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Thursday, February 21, 2019

It is about choices

            The choices that people make are a mystery to me. The process by which they make these choices are even more of a mystery. Specifically, I am intrigued, and somewhat confused by the apparent lack of awareness of many voters. First of all, in my opinion, it is important to know how my elected representative votes, and what his/her opinion is regarding issues that are important to me. What my elected representative does and says affects me personally! I do feel strongly about a number of issues, and I am not pleased if my elected representative’s actions prevent my choices from being implemented. However, many people apparently don’t have strong feelings invoked by their elected representative’s actions, even if they don’t like what he/she is doing. I can’t empathize with such indifference. However, the people who are most irritating are those who say, “I always vote for the “fill in the blank“ party”, because that is who I am. I think that that is just plain laziness. Winston Churchill once remarked about the voters and democratic government. To paraphrase his comment, he concluded that democratic government may be doomed by the total ignorance of the average voter.

            I have conservative political views, and I most certainly will not vote for someone that I am sure disagrees with my viewpoints, and it is important to me to ensure that I am cognizant of his/her viewpoints. There are a substantial number of issues on which the democrat leaders have clearly stated their stance.

1.     They don’t desire to defend America.

2.     They support and enable the murder of unborn children.

3.     They don’t support our law enforcement officers.

4.     They are obsessed with looking for racial bias whether it exists or not.

5.     They disrespect and oppose Christian values.

6.     They don’t respect our immigration laws simply because Trump does.

7.     They are consumed with hatred for President Trump and will oppose him in everything even if it causes extreme harm to America.

8.     They are consumed with desire for power and have little regard for the opinions or desires of others.

9.     They want the government to control every aspect of my life and the lives of all Americans.

10.             They approve of the use of threats and violence to achieve their goals, i.e. “the end justifies the means.”

11.             They collude with the “liberal” media to disseminate “propaganda” consisting of so-called “news” for the sole purpose of “influencing” public opinion.

12.             They have corrupted our Department of Justice, FBI, and several other government agencies to use the agencies as weapons against their political opponents, and to protect high-ranking democrats from prosecution for criminal behavior.
           All of these stances are diametrically opposed to my values and my opinions. The runaway disasters of long-term political control by the democrat leadership is blatantly obvious to anyone who wants to look at reality. The democrats claim “guns kill people, not people kill people using guns”. So look at Chicago which has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is consistently one of the highest murder rates by guns in the country. Look at California with its “sanctuary laws”. In spite of being one of the wealthiest states in America, homelessness and poverty is rampant in California. In addition, public health is a real concern in California due to the public defecation, public urination and public use of illegal drugs in California. Due to the “sanctuary laws” there, the public safety risk is ignored by releasing criminal illegal aliens back into the public domain even when the criminal illegal aliens re-commit more crimes. Instead of enforcing laws for criminal illegal aliens, they are given a “get out of jail free card”. If you are an American citizen living in California, you will be greatly overtaxed so that the illegals can be provided with free housing, free medical care, free education, and free legal assistance to evade capture for their crimes. Everywhere that the democrat leaders have had long-term control, the taxes are sky high, the government intrusion is excessive, and the government waste on “freebies” to buy votes is prevalent. Having said all of this, it is my fervent hope that you will become aware of who your elected representatives are and what they are doing and saying.

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