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Monday, April 17, 2017

abolish the filibuster

The GOP majority in the senate took the entirely justified and necessary action to do away with the filibuster in the process of senate confirmation of a Supreme Court justice. The looney left had no desire of fulfilling the constitutional requirement of vetting the nominee. Before President Trump even nominated anyone, the looney left had already determined that they would vote against ANYONE that President Trump nominated, with no regard or intention of even evaluating the nominee’s credentials.

The GOP should also do away with the legislative filibuster as well. It is totally ridiculous that 41 senators can dictate to and subvert the desire of a majority of 59 senators. The laws of the United States should reflect the will of the majority (not the will of the minority). If there are 51 senators that want to enact a law, then the law should be enacted. Of course, there should be discussion about a bill before it becomes law, and if the concerns of the minority can be addressed, then that should increase the likelihood that the law will be better. The only thing that the filibuster accomplishes is to ensure that the senate cannot enact new legislation. Combined with this is the fact that the looney left (hate trump) senators are not at all interested in enacting useful or necessary legislation if it conflicts with their primary goal of opposing everything in the Trump agenda.

either illegal or should be illegal

The looney left media continue to scream hysterically every day about the ‘collusion between Trump and Putin’ while there continues to be absolutely no, I repeat, there is NO evidence supporting their lie. However, there is one aspect of their ongoing lie which is interesting. They consistently allege that there is an ongoing investigation (has been going on for nearly a year that we know of, maybe longer). An investigation inherently requires ‘surveillance’ or ‘spying’ or ‘wiretapping’. Since there has been several illegal releases of ‘surveillance information’, it is undeniable that there has been government-led ‘surveillance’ of the trump organization.

Point number one, in a banana republic run by a police state it is probably normal for the current government to use police tactics and resources to spy on their political opponents. America is not a banana republic. At least it never was until Obama was elected president!!  The looney left is making two claims which they claim are true. The first is that the Obama administration did not conduct surveillance of the Trump organization during the presidential campaign. Out of the other side of their mouth (at the same time) they are claiming that the ‘ongoing’ year-long investigation will ‘eventually’ produce some evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. You can’t have it both ways. Either there has been spying or there has not! Meanwhile, it is clear-cut that there has been spying on the Trump organization by the government. If it is not illegal, it certainly should be!

Point number two, the duration of the ongoing investigation is excessive, given that there has been zero evidence found of any wrong-doing. Put up or shut up!!! The existing investigation was initiated in a manner which is either illegal or should be illegal. The purpose of the investigation is clearly and obviously political with zero legal basis. It is the action of a police state and should be terminated immediately. Instead, there should be an investigation to determine who authorized it, and was Obama involved in initiating it. If he was, there should be legal consequences. The United States is not a police state, and just because we had a dictator-want-to-be (Obama) in office does not condone such actions.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

More on Susan Rice - an article by Jeffrey Rodack

·         Susan Rice, who served as national security adviser for President Barack Obama, ordered U.S. spy agencies to produce "detailed spreadsheets" involving Donald Trump and his aides during the 2016 presidential race, former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova said.

"What was produced by the intelligence community at the request of Ms. Rice were detailed spreadsheets of intercepted phone calls with unmasked Trump associates in perfectly legal conversations with individuals," diGenova told The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group.

He said the overheard conversations involved no illegal activity by any of the Trump associates or anyone they were speaking with,

"In short, the only apparent illegal activity was the unmasking of the people in the calls," deGenova said.

His comments came as Fox News reported that Rice had requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance.

The unmasked names of people associated with Trump were sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and then-CIA Director John Brennan, according to the news network.

The names were part of incidental electronic surveillance of Trump and people close to him, for up to a year before he took office, Fox News reported.

"Rice is no stranger to controversy," Fox's Adam Housley said. "As the U.S. Ambassador to the UN, she appeared on several Sunday news shows to defend the administration's later debunked claim that the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on a U.S. consulate in Libya was triggered by an Internet video."

Meanwhile, The Daily Caller quoted retired Col. James Waurishuk, as saying a number of people in the Obama administration had to be involved to launch such a political spying program.

"It's unbelievable of the level and degree of the administration to look for information on Donald Trump and his associates, his campaign team and his transition team," he said.

"This is really, really serious stuff."

Michael Doran, a former NSC senior director told The Daily Caller News Foundation that "somebody blew a hole in the wall between national security services and partisan politics."

He noted the leaking of the information is a crime.

"That's a felony," he said. "And you can get 10 years for that. It is a tremendous abuse of the system."

Nancy P and Chuckie S

It has been reported from reliable unnamed sources that Nancy Palosi had a dream last night in which she was sitting in a theater audience watching From Russia With Love, and she is quite sure that she saw Trump sitting in the same audience. According to the same sources, Nancy Palosi has joined with Chuckie Schumer in a joint announcement that this is confirmation of Trump’s collusion with the Russians, and that they intend to pursue impeachment based on this ‘evidence’.