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Thursday, May 31, 2018

The exodus from California

People are leaving California in droves. There has been an exodus of more than a million in the last ten years, and you can be sure that the exodus will continue. In my opinion, it will accelerate. The popular reason being cited for the exodus is that the property prices are way too high, and I can certainly agree with that. However, I think that there is much more to the picture than simply high property taxes.

There is currently the beginning of an insurrection by counties and cities regarding the idiocy of “sanctuary state” policies. Because of these policies, there is an overwhelming problem of homelessness in California. It is quite obvious that since California is permitting rampant illegal aliens to squat in the state, then there will be masses of uneducated, unemployable illegals filling the state, and that is exactly what is happening. Since the “sanctuary state” refuses to either deport or detain illegal aliens who commit crimes, the level of crime committed by these illegals who are destitute is increasing. Also, the security of American citizens residing in California is being flushed down the toilet because violent illegals committing violent crimes are being released back into the general population without any effort to detain or deport them. Of course, this rapidly growing base of homeless, and violent offenders are causing a large increase in cost to the California taxpayers. Although California is already one of the highest taxed states in America, the taxes are rapidly increasing, and if nothing is done to address these “sanctuary state issues”, the taxes will skyrocket. This is compounded by the “liberals” running the state advocating for things such as “free health care for illegal aliens”. Of course, the taxpayers will have to bear the cost of such a giveaway, and the taxpayer will have to pay for his/her own health costs without any state assistance. Add to these problems, the exploding problem of maintaining sanitary health standards when the homeless are defecating and urinating in the streets, and it is only a matter of time before an epidemic breaks out in California.

There are many people in California who can see the advent of the problems, and they are part of those who are packing up and leaving the state. The “liberals” who are in positions of power that are causing these problems are living in their “enclaves of protection for the elite wealthy” isolated from the problems that their idiotic policies are causing. The result is that California is evolving into a small group of very wealthy people who have no empathy for others forcing an ever-decreasing group of taxpayers to pay more and more to support government giveaway programs for illegal aliens. The final result will look like most third-world countries where all of the wealth is controlled by the “elite” class and everyone else has nothing. This is the opposite of the American Dream.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

selective memory syndrome

The Democrat leadership and the Mueller investigation both suffer from SMS (selective memory syndrome). In this ‘liberal’ disease, the affected party forgets the exact causation of an event and transforms the cause of the event into an indictment of President Trump. For instance, a noteworthy example is the way that James Comey was fired. It is a statement of fact that the dems were outraged with Comey regarding the way that he handled reporting about the Clinton email investigation. If Hillary had been elected, it was a certainty that she would have fired Comey with the wholehearted blessings of the democratic leadership. It is my opinion that the upcoming IG report regarding the Hillary email investigation will indicate that Comey’s conduct was totally unacceptable and that there were multiple instances that warranted his being fired. However, the glaring fact is that Rosenstein wrote a scathing letter recommending that Comey should be fired based on his actions in the Hillary investigation, and President Trump acted on that recommendation. The person that was responsible for Comey’s firing was obviously Rosenstein. However, the ‘liberal hate-trump’ media has fostered the fantasy that Comey was fired by President Trump to obstruct an investigation.

Another example of SMS is the ‘liberal’ media’s talking “tale” regarding McCabe. McCabe was fired by Mr Wray based on overwhelming evidence that McCabe lied multiple times under oath. This evidence was the result of an IG investigation. President Trump was not involved with this process. However, the ‘liberal’ media insists on claiming that President Trump fired McCabe. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Another example of SMS is the various demotions and resignations under duress of other FBI personnel. Instead of acknowledging the fact that all of the firings and demotions in the FBI are an indication of serious misconduct by upper-level FBI individuals, the ‘liberal’ media pushes the fantasy that all is well within the FBI and all of the demotions, etc are the result of ‘paranoid’ Trump claims. The demotions are real and were the result of real corruption in the FBI. Related to this ongoing fantasy is the current fantasy that the definition of an “Undercover informant” is different than a spy. If you have someone working incognito to find out information, then that person is a spy. Now the ‘liberals’ are pushing the idiotic fantasy that the spy (or spies) who slithered into the Trump presidential campaign were only spying on Russian activity, and they have even made the absurd claim that Trump should be grateful that our ever-vigilant FBI was “protecting” him from the Russians. Hogwash!!! If there was a suspected Russian plan to “infiltrate” the Trump campaign, the FBI should have and would have informed Trump of the possibility and “obtained his approval and assistance”. Instead, they hid their activity from him because his campaign was their area of interest, and it is obvious that they were spying on his campaign.

The current information that is evolving is indicative that the whole “spying” activity, and the whole “Russian collusion hoax” was either initiated by the highest area of the Obama administration or welcomed and assisted by the Obama administration. It is a gross misuse of power for a current administration to use government resources to spy against their political opponents. This is the kind of corrupt use of government resources one sees in tyrannical dictatorships and banana republics (just exactly the kind of activity that I would expect of Obama).


Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mueller investigation : A crime in progress

Within the American justice system there is a concept of equal protection under the law. Within this concept is the premise that all individuals are to be free from unwarranted government persecution. This protection is an absolute necessity to prevent governmental agencies disguised as law enforcement from being used as weapons against political opponents. In Nazi Germany, the Gestapo was an agency that was very thinly disguised as “law enforcement” which had the actual function of curtailing and destroying anyone or any organization which the government had identified as “undesirable”. The classic process of persecution employed by the Gestapo was to pursue “investigations” of an individual or an organization. It is important to recognize that the investigations were instigated against an individual with the goal being to find an alleged crime to charge the individual with. The investigations were open-ended, they were directed at a specific individual or class of individuals instead of a specific crime, and they had no identifiable criteria which defined a completed investigation. In other words, there was no way to terminate an investigation because there was no specific crime identified, and there was no limit to what or who could be identified as areas of interest. In addition, the concept of equal protection also includes the concept that an investigation may only be instigated when there is a reasonable possibility that a crime has been committed. Attorney General guidelines specify that the FBI supervisor authorizing an investigation shall ensure that the facts which were used to initiate the investigation do provide reasonable possibility, and that they are recorded in writing.

It is my contention that the “Russian collusion investigation” was initiated without any reasonable indication that a crime had been committed. The “Steele dossier” is the only source of any accusation of “Russian collusion”, and it has been discredited based on untruthful accusations and also because the dossier was strictly a political document which had not been validated. If it was used to assert that a crime may have been committed, then it should have been validated before the “Russian collusion investigation” was initiated. Instead it has been debunked. Therefore, the instigation of the investigation was unlawful, and should be terminated because it is a tainted investigation.

It is my further contention, that the investigation was defined as an open-ended investigation of President Trump at the very beginning. It is very obvious that the investigation is not and never was about a specific crime by simply observing the ongoing history that has transpired so far. Initially, there was the alleged collusion between the Trump administration and the Russians during the presidential campaign. Since there has been zero evidence uncovered to support that allegation, the Mueller team has tried to create a possible obstruction of justice crime. Since that has not materialized, they have moved on to allegations regarding a porn star which occurred many years before the presidential campaign. Their latest attempt is to contrive an interview with President Trump for the sole purpose of manipulating President Trump into saying something that they can claim is perjury.  So, they have changed the ‘crime’ multiple times so far which proves that the investigation is simply a personal vendetta against President Trump.

Combine this with the other aspect of the investigation which is being repeated over and over as follows. Identify a person who has been associated with Trump in the past, then either identify a “crime” the person can be alleged to have committed, or manufacture a crime (such as perjury), then destroy that person’s life in an effort to force the person to provide “testimony” against Trump. The tactics being employed in this extortion for testimony are comparable to the thug tactics employed by Nazi Gestapo to railroad people into prison camps. None of tactics being employed by the Mueller investigation are acceptable. President Trump’s civil rights are being trampled by a governmental collection of thugs in an attempt to create a coup of a sitting president for purely political purposes.

The initiation of this investigation was unlawful because there was no evidence of a probable crime to investigate. Instead, it was initiated by a democrat-dominated administration for the sole political purpose of harming a Republican opponent. The investigation is obviously directed at the person, President Trump with the purpose of harming the president, instead of a crime. The official objectives are purposely vague to ensure that the investigation can never be deemed to be complete. The investigators are so grossly prejudiced against the president, that it is ludicrous to pretend that they can objectively perform the job. The personal history of the investigators shows a lack of professional integrity evidenced by Weissman’s history of tainted investigations where he purposely ignored legal rights of defendants. The FBI should be forced to provide the written documentation of the facts used to initiate the investigation, and prove that there was reasonable cause to even initiate the investigation.   


logical laws - logical results

Missouri has no illegals; go figure... shouldn't the other states do the same? Missouri's approach to the problem of illegal immigration appears to be more advanced, sophisticated, strict and effective than anything to date in Arizona . Does the White House appreciate what Missouri has done? So, why doesn't Missouri receive attention? Answer: There are no illegals in Missouri to demonstrate.  (And the Media doesn't want to publicize that fact!)

The "Show Me" state has again shown us how it should be done. There needs to be more publicity and exposure regarding what Missouri has done. Please pass this around.

In 2007, Missouri placed on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the official language of Missouri In November, 2008, nearly 90% voted in favor! Thus, English became the official language for ALL governmental activity in Missouri . No individual has the right to demand government services in a language OTHER than English.

In 2008, a measure was passed that required the Missouri Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be in Missouri illegally. Missouri law enforcement officers receive specific training with respect to enforcement of federal immigration laws.

In Missouri, illegal immigrants do NOT have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps or health care through Missouri Health NET.

In 2009, a measure was passed that ensures Missouri 's public institutions of higher education do NOT award financial aid to individuals who are illegally in the United States .

In Missouri all post-secondary institutions of higher education are required to annually certify to the Missouri Dept. of Higher Education that they have NOT knowingly awarded financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States .

It is important to remember, Missouri has been far more proactive in addressing this horrific problem. Missouri has made it clear that illegal immigrants are NOT WELCOME in the state and they will NOT receive public benefits at the expense of Missouri taxpayers.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

America must be protected

America is not perfect! America’s past is not perfect. However, I love America. I look at the other countries of the world, and some of them seem to be very desirable, but I still come back to “I love America”. I really cannot understand how someone can live here while knowing how most of the rest of the world lives, and not be thankful. I know that I am not alone. There are millions of people in different countries who are constantly attempting to get to America with hopes of enjoying the American dream. Sadly, many who are American citizens take their blessings for granted. And then there are those citizens who do not care about defending America’s existence, even expressing hatred for America.

The founders of America were interested in establishing a country where men could be free of governmental tyranny and live with maximum individual freedom to pursue what they deemed important. What they established is not perfect, but it has functioned quite well for over two hundred years. Those concepts and ideals define what America stands for, but the continued existence of our country, America, is dependent upon a much more basic requirement. The actual land which has been defined as America must be maintained. The country of America is defined by its borders. For anyone with any knowledge of history, it is crystal-clear that there have been many, many countries who were unable or uninterested in protecting their borders, and they ceased to exist. If a country does not protect its borders, it will either have its wealth or its land or both stolen. This is simply a fact of life which has been demonstrated over and over throughout history.

My question is “How can someone be an American citizen enjoying the multitude of benefits and be unconcerned for the continued existence of America?” Look around, America is a desirable place to live with more freedom, more wealth, and more opportunities than most of the world. These people who do not care for the welfare of America try to express the totally idiotic notion that America does not have the rights of a sovereign nation. They claim that America does not have the right or the need to protect its borders. That is hogwash! As a sovereign nation we not only have the right, we have the REQUIREMENT to defend our borders from any and all invaders. Invaders include those who intend to enter our country illegally! These same people who do not care for the good of America, also try to claim that non-Americans have the right to enter our country illegally because they have the right to try to improve their living conditions. This is more Hogwash! Non-American aliens have the right to seek entry into our country within the scope of American laws. If they are here illegally, they are invading our country to illegally obtain benefits to which they have no legal rights. The benefits of residing in America are reserved exclusively to American citizens and legal alien residents complying with American laws. Those living illegally in America are stealing benefits and wealth that they are not entitled to.  Anyone that opposes America’s defense of our national borders is inviting the destruction of America! To be clearer, the democrat leadership which opposes the defense of our national borders is inviting the destruction of America.

The leadership of the Democratic Party have repeatedly taken the view that illegals living in America should not be deported. They support the theft of benefits of living in America by illegal aliens. In California, the democrats have taken the unbelievable stance that criminal illegal aliens, i.e. those who have committed crimes in America, must be protected from punishment for their criminal behavior by California politicians. They have even issued pardons to criminal illegal aliens to thwart the due process of law as well as aiding and abetting criminal illegal aliens to evade capture by law enforcement. It should be obvious to everyone that the California Democratic leadership fully intends to support all efforts to undermine due process of law regarding illegal aliens. Clearly, the Democratic leadership intends to subvert and destroy the existence of American ideals and the due process of law. This can only harm America and has no positive benefits.