs should have the ability and authorization to convene a grand jury if they deem that criminal actions have occurred within the FBI. I am sure that any congressman dedicated to the concept of eliminating future corruption of the FBI can add other functions and/or modify what I have suggested. No matter what corrective actions are taken, congressional oversight capabilities must be protected.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

President Trump


Liz Crokin is an award-winning author, a seasoned journalist and an advocate for sex crime victims Liz began her journey at the University of Iowa where she received a bachelor's in journalism and political science.


Trump Does The Unthinkable by Liz Crokin


 As an entertainment journalist, I've had the opportunity to cover Trump for over a decade, and in all my years covering him I've never heard anything negative about the man until he announced he was running for president. Keep in mind, I got paid a lot
of money to dig up dirt on celebrities like Trump for a living so a scandalous story on the famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines and would've been a huge feather in my cap.


I found that he doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs, he's a hardworking businessman.

top of that, he's one of the most generous celebrities in the world with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse.


Since the media has failed so miserably at reporting the truth about Trump, I decided to put together some of the acts of
kindness he's committed over three decades which has gone virtually unnoticed or fallen on deaf ears.


In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill's family farm after her husband committed suicide.  Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money.  Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill's
pleas for help in news reports.


In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for
help and he didn't hesitate to send his own plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York so he could get his treatment.


In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistakehad been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date.  When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safelyreturn the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones.


In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire.  Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife.
A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: We've paid off your mortgage.


In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach , Florida , accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said
Trump put the light on Palm Beach not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. Foxman also noted that Trump's charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks.


In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl's story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the
little girl and her family with a very generous check.


In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson's family members were tragically murdered in Chicago , Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Windy City hotel for free. In addition to that, Trump's security took extra measures to ensure Hudson and her
family members were safe during such a difficult time.


In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at traffic below as he drove by He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and savedher life by convincing her to not jump. When Trump heard about this story, he sent the hero bus driver a check simply because he believed his good deed deserved to be rewarded.


In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tamoressi after he spent
seven months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Barack Obama couldn't even be bothered to make onephone call to assist with the United States Marine's release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman get back on his feet.


In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005.  However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness
and during her
darkest days she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she's the bravest woman, I know. She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride
to college.


Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement in 2016 defending her boss against accusations that he's a racist and a bigot. She tearfully revealed how she's struggled with substance abuse and addiction for years.
Instead of kicking her to the curb, she said the Trump Organization and his entire family loyally stood by her through immensely difficult times.


Trump's kindness knows no bounds and his generosity has and continues to touch the lives of people from every sex, race and religion. When Trump sees someone in need, he wants to help. Two decades ago, Oprah asked Trump in a TV interview if he'd run for president.
He said:  If it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country.


day has come.


Trump sees that America is in need and he wants to help How unthinkable!On the other hand. have you ever heard of Hillary or Obama ever doing such things with their own resources?Now that's really unthinkable!  Might be worth passing on!!!