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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Play nice now!


In the ongoing legal battle regarding fraud in the 2020 election, there has been an interesting (read that as devious) evolution in the legal arguments from the communist-leaning leadership of the Democrats. At first, they claimed that there was no fraud to be found, and they created some propaganda to support that claim. Then, as there was more and more fraud discovered, they quickly began a propaganda campaign-through their comrades in the corrupt public media expounding that the fraud being discovered was simply the garden variety election fraud that “everyone should simply accept”. Then the truth about the Dominion election software began to emerge, specifically that it was developed under the direction of a South American dictator for the specific purpose of rigging elections. There were numerous specific “anomalies” in the voting results which “consistently” changed votes from Trump to Biden, or simply discarded votes for Trump. At this point, the communist-leaning leadership of the Democrats began to change their propaganda message. Instead of claiming that the fraud was minimal garden variety, they began claiming that the amount of fraud was “not substantial”. When the allegations of possible payments of substantial amounts of money from Dominion and its compatriot company, Smartmatic, to relatives of people who were involved in choosing Dominion election software, the corrupt public media complied with directions to print nothing about the allegations. The corrupt public media, and the corrupt high-tech companies who control most of the flow of information, (Google, Twitter, Facebook ) have all conspired to instead print nothing but lies claiming that there was “no significant fraud”. The latest lie being propagated is that we must “prove” that the fraud caused Trump to lose the election. TOTAL HOGWASH!!! Now they are effectively saying, “Yes, we stole the election, but you can’t prove it in court! Now, don’t throw a tantrum just because it was a fraudulent election. Be sweet. Smile like stupid little children, and kiss and make up and shut up!”

How do we feel? Perhaps, an analogy will help the communistic democrats understand how I feel about the fraudulent election. Let’s suppose that you were to go to a restaurant and order an expensive glass of wine. The waiter comes to your table and pours you a nice nearly full glass of the wine, and then to your chagrin he then took a cup of raw sewage and dumped it in the glass with the wine? If he told you, “It is mostly wine, so drink it!” Would you?

Let’s change the story slightly. Instead of a cup of sewage, only a teaspoon of sewage was added. Would you drink?

How about a thimble full? Would you drink it?”

If you were forced-fed the mixture, would you smile and play nice?