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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Look at what she does! Ignore what she says!

In order to understand Hillary, one must remember this axiom. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING SHE SAYS. BELIEVE WHAT SHE DOES!

Hillary claims that she supports equal pay for women, but what does she do? Check out the internet regarding men and women in the Clinton Foundation. The higher up in the organization you go, the fewer women you see. There is definitely not a commitment to put women into higher positions of authority in the Clinton Foundation. Dig a little deeper. Guess what, the pay for women in the Clinton Foundation is inferior to the pay for men at the same level. What do you think? If she does not promote women in her Clinton Foundation, and she pays them less than men for the same work, what does that say? To my mind, it speaks volumes. She does not actually support equal pay for women. What she says is meaningless. What she does is the opposite of what she claims she does!

Hillary claims that she supports women’s rights. However, she has accepted millions and millions of dollars from nations such as Saudi Arabia which treat women as little more than sexual slaves. However, Hillary takes their money, arranges special treatment in awarding contracts to these nations, and never says anything derogatory about their treatment of women. It is an established fact that Hillary (through pay-for-play payments to the Clinton Foundation) has accepted tens of millions of dollars from these nations, and during her tenure as Secretary of State, there were many contracts ‘awarded’ to these countries. Do you really see anything in Hillary’s actions which indicate support of women’s rights?

Hillary claims that she fights for the welfare of children. She claims in her commercials that she wants to ensure that all children have an equal chance at success. Sure sounds good doesn’t it! At the same time she is saying this she advocates for the ongoing murder of over 200,000 babies every year. Of course, she conveniently refers to the ongoing yearly slaughter as ‘women’s reproductive rights’. She even supports partial-birth abortion. In a nutshell, as the baby is being born, they puncture the skull, suck out the baby’s brain, and kill the child as it is being delivered. It is a barbaric practice and is currently illegal in America, but mark my words, if Hillary is elected, she will try to reinstate it! How do you believe Hillary’s claim to love and support children, when she openly advocates killing them for no more reason than ‘the pregnancy is an inconvenience for the mother’.  Look at what she does, ignore what she says!

Hillary claims to support the police. She laments for the murders of our police officers. Don’t you find it hard to square this with her open support and endorsement of organizations such as ‘Black Lives Matter’, which is a blatantly racist organization which advocates killing police officers? She gives lip service to supporting the police, but look at what she does. It is clear that she only says she supports the police in order to get their votes.

Hillary claims to be concerned about the safety of American citizens. A presidential candidate should be concerned about citizen’s safety, right? However, look at what she advocates. She wants ‘open borders’. Let’s put that in different words. She wants us to have no one defending the borders of our country. If you are a drug dealer, Hillary wants you to be able to freely cross our border with any kind of material you want in your possession. If you are an illegal gun dealer, Hillary wants you to have total unfettered access to and from our country with any weapon of mass destruction you want to bring in. If you are a criminal from another country, she says come on in. She will do nothing to stop you from entering our country for whatever illegal reason you want. If you are a terrorist, come on in! If you are ‘only an illegal alien’ she may even issue an executive order to give you welfare payments paid for by the American taxpayers. Do you see any concern for safety of American citizens in an ‘open border’ environment? Look at what she does!

I could go on and on. There are plenty of other examples, but if you are still not convinced, you are a lost cause. One last time, look at what Hillary does, ignore what she says!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Will the lies ever stop?

Do you remember the lies which you were told? Your medical costs will go down. Purposeful and deceitful lie! Your premiums will go down. Another deceitful lie. You can keep your current doctor. Another deceitful lie. The average family's cost will decrease by $2400 per year. A disgusting lie. Surely you still remember the way you were lied to.

The average medical premiums have zoomed upwards by more than 50% for the typical American family under Obamacare. There were many people who lost their medical coverage altogether. The typical deductible for a family is now closer to $10,000. Altogether, the average medical costs have already skyrocketed under Obamacare. It is a farce for it to be referred to as the 'affordable care' act. You know, and I know that the Obama administration has done everything possible to prevent the reporting of the upcoming Obamacare cost increases before the election. Obama and Hillary colluded to prevent you, the voters from knowing just how sorry of an health care plan Obamacare is.

Hillary is on a desperate mission to convince you that she will bring down the cost of Obamacare. She claims that the excessively high deductibles and the outrageous premiums being charged and the spiraling prescription cost will all be reduced under her administration. I feel no trust in her promises. She lies about everything. The fault for the out-of-control medical costs belongs exclusively to Obama and Hillary. HILLARY IS CLAIMING THAT THE MISERABLE FAILURE CALLED OBAMACARE SHOULD BE KEPT WITH SOME 'SMALL' CHANGES!! When will the gullible people wake up and realize that they are being fed a continuing line of lies? Can't you smell the dung being offered to you again?

In spite of Obama and Hillary's best efforts, the coming skyrocketing costs of Obamacare have been released. You know as well as I do that the real hikes in costs will probably be even higher than the released information has stated. The main news agencies (all left-wing controlled) will do all that they can to suppress this information. If you think that people have a right to know how the government intends to put it to them, then you can copy this post and email your friends with the information, or you can google it (obamacare rate hikes). For your information, I have listed the increases in all of the states with increases above 20%. The average hike will be in excess of 25%. By the way, the increases vary by state depending on the whim of the government officials, probably not even related to what the real costs are.

Here are the ONE-YEAR increases coming soon.
Arizona – 116% increase in obamacare costs, Oklahoma – 69% increase in obamacare costs, Tennessee - 63% increase in obamacare costs, Minnesota – 59% increase in obamacare costs, Alabama – 58% increase in obamacare costs, Pennsylvania – 53% increase in obamacare costs, Nebraska – 51% increase in obamacare costs, Montana – 44% increase in obamacare costs, Illinois – 43% increase in obamacare costs, Kansas – 42% increase in obamacare costs, North Carolina – 40% increase in obamacare costs, South Dakota – 39% increase in obamacare costs, West Virginia – 32% increase in obamacare costs, New Mexico – 29% increase in obamacare costs, Alaska – 29% increase in obamacare costs, South Carolina – 29% increase in obamacare costs, Oregon – 27% increase in obamacare costs, Iowa – 25% increase in obamacare costs, Wash DC – 22% increase in obamacare costs, Utah - 20% increase in obamacare costs.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Reason number 3 to vote against Hilllary

In my previous post, I spoke about the second reason to vote against Hillary. With your permission, I will now expound on the third reason to vote against Hillary.

At the beginning of Hillary’s career when she was 27 years old, she was fired from her position as a staff attorney during the Watergate investigation. You can read the quote from her boss in my previous post titled ‘Some Things Never Change’. He elegantly explained why he fired her. Those characteristics that Hillary displayed at that time have continued up to the present time and have in fact become even more corrupt. The third reason to vote against Hillary is because she is completely and irretrievably corrupt.

If you refer to my previous post titled ‘Charles Krauthammer on the Clinton Foundation’ it clearly describes the way that the Clinton Foundation is set up specifically to function as a money-laundering organization. I am sure that if Al Capone could look at the Clinton Foundation in detail, he would express very high approval of how well it functions as a money-laundering operation. In addition, it is also a very good medium through which money can be funneled to Hillary Brown Shirts for their unethical activities which is virtually untraceable. The point is that the Clinton Foundation is an integral part of the thoroughly corrupt organization.

Hillary is only interested in accumulating large amounts of money and power. She will say anything and do anything to accomplish these goals. Why is this important to you, the voter? You cannot believe anything that Hillary says. She has bragged about having a ‘public face’ in which she expresses whatever view her Brown Shirts have determined will gain her the most votes. Translating this ‘Hillary speech’ to English – She lies to the public as needed to gain votes or power.

Why is Hillary’s greed important to you, the voter? She will make a deal with anyone for anything if the price is right. She does not care about ‘the little people’. If she is elected President, everything in America that is worth anything, and if she can profit from its sale, will be sold for Hillary’s enrichment. Refer to my previous post titled ‘Hillary and Bill sold American Uranium resources to Russia’. The Clintons may have received up to 145 million dollars for this ‘deal’. Can you imagine what Hillary will be able to sell, and who she will be able to sell to if she is the President?

Hillary and Bill sold American Uranium resources to Russia

When Hillary was Secretary of State, she and Bill through the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in 'pay-for-play' payments from Russian Sources for their help in the sale of 20% on all of America's uranium resources. Read the entire article written by John Hayward and printed in July of this year at the url below:

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Reason number 2 to vote against Hillay

In my previous post, I spoke about the first reason to vote against Hillary. With your permission, I will now expound on the second reason to vote against Hillary. In a nutshell, the second reason is because Hillary is a liar.
If you are a Hillary Brown Shirt, I am sure that you have either totally ignored Hillary’s lies or you are probably clinging to the fantasy that she doesn’t lie. You may even be trying to rationalize her lies by making the statement, “All politicians lie!” While there is some truth to that statement, all politicians don’t habitually lie. Even when presented with blatant and undeniable proof of her lies, Hillary will continue to push the same lie, or minimize her lie in an effort to convince the listeners that the event she is lying about is inconsequential. Most of the time, when she is presented with proof of her lies, she fabricates another lie in an effort to support her previous lies.

Taking a very small sample of her lies is enough to convince any reasonable person that she lies habitually. Regarding the Benghazi attack, Hillary first claimed that the attack was not a terrorist attack. Instead, she claimed that it was a ‘spontaneous demonstration that turned violent’. Of course, any intelligent person should know that demonstrators don’t show up at a spontaneous demonstration with rocket launchers. Why did she lie? The reason is simple. It was politically inconvenient to have a terrorist attack occur at that time because the political left was claiming that the terrorists were defeated, and there was an election happening that might be negatively affected if the terrorists were not ‘controlled’. We know that she was lying because we have copies of emails she wrote that explained how the attack was a planned terrorist attack! Then there are the series of lies regarding her ‘use of a private server’ where she made repeated claims that she didn’t receive or send any classified emails. The FBI found multiple instances (read that as hundreds of instances) where there were classified emails involved. I could go on and on, but I am just mentioning a few instances to show that she is a liar. As final proof that Hillary is a liar, just read her own words spoken to a group of businessmen. She stated that she has a ‘private policy’ for her set of confidants which she claims is the truth, and she has a ‘public policy’ which she claims is for the general public which is a stance taken to fool people into voting for her.

The real question to be answered is “Why does Hillary’s habitual lying disqualify her as President?” First of all, if you are a Christian, or you are a person with morals, it should outrage you to be subjected to a person that is a habitual liar. One of the qualities that should be a requirement in a President is to be an honest person, at least most of the time. You Hillary Brown Shirts will surely try to say that ‘everyone lies’, but I say that not everyone lies ALL THE TIME.

Last of all, if you like what Hillary has said in her ‘public policy’ speeches, ask yourself “What does that mean?” She will tell the public anything (read that as any lie) to obtain their vote. She bragged about doing exactly that. Since she lies about everything, how can you trust anything that she says? She will do what she wants to do, and what she has said in the past will be totally disregarded if she wants it disregarded.

The first reason to vote against Hillary

All of the liberal media are pretending that the election has already been concluded and they are busy writing the ‘Trump epitaph’. I still believe that if God says Trump will win, then even with all of the public media against Trump, even with all of the ‘established corrupt political machine’ against him, Trump will still win. That said, I will now expound on the first reason to vote against Hillary.

If Hillary wins the election there will be a plethora of negative consequences. The first and most devastating is that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who have no respect for the constitution. The role of the Supreme Court as defined in the constitution is to ensure that the laws of the land are in keeping with the principles outlined in the constitution. The judges that Hillary will appoint are not interested in the principles outlined in the constitution. Instead, they are intent in redefining the laws of the land to conform to whatever their idea of justice is. Some of the principles in the constitution that are in danger are freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the second amendment. The attitudes expounded in the uncovered emails from within the Hillary Campaign graphically show the total disdain that Hillary has for the Catholics and the Christians in America. You can be sure that if Hillary is elected, there will be further laws enacted to restrict the rights of spiritual expression in America. For instance, she may push for ‘freedom for spiritual expression in the privacy of the person’s home’ with the implied restriction that spiritual expression outside the privacy of one’s home is to be diminished.

Freedom of speech is clearly in jeopardy in Hillary’s insistence that everyone should comply with what is politically correct. In Hillary’s view, it is politically correct to state that a women’s right to ‘reproductive choices’ in indisputable. This is Hillary-speak for ‘if you want to kill your baby, the state must help you’. But the more insidious result will be that the political left will totally dominate the public media to an extent never seen, and that will be unbelievable. The dissemination of political propaganda in America currently is extremely biased to the political left, and under Hillary this will accelerate to a point where the propaganda machine will rival the Nazi propaganda machine that existing during Hitler’s reign.    

The political elite have their ‘hired guns’ to protect them. If you should make the suggestion that they do without their armed bodyguards, then they will immediately accuse you of wanting them dead. Look at how they accused Trump when he said something about bodyguards for the elite. However, they want to deny you the right to defend yourself against attack. Hillary will mount an all-out attack on the second amendment to ‘modify it’ into non-existence. I cannot predict how devious her assault will be, but it will come in the form and guise of ‘public safety’ measures against gun ownership. She may even allow you to have your guns, and outlaw your right to purchase bullets. Who knows?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

A Christian speaks out

I had this article forwarded to me, and I cannot identify who is the author. However, it is well-written and expresses a viewpoint that I think needs to be widely read. Therefore, I am passing it on in its entirety without any changes or further comments.

This may be the best and most honest political promotion statement you will ever read.  It decidedly does not brush objections aside. 


You hate Hillary?  READ it.


  You hate Trump?  READ it. 


You think there's no choice?  READ it.  And, read it with your grown-up hat on. 

We've all been dealt huge responsibility with this election.  The first step toward accepting responsibility is accepting it, and the first step toward accepting it is recognizing it. 


READ THIS.  Read every single word.  It'll take you about three minutes.  Be sure to read to the end (take a few minutes and read all of it!)

Are you sickened and despondent with the current campaign and upcoming presidential election?
I consider myself a conservative and do truly believe our country is at a political/economic/moral/ social crossroads. I need to let you know I could/would never vote for Hillary Clinton to lead this country.  To me, she represents everything that is wrong with our current political structure.  On the flip side, I look and listen to Donald Trump and I cringe at every rude, insulting comment he makes.

If you find yourself in a similar state of mind, please read the following article:

A Message For Christians About Donald Trump

Here's a famous joke about God and how he talks to us.

"A deeply faithful Christian man is stuck on roof at home with massive flooding up to the 2nd floor. Rowboat comes. He says "No, I'm waiting for God. I prayed and I know he's coming."  2nd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God." 3rd Rowboat. "No, I'm waiting for God."

Water rises. The man drowns. Now he's meeting God in heaven. The religious man says, "Where were you God? I prayed. I was faithful. I asked you to save me. Why would you abandon me?"

God says, "Hey, I sent you 3 rowboats
Did you ever consider Trump is our rowboat?

Maybe God is trying to tell us something important--that now is not the time for a "nice Christian guy" or a "gentleman" or a typical Republican powder puff. Maybe now is the time for a natural born killer, a ruthless fighter, a warrior. Because right about now we need a miracle, or America is finished. Maybe the rules of gentlemen don't apply here. Maybe a gentleman and "all-around nice Christian" would lead us to slaughter.

Or do you want another Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, John McCain, Gerald Ford or Paul Ryan? Did any of them win? Did they lead the GOP to "the promised land?" Did they change the direction of America ? No, because if you don't win, you have no say.

Paul Ryan couldn't even deliver his own state, Wisconsin ! And as leader of the House, Paul Ryan rolls over to Obama like my dog rolls over for a scrap of food, or a steak bone.  Nice, but obedient. I mean Paul Ryan...not my dog. My dog is actually a pretty good defender and loyal.

Maybe God is knocking on your door loudly, but you're not listening. Maybe God understands we need a "war leader" at this moment in time. Maybe God understands if we don't win this election, America is dead. It's over. The greatest nation in world history will be gone. Finished. Kaput. Adios.

And with one last breath, maybe what we need to save us at the last second, is someone different. Someone you haven't ever experienced before-- because you weren't raised in rough and tumble New York where nothing good gets accomplished unless you're combative, aggressive, outrageous, on offense at all times, and maybe just a tad arrogant too.

Someone with a personality you've never seen on stage at your church. Maybe, just maybe, being a nice gentlemanly Christian would not beat Hillary and her billion dollars, and her best friends in the media who will unleash the dogs of hell upon the GOP nominee.

I guess you think God is only nice and gentlemanly. Really? Then you've missed the whole point of the Bible. When necessary, God is pretty tough. When necessary, God strikes with pain, death and destruction. When necessary, God inflicts vengeance.
Maybe you think God couldn't possibly be associated with someone like Trump. Trump is too vicious, rude and crude.

When we won WWII, was God "nice?" Were we gentlemanly when defeating Hitler? Were we gentlemanly when firebombing Germany? Were we gentlemanly when dropping atomic bombs on Japan ? Is God ever "nice" on the battlefield? Or does he send us vicious SOB's like General George S. Patton so the good guys can defeat evil?


It's pretty clear to me God sends unique people to be "war leaders." That's a different role than a pastor or church leader. God understands that.

And maybe it's time to re-define "nice." Maybe Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan aren't nice at all--because they led us to defeat. And losing again would mean the end of America . And God can't allow that. Maybe Romney and Ryan mean well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or maybe they're just jealous they had their chance and blew it. Maybe they'd rather help elect Hillary than allow a Trump victory that would make them look weak, feckless and incompetent.

"Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, But those who wait on the Lord 
shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." (Isiah 40:30-31)

God is about miracles. We don't need a "nice guy" or a "gentleman" right now. It's the 4th quarter and we're losing 14-0. We need a miracle.

So let me repeat my message to Christians: "YOU'RE MISSING THE BOAT."

I believe Trump is our miracle. I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he's more like a battleship!

No one is saying Trump is perfect. No one is saying Trump is a perfect conservative. But he is a patriot. He is a warrior. He is a capitalist. He is the right man, at the right time.  Yes, he's a bit rude and crude and offensive. But that may make him the perfect warrior to save America , American exceptionalism, capitalism and Judeo-Christian values. The choice should be easy for Christians.


It's Trump...or it's the end of the American dream.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

More about Hillary's Brown Shirts

Have you heard of Scott Foval? Have you heard of the many Trump events which had violent demonstrations against Trump? Have you heard the propaganda from the liberal media which did everything in their power to blame the violence on Trump instead of putting the blame correctly on the violent demonstrators? Do you want to know the truth? Don’t look for the truth in the liberal media! The truth is that the violent demonstrations were a planned strategy by Hillary’s organization to accomplish two goals. The first goal was to interrupt and destroy the Trump rallies as much as possible. After all, only Hillary’s organization should have the right to free speech. The second goal was to pin the ‘violent’ reputation onto the Trump organization. Another lie by misdirection. The tasks were accomplished by another branch of the Hillary Brown Shirts. Hannity reported the information on his web site which you can view by clicking on the address below.


A Hillary Brown Shirt Story

You probably have no idea who Patrict Kennedy is, so I want to be sure that you know that he is an ardent Hillary supporter. In my opinion, I think he should be identified as another of Hillary’s Brown Shirts. But maybe you don’t know the implication of being a Hillary Brown Shirt. Just in case you are not acquainted with historical facts about Nazi Germany, I will just quickly describe Hitler’s Brown Shirts. During Hitler’s rise to power, he gathered his most dedicated followers into a coherent group whose main function was to provide ‘services’ for Hitler. Those services could be threats of violence against Hitler’s opponents, unlawful actions to cover up Hitler’s actions, and so on. Basically they would do anything Hitler wanted done regardless of how lawless the action was. I think I have said enough to provide a definition of what I mean when I refer to Hillary Brown Shirts.

After Hillary’s emails were subpoenaed, they were supposed to be turned over to Congress in their entirety. We know that Hillary destroyed over 33000 of them in defiance of the Congressional subpoena. However, she apparently made the mistake of not destroying all of the incriminating emails. There was one email classified as top secret. By law, it should have been delivered to the FBI with the top secret classification still attached. Patrict Kennedy knew that that would not be good for Hillary. So he went to the FBI and tried to negotiate a ‘quid pro quo’ to have the email’s classification changed to unclassified in return for a ‘favor’ given to the FBI. Now let me reiterate that the email had been subpoenaed which means that it is therefore against the law to change the classification at that point. Hillary defenders will try to make the argument that email security clearances are changed routinely to allow for people with lower classification to read the emails, which is true, but it is never supposed to be changed when the email has been subpoenaed. For a change, the Hillary corruption did not spill over into the FBI. However, they did allow Patrick’s attempt at coercion to go unpunished. Attempting to ‘bribe’ the FBI should have been recognized and prosecuted as a crime.  

Monday, October 17, 2016

Hillary's America

I am sure that by now you have read about the Hillary thugs that torched the Republican headquarters in North Carolina. I am also certain that you are aware of all of the efforts made by the Hillary thugs to destroy and prevent the Republican meetings through the entire campaign. This is a perfect prediction of Hillary's America. In her vision, the right to free speech will only be given to Hillary thugs. All other attempts to speak out will be squashed. It is very similar to the  tactics used by Hitler's Brown Shirts to silence any opposition in Hitler's rise to power in Nazi Germany. It is a continuation of and extension of the corrupt administration we have seen by Obama. In Obama's corrupt government the IRS was used to shut down the Republican organizations by denying them the same tax-exempt status that the Democrat organizations were given. In Obama's corrupt administration there is at least two different standards of justice. There is the strict interpretation and punishment for those who are not in the 'privileged class' even if there is no crime committed, and then there is the non-punishment for the guilty 'privileged class'. The treatment that was afforded to Hillary is a perfect example. Hillary will continue the same corrupt government that has been established by Obama. Effectively, Hillary will attempt to outlaw the Republican party.
Also, in Obama's administration there has been total disdain for our laws. Obama's executive orders which ignore existing law and his executive orders which change existing laws, effectively writing laws in an unconstitutional manner, will be continued and expanded under a Hillary administration. She has already noted her intention to expand the use of executive orders if elected. When a president is able to ignore existing laws and effectively change existing laws by executive order, then America no longer has a president, we then HAVE A DICTATOR. This is another of Hillary's visions for America.
Last of all, Hillary has only two things that are important to her, power and money. Through the Clinton Foundation, the Clintons have been able to establish a 'play for pay' scheme that is rampant with corruption. There has been millions of dollars, probably hundreds of millions of dollars 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation as payment for political favors. If she is elected this will accelerate immensely. Everything in America, all of our wealth, all of our natural resources, all of our military power will be for sale by Hillary. Anything and everything that the president can do to help any foreign power or corrupt business will be for sale to the highest bidder. Since no one knows who will be willing to pay Hillary the most money for political favors, it is extremely difficult to know exactly what executive orders will be written or who will be awarded the billion dollar government contracts, but you can be pretty sure that you, the average citizen, will be left holding the empty bag.
The Hillary campaign, all of the lies, and all of the efforts to shut down free speech for anyone but Hillary during the campaign are just the beginning of the descent into the toilet if Hillary is elected.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Today's history lesson

   Many people who may vote in the presidential election in 2016 have no real knowledge of Mrs. Clinton or her accomplishments. As a public service, I thought I would provide some input regarding her triumphs for consideration.
   When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even get a vote in a democratic controlled congress. This fiasco cost the American taxpayers about $13 million in cost for studies, promotion, and other efforts.
   Then President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood – both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration. Next she chose Janet Reno – husband Bill described her selection as “my worst mistake.” Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of deaths of women and children.
   Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection. When a little probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier’s radical views, her name had to be withdrawn from consideration.
   Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for the Treasury Department. Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably) committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.
   Many younger voters will have no knowledge of “Travelgate.” Hillary wanted to award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson – and the White House Travel Office refused to comply. She managed to have them reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours.
   Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of White House security. When Livingstone was investigated for the improper access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge of drug use in the White House. Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.

Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the “bimbo eruption” and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions in the debacle were:
          She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit. After the Starr investigation, they settled with Ms. Jones.
          She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor. After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr’s investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and later admitting his affairs. Hillary’s devious game plan resulted in Bill losing his license to practice law for lying under oath to a grand jury and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.
          Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the Starr investigation by repeating, “I do not recall,” “I have no recollection,” and “I don’t know” a total of 56 times while under oath.

After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated $200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.

Is it mostly lies or is it all lies?

There is no longer fact reporting in the liberal media. All of the news networks are run by the liberal press, and they refuse to report anything but what the liberals in control demand be reported. There has been very significant WikiLeaks information which has been released in the last weeks. NONE OF IT IS BEING REPORTED IN THE MAJOR MEDIA SOURCES. One of the facts uncovered is the secret collusion between the liberal democratic campaign and all of the major news sources to plan and report only what the Hillary campaign wants reported. Consequently, there has been nothing reported in the liberal media about the emails in the Hillary campaign demeaning Catholics and Christians. If there were anything even hinting of bias found in any Republican emails, the liberal press would have it reported 8 to 10 hours a day for the remainder of the presidential campaign. As I said, not even a whisper reported in the liberal press. In addition, the email where Hillary admitted in a secret meeting with high level executives that she lies about what her policies are in public has had zero attention from the liberal press. Hillary proudly announced to the executives that she has a 'public policy' which she uses to get votes, and she has a 'private policy' which is what she actually intends to do. She was making this statement to assure the executives that she is actually on their side and will do what is good for them rather than 'make the rich pay their fair share' which is her public policy. None of this has been reported in the liberal media. If you depend on the liberal press for information, I have news for you. You are not being told the truth. Lying by omission is standard procedure for the liberal press.

In addition, if you hear reporting about anyone 'on the right' by the liberal media, I can guarantee you that the facts are either misquoted to present the worst picture of the political right as possible or the so-called facts are nothing more than fabricated fairy tales. The current situation in the liberal press is very similar to the situation in Nazi Germany during world war 2, when the Nazi propaganda department totally controlled everything that was reported to the German population. Under Obama the persecution of the political right has accelerated with the Justice Department being completely corrupted and controlled by the Obama administration, and the liberal media is now little more than a propaganda machine for the liberal left. Obama has used the IRS to attack conservative organizations with the purpose of either destroying the organizations or reducing them to political insignificance. We are quickly becoming a nation where there are two levels of the justice system. One level is meant for those who will be dealt with harshly, and the other (the politically connected) are basically not prosecuted for any unlawful behavior. Hillary's treatment for destruction of her emails when they had been subpoenaed is a perfect example. The people on the 'other' level of justice had their lives destroyed for actions that were not even one tenth of the lawless actions taken by Hillary. Hillary (politically connected) walked away from  her criminal actions totally free.

Now having said that, I would like to comment about all of the sexual accusations being made by the political left against Trump. I know that either all or nearly all of everything that Hillary says is a lie. I know that her political organization has no qualms about saying or doing anything to promote Hillary and attack Trump. I heard what sounded like Trump's voice making some comments which I find to be offensive. These comments were made somewhere between 10 and 15 years ago.  SinceTrump apologized for the comments, I will believe that he actually said it. However, I think that all of the allegations coming out against him are a well planned and orchestrated effort to publically destroy Trump's reputation. I believe that the accusations are either fabricated or over-blown exaggerations made by people who have a personal vendetta against Trump, and the liberals are printing it because they know that it will be believed by enough people to torpedo Trump's campaign. In my opinion, it is just another filthy example of typical 'liberal' treatment of anyone that the liberal left deems as not PC enough.  

Monday, October 10, 2016

Christian values vs Hillary values

I cannot understand anyone who claims to be a Christian and also supports Hillary Clinton. There are so many instances where Hillary’s beliefs and/or actions are in direct opposition to Christian values. What I am specifically speaking about today is Hillary’s views on abortion. She speaks in smooth rhetoric about women’s reproductive rights which totally ignores the fact that the real subject is the killing of an unborn child. The so-called liberals have latched onto the term fetus and designated it to mean non-human. This allows them to discuss terminating the fetus’s life just like any insect can be killed. It is a fantastic display of rationalization. If you can label a person as non-human or sub-human, you can then do anything that you want to to that non-person. The Nazis used exactly the same type of rationalization techniques to demean and kill the Jews in the death camps during the Second World War. This does not justify the killing, it merely provides a means of avoiding any consequences. The unborn child has committed no crime demanding the death penalty. In most cases, the only reason for killing the child is because the pregnancy is an inconvenience for the mother. Abortion is not a question of reproductive right, it is a demand that the child cause no inconvenience to anyone. A woman’s reproductive right is exercised by the woman when she uses birth control measures before having sexual relations.

Hillary Clinton believes that a woman has the right to kill her unborn child for any reason. If the pregnancy is an inconvenience, kill the child. Hillary even sees nothing wrong with partial birth abortion where the unborn child is killed during the process of birth. Even though partial birth abortion has been illegal since 2007 in America, I am sure that Hillary would try to reinstate the practice should she become president. Even though it is a barbaric procedure whereby the unborn child’s skull is punctured and the brain sucked out of the skull during the birth, Hillary sees nothing wrong. How can any Christian who gives credence to God’s laws regarding murder possibly share Hillary’s views on abortion?  

Friday, October 7, 2016

Which is the more accurate phrase, media bias or media lies

I am really getting sick and tired of the blatant media bias. The first Trump/Hillary debate was just another showpiece of the blatant media bias against Trump and the ongoing coddling provided for Hillary by the media. Lester Holt started the whole thing with a blatant lie stating that the last few years have been a great economic recovery. Even an idiot can see that 1 to 2 % growth in the economy is not "great". Obama's administration is the first in American history that never exceeded 2% growth in any year. Under his leadership, the number of Americans in poverty has increased by millions, and the number on food stamps has grown even more. I addressed the statistics in a previous post, and will not repeat them in this post, but the point is that Lester Holt's opening statement about the 'rosy economic situation' was totally wrong. Now why did he make such a ludicrous statement? The answer to that question is obvious. Trump has been talking about taking actions which will help our economy to grow. Lester's intent was certainly intended to try to discredit Trump.
Lester Holt tried to tell you the listener that stop and frisk had been declared unconstitutional. This was another dead wrong assertion. The ruling which Lester was referring to had been in regard to how stop and frisk was being used. It was ruled to be constitutional policy.
Lester Holt tried to hit Trump with every issue he could find that MIGHT cause Trump problems. Lester Holt interrupted Trump several times and argued with him. Lester had nothing but powder puff questions for Hillary, and he never interrupted her or disagreed with her even when what she said was wrong. Hillary talked forever in a filibuster-type monologue and Lester let her have all of the time she wanted without limit. Lester interrupted Trump often and purposely limited Trump to much less time than he let Hillary have. Do I need to go on? The bias was tangible and extremely Anti-Trump from the very start.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Do you see a pattern here?

There are a number of interesting differences between the way that Hillary and Trump are running their campaigns. Hillary is not appearing in too many locations, and the crowds that she draws are rather small. Trump, on the other hand, is making many appearances, sometimes multiple appearances in a single day, and many of his appearances draw thousands of participants. If you listen to the rhetoric from each of them in their appearances there is also a significant set of differences. Hillary makes a point of assassinating trump’s character by accusing him of being a racist constantly, even going back twenty years to find someone that dislikes Trump from the past. She rarely talks about issues and solutions in any real detail, instead she likes to make blue-sky statements such as ‘everyone should have a free college education’ whereby she can promise everyone something free if they vote for her. She accuses Trump of dividing the people while at the same time she talks about taking major chunks of money from wealthy people to give to people who she will decide deserves more money. Have you stopped to think about that? Who decides which people will receive the money stolen from the wealthy? What she is talking about is distributing money based on political connections or government ‘discrimination’ instead of wealth being accumulated by the people who are creating the wealth. If the government confiscates 100 million dollars from one group of people, how much money really ends up in the other people’s pocket? The bureaucrats are not concerned with doing anything in an efficient manner, and there is always graft involved whenever the government handles money. As in most government directed activities, less than half of the money would get to the people designated while most of it would be wasted in bloated government expenditures and outright thievery.  

So ask yourself another obvious question. Hillary talks all of the time about taking money from the wealthy to give to people that the government says should have it. If you were wealthy, would you donate to someone that claims that they want take your money and give it to someone else? Think about that long and hard. Now be aware that most of Hillary’s donations are coming from very wealthy people. Hillary and Bill have been paid millions of dollars to speak to the wealthy wall street barons, and guess what, what they said in their speeches to the wall street millionaires is totally private. However, for the last thirty years (at least), Hillary and Bill have been talking about the millionaires paying their fair shares, and the millionaires have been donating to the Clintons heavily for thirty years, and the millionaires are still not paying their fair share (according to the Clintons). Do you see a pattern here?

Hillary has been talking about fair treatment for women for many, many years. The Clinton Foundation has been taking donations for many years of upwards of 100 million dollars from countries that routinely treat women with total disrespect to the point of death. During that time, the Clintons have talked about women’s equality, taken millions of dollars in donations from these countries, and done nothing to even acknowledge the mistreatment of women in these countries. Do you see a pattern here?

Hillary talks about Obamacare as if it is a great provider of affordable health care. She was totally in support of it at the beginning and still is. The lies were outrageous. You can keep your doctor – lie! It will save you money – lie! Medical costs will be controlled – lie! Do you see a pattern here?

By the way, you are surely aware that the Clintons are very wealthy, to the tune of 100’s of millions of dollars. Almost all of their wealth comes from the Clinton Foundation which is similar to their private piggy bank from which they can access plenty of money, most of it tax-free. There have been comments made that the Clinton Foundation is a very nearly perfect money-laundering operation. Refer to my post from August 31 regarding the Clinton Foundation. Do you see a pattern here?