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Monday, May 13, 2019

God gave you a brain


            At just what point does the obvious become so clear that even the mindless have to see reality? Long before Trump won the election, the “liberal media” began spewing false accusations and lies regarding him claiming “Russian collusion”. When he won the election, the “liberal media” started screaming that he would cause the economy to crash. It was not long before they had to discontinue that lie because the truth was so obvious that they could not lie well enough to cover up the reality that the economy was great. However for over two years, the “liberal media” has been calling President Trump every despicable name they could contrive based on the “Russia collusion” lie. They have made hundreds of “predictions” in the last two years about Trump’s demise based on the Russian collusion lie. Every doomsday prediction has been revealed to be a lie. They have repeatedly issued predictions that the Mueller “investigation” would result in the complete destruction of the Trump administration and they were fawning over Mueller for the entire two years claiming that he was “so perfect” and therefore his conclusions had to be accepted. They were trying to place Mueller on a pedestal from which he could send out a proclamation ending the Trump administration. They were wrong!!! As soon as they realized that Mueller was not going to issue any indictments for Trump, they started to try to destroy his reputation, because HE HAD NOT FOLLOWED THE SCRIPT THEY DEMANDED. The truth is that the hate-trump-media has been lying about Trump for over two years. The truth is that there has been an attempted coup of a rightfully-elected president which was either initiated by the Obama regime, or greatly assisted by the Obama regime. If a news media spews lies for more than two years, and their lies are blatantly exposed, how dumb must a person be to continue to place any credence in their ongoing propaganda?

            The truth is that the Obama regime either formed or greatly assisted the creation of a group of hate-trump characters into an illegally initiated investigation whose sole purpose was to demean, harm, or destroy the Trump presidency. There was no “legal predicate” established to justify the creation of the “investigation”. There was no attempt to determine the truth. Instead, it was a twisted parody masquerading as “justice”. The FBI used Russian propaganda colored as “investigative information” which was totally false, as the basis for initiating the hate-trump investigation. You may know it as the “Steele Dossier”. It was created at the request of the DNC and the Hillary staff in collusion with Russian co-conspirators to influence the 2016 election. The real “Russian collusion” was committed by Hillary, and if justice is served, the real Russian conspirators will receive their proper punishment. However, don’t expect the conspiring “liberal media” to stop their ongoing campaign of lies in the near future. But if you, the reader, use your God-given brain to look at reality, perhaps you will know to stop listening to the “liberal media’ lies. To be explicit, the main liberal media co-conspirators are CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and many of the “newspapers” like the NY Times and the Washington Post. They have almost totally abandoned their role as fact-finders, and have instead assumed the role of main propaganda disseminators for the political far-left.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

responses to Omar's hatred



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Sliding into the pig pen

            It is a clear statement of the disgusting state of affairs in our country that a person who provides support for radical Islamic terrorist groups has been elected to the U.S. congress. It is a statement of the times that a radical anti-Semitic is elected to the U.S. congress. It is a statement of the times that a person who hates America has been elected to the U.S. congress. And, lastly this same person apparently hates Christians as well based on alleged remarks she has made. I can’t believe that the voters in Minnesota could have known that house representative Omar held such hateful views when they voted for her. In addition, it is quite clear that Omar also believes that the purpose to hold public office is to use her political position to attack the groups of people she hates. She certainly appears to think that she does not have the responsibility of representing the voters who elected her. Third world political leaders always use their political power to attack others rather than trying to build anything constructive, and Omar appears to be the classical third-world political hack.

            However, it is really disgusting to see the total lack of disapproval for Omar’s attitudes and actions by the leadership of the Democrats. It is clear that the leaders either support her hateful beliefs or they don’t have any moral backbone to expose themselves to any repercussions by the hate mongers within the Democrat leadership that agree with Omar. The flagrant hypocrisy of the Democrat leadership has once again been clearly exposed. Once a hate monger in public office is exposed, that person should be removed from any political position where they can use political power to fan the fire of hate. I only hope that the voters in Minnesota will overwhelmingly reject her when she runs for reelection, and I pray that the destruction she wants to cause while in office can be averted. Until then, she should be removed from any committee position where she can use her political power in any personal vendetta.