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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

A taste of poison

The number and severity of terrorist attacks in America continues to increase. The war on our police officers continues to increase. The continued non-action policy sponsored by Obama regarding terrorism is exacerbating the problem by permitting the terrorists to pursue their objectives with minimum resistance. The continued Democratic support of the racist Black Lives Matter group with the implied agreement with the BLM’s policy to kill police officers is fueling the war on our police officers. If Hillary is elected, you can be certain that the war against our police officers will continue. If Hillary is elected, you can be certain that thousands of ISIS terrorists will be allowed to enter America as part of the half-million ‘refugees’ Hillary is planning to bring into our country. Hillary does not intend to do any decent effort to check out any of these ‘refugees’, instead she intends to accelerate the Obama policy of bringing in unchecked refugees.

We have seen the result of bringing in thousands of refugees in Germany, France and many other countries. Skyrocketing theft, rapes, and violence is the price the European countries have paid for opening their doors to these people. It will be no different in America. If you do not check who the people are that you are admitting into your country, it is guaranteed that you will have excessive numbers of criminals, rapists, and terrorists. Combine this with the Democrats indifference for the safety of American citizens evidenced by their total lack of concern about protecting our border from invading hordes of illegal aliens and drug dealers. Then add in the democrats disdain for the safety of our police officers and the result may be total anarchy and unchecked violence in America.

Is this what you want? A vote for Hillary will certainly invite this kind of dismal future in America!!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Idiotic policy at Brown University

Brown University, an ivy-league university which has a fine reputation as an educational institute, has announced an incomprehensible policy which borders on lunacy. There is only a limited supply of money available to Brown University for tuition assistance programs. Would it make sense to you to deny tuition assistance to a prospective American student in order to provide tuition assistance for a criminal? Luckily, they are not that insane. However, they have made the decision to make tuition assistance available to people who are living in America illegally! This money could and should be available for legal American residents. This is another example of idiots in charge who want to reward illegal activities. Essentially, Brown University is saying that they approve of law-breakers who ignore America’s laws to the exclusion of law-abiding citizens. If the University wants to provide some tuition assistance for immigrants, that is a worthwhile goal, but illegal aliens should not be rewarded. Brown University is saying that illegal aliens should be treated the same as all of the legal immigrants that obeyed our laws, and that is simply wrong.

more attacks on our police officers

 The Obama-and-Hillary-endorsed war on police officers is continuing with more attacks on police reported in Philadelphia today. A female officer sitting in her squad car was attacked with her assailant shooting her up to an estimated eight times. Thank God she was wearing body armor and it was reported that she is recovering. The assailant also shot several civilians in the ensuing police chase killing at least one civilian and was finally killed by police officers. I have said it before and again I reiterate that Hillary’s support and endorsement of Black Lives Matter is a contributing factor in the ongoing war on our dedicated police officers. As I noted in my previous post regarding the war on police, BLM openly advocates killing police officers. Hillary and the Democratic Party leaders have clearly endorsed BLM with the implied approval for killing police officers. How can anyone who believes in a lawful society support a racist organization such as BLM? All of the Democratic leaders should be ashamed, and it would be justified if they and BLM were prosecuted for accessory to attempted murder for their support of the ongoing war on our police officers.  

Monday, September 12, 2016

Lets talk opportunity

I had an interesting conversation with a gentleman yesterday that I found quite enlightening. We were talking about employment opportunities, and he noted that there are jobs openings for people here that are not being filled because of a lack of training or lack of education. That is an obvious statement that I have heard many times before, but where he went with his next few statements was an interesting viewpoint. The gist of his statements was, “what would be a very effective means of denying opportunity to a segment of the population if you were so inclined?” Then he switched to slavery in the early 1800’s and, of all things, talked about women in Muslim societies. His point was that slaves in the 1800’s were denied educational opportunities. Also, education of women in Muslim societies is also limited to what men will allow. The purpose in both cases is to limit opportunity for self-improvement and this limits employment opportunities. Our current system is set up so that there is almost a guarantee that the schools in the ghettos will be inferior.  

            Funding for schools in ghettos is generally inferior to that of other schools. The facilities are generally also inferior. The democrats constantly espouse the viewpoint that the only reason that anyone denied a job who is from a minority (Black or Latino especially) was denied because of racial discrimination. This supports the attitude that education is a waste of time. After all, if you will be denied a job simply because you are black or Latino, then what purpose is served by education? The reality is that a person is usually denied a job because the employer is looking for someone who can do the job, and the ability to do the job is dependent on the applicant having certain skills, one of which is basic education. However, this attitude which the democrats work hard at creating serves them well, because the democrats always claim that only they have the solution, more government handouts which come with restrictions that act to imprison the recipients with more government control limiting self-reliance which leads to further government control ad nauseam.    

            So, if you want to deny employment opportunity to a group of people, then you can set up a system which will provide inferior education and complement this with a strategy of telling the people that any and every employment denial is because of their race. This is a two-pronged strategy which effectively denies the tools for economic success (education) and instills a negative attitude towards education which lessens the chance that the minority will pursue education.

            How can you ensure that the education opportunity is inferior? Well, one thing is obvious. The people must be given only one choice for education. This is the democrat’s position. They claim that all education must be supplied by only the government. It is a classic Hobson’s choice. Choose this or nothing! How can I make this assertion? The democrats vehemently oppose any kind of educational choice programs (such as voucher systems) where the oppressed people may be able to choose something better than what the government wants to cram down their throats. The democrats claim that the only solution is to throw away more money in the government dictated education system. It is clearly obvious that more money does not necessarily translate into better schools.

            I will end with this last comparison. In the early 1800’s, the slave owners purposely provided either no education or the absolute minimum required for the slaves they owned. This ensured that the slaves had little or no chance to improve themselves. Today, the democrats insist that the only education available must be government supplied. The education opportunities being provided for minorities is generally inferior, and the democrats intend to maintain the status quo by denying the people a path to choose better education. Does there seem to be a similarity between then and now?

Saturday, September 10, 2016

A new low for Hillary

Have you heard Hillary's latest hateful lie? She labeled all of Trump's supporters as deplorable! Since there are some people with radical racist views that like Trump, Hillary advocates the lie that their views are Trump's views. Such garbage!! Trump has not embraced any of the racists who say that they like him. However, Black Lives Matter has endorsed Hillary. BLM has actively advocated killing police officers. It is easy to see that BLM is at least as racist as the KKK, and Hillary and the democratic party have gladly embraced them!. It is quite clear that the deplorable people are those who advocate killing police officers with the obvious goal of establishing anarchy.

Friday, September 2, 2016

A christian pastor, James Panico, speaks out

"I've heard too many say lately that we, the American people have no choice in this November election!

Do you really think that God would leave us with no choice! Come on people! Where's your faith!! 

He has heard our cries!
In defense of Donald Trump:
Try to keep this in mind,

Donald Trump did not steal your money.
Donald Trump did not raise your taxes.
Donald Trump did not quadruple the price of meds..

Trump is not starting a race war.
Trump did not leave any US soldiers in Benghazi to be slaughtered and desecrated by Muslims.
Trump did not send the US Navy to fight for Syrian Al-Qaeda. 
Trump did not arm ISIS and systematically exterminate Christians throughout the Middle East.
Trump did not betray Israel.
Trump did not provide financing and technology to Iran's nuclear weapons program.

Trump did not give our military secrets to China.
Trump did not remove our nuclear missile shield in Poland at the behest of Russia.
Trump did not shrivel our military, and betray our veterans. 
Trump did not cripple our economy. 
Trump did not increase our debt to 20 trillion dollars. 
Trump did not ruin our credit, twice.

Trump did not double African American unemployment. 
Trump did not increase welfare to a record level for eight years. 
Trump did not sign a law making it legal to execute, and imprison Americans. 
Trump did not set free all of terrorists in Guantanamo bay. 
Trump did not steal your rights, violate US Constitutional law, or commit treason, hundreds of times.


Yet Trump is being ripped apart in the news, non-stop. 

Barrack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton and the criminals occupying our government, are not. 

The media is the Democratic Party.

Save our culture. 
Stop listening to them..!!