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Monday, November 28, 2016

the lack of integrity is unbelievable

The lack of integrity demonstrated by the democrats in this election is staggering. The disrespect for the law by the democrats is also unbelievable. Hiring thugs to disrupt the republican rallies is against the law. It violates election laws. The FBI (now controlled by Obama and the democrats) did not even acknowledge that there had been a violation of election laws, and you can be sure that there will be no FBI investigations or prosecutions of the guilty parties involved.

Then, in anticipation of a democratic winner, the democrats decried what they said the republicans would do when they lost. The democrats accused the republicans of the 'future riots' which they claimed the republicans would commit when they lost. Guess what. When the democrats lost the election, they rioted (just like they had claimed the republicans would do).

Then, the democrats tried to claim that the winner of the election should be the person who won the most popular votes.  The constitution disagrees!!! The constitution states that the winner is the person that gets the most electoral votes. The democrats rioted saying that they wanted the election results thrown out BECAUSE THEY DID NOT WIN.

Now the democrats are tying to undermine the constitution again. How are they trying this time, you ask? Well, now they are trying anything and everything to get the electors to break their oaths and vote against the person that they are bound by law to vote for. There really is no limit to how low the democratic leadership will stoop to twist, subvert, and otherwise bypass existing laws to get what they want!!!!! What the democrats are trying to say is that the 538 electors should meet and vote for anyone that they want to vote for, regardless of how the voters in their state voted. According to the democrats, there is no need for any citizen to ever vote for the president. The 538 electors should, according to the democrats thinking, simply meet, ignore any candidates from any political party, and install the person that they want into the office of president! Why not simply copy the communist party and simply put the most powerful communist into the office of president!? Why not just do what the democrats really want. Do away with elections altogether, let the democrats select a dictator (or maybe an emperor), and be done with it!

Monday, November 21, 2016

GG speaks

I suppose that everyone is talking about the garbage that GiGi was shoveling on the awards last night. It was a classic example of a third-rate airhead attempting to demean someone that is obviously her intellectual and moral superior.

Talking heads

The liberal media commentators with big mouths and small brains have been doing everything in their power to convince their listeners that the Trump transition team is in disarray. Be aware that these same talking heads were falling all over themselves praising Obama for his 'great' work. Two weeks after winning his election, Obama was too busy playing golf using taxpayer money to even have picked his first cabinet nominee. Finally, in the third week, Obama finally picked his first cabinet choice. And the liberal media talking heads fell all over themselves gushing out praises for Obama. It has only been two weeks since the election, and Trump is way ahead of schedule for his transition effort. So much for the lying liberal talking heads fabricated fairy tales!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Obama's legacy

During the presidential election, Obama pointedly demanded that voters defend his legacy. It is not a surprising demand on his part. It should be quite obvious that Obama is one of the most narcissistic people that you will ever meet. Obama really thinks that everything that he espouses and everything that he does should be applauded by everyone. In his excessive self-love and overriding self-centered view, he really thinks that there is no other opinion that should count about anything other than his opinion. His continual demeaning and mocking comments about anyone that has an opinion that differs from his are intended to silence any discussion or free thinking by anyone else.

Obama’s concern for his legacy has been an ongoing staple of his agenda in his public appearances, and with your permission, I would like to expound on it just a little. Most of the people in my circle of friends would be very happy to illuminate Obama as to the miserable failure his legacy will reflect. However, I think that I would much rather dedicate this article to discussing how well he has achieved his goals.

First of all, I will mention the hatred and booing that Vice-President elect Pence received while attending a play in New York. The reaction of the crowd, Obama-led left-wingers, spewed out hatred and total intolerance for a fine and decent man who has done a very commendable job of serving the people of his state. He definitely does not deserve to be vilified. However, this is a perfect example to show that Obama has been very successful in implementing one of his goals. The crowd was exhibiting Obama’s wishes exactly, total intolerance for someone with views that are different and total disrespect for anyone who is different. The crowd’s reaction is the result of Obama’s efforts to demean and vilify any and every person whose views are different than the political left.

Second of all, I will commend Obama for achieving another of his goals. It is wonderfully expressed by his own words, “I have a pen and a phone………”. Let me interpret what he was really saying when he spoke those words. “I don’t care what the laws say that were lawfully instituted by congress. I will write my own laws in complete defiance of the constitution of the United States. I will purposely break the oath that I took to enforce the laws of this country when I accepted the office of president.”. Then in the cases of Trevon Martin and Michael Brown, he expressly ignored the concept of innocent until proven guilty in his over-zealous desire to label all police as racially biased. In both cases, he was proven wrong, but he accomplished his goal of undermining the men who have the responsibility of upholding our laws. He clearly achieved his goal of undermining the foundation of American life which is that we are a country of laws. He was able to instill a disrespect for laws and law-abiding citizens, another wonderful achievement for his legacy.

Under Obama’s dictatorship, we not only have to accept homosexual behavior, he demands that we have to actively support and applaud it. There are many people who find homosexual behavior offensive and repugnant, but under Obama’s dictatorship, we are demeaned. Not only do we have to openly support it, it is implied that we should put it on a par with heterosexual behavior. Under Obama, we are required to open our children to exploitation by adults of the opposite gender in public bathrooms. Yes, Obama this is another part of your legacy. Well done!

For anyone with the ability to think, observe, and deduce, it is obvious that Obama’s opinion is that most of the world’s problems have been caused by America. He clearly thinks that America should have little or no role in world affairs. This was exemplified by his ‘apology tour’ early in his first term. The phrase “leading from behind” has been coined, quite appropriately, to describe Obama’s leadership in international affairs. The subsequent rise of ISIS perfectly demonstrates the result of Obama’s efforts to diminish America’s role in world affairs. The Russian activities in the Ukraine are a direct result of Obama’s efforts to diminish American power and influence. China’s activities in trying to dominate the shipping lanes in the China Sea is another example of diminished American influence purposely caused by Obama. The give-away-everything deal with Iran is another example of Obama’s efforts to weaken American power and influence. Obama set out with the objective of diminishing American international power and influence, and he has been very successful. Again, I have to say well done. This is part of the ‘change’ that Obama promised us in the 2008 election. That is another fine feather in your legacy.

Obama, there are so many facets to your legacy that I am unable to even scratch the surface within the scope of this article, but I promise that I will get back to you with more updates in the future.

Friday, November 18, 2016

More deceit

Well, Loretta Lynch and the corrupt justice department are playing the same old game again! There have been many instances of Trump supporters being attacked by hateful left-wing radicals since the election. You can be dead certain that if Hillary supporters had been attacked, the justice department would have already launched an all-out probe into 'hate crimes'. However, since it was 'only' Trump supporters being attacked, there will be a pretense of an investigation, then there will be a long delay in any type of investigative results, then there will be a pretense of empathy with the victims, then the whole investigation will be dropped with some type of 'explanation' of the attacks which will lead to a 'conclusion' that the attacks were not hate crimes. Thank God that Obama's corrupt 'Justice' will be gone in a few more months!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

democrats = anarchy

The democrats lost the election. The results are in. The election is over. The democrats do not believe in the rule of law. They are now trying to invalidate the lawful results of our election by calling for a revote by the electors, AND THEY ARE SAYING THE ELECTORS SHOULD NOT VOTE THE CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE. Why don't they just go to Russia where there is only one political party and the so-called elections are just a sham. It is obvious that they don't think that anyone except democrats should have any say-so in our elections!

commentary on article in USA today

Today I read an article in the USA today written by Josh Hafner which I would like to comment about. I felt that the article was poorly written and not easy to follow. My impression was that he wrote it in a hurry and did not take the time to check it for grammar or readability. It appeared that he was trying to make the argument that Trump's selection of Steve Bannon shows a propensity for hatred in the Trump organization. I find his whole article to be both presumptuous and preposterous.

Since Trump won the election, there has been a steady stream of hate, innuendo, and outright lies spewed by the political left. Josh refers to something written on a web site two years ago which is attributed to Steve Bannon. He presents one sentence, specifically ignores the context in which the statement was made, and then LEAPS to the conclusion that Trump is therefore approving of spewing hatred. It is the height of hypocrisy for Josh to even hint of hate within the Trump administration when there has been nothing but hateful language and actions taken by the political left after the election. The left continues to demand that any and all effort to 'heal the nation' must come from Trump even as they heap as much dung on him as possible. Josh's article, his assertions, and his attitude are all a continuance of the ongoing hate campaign from the political left, and really isn't worth the effort of struggling through his inept writing.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Thank God

I am looking forward to the Trump administration with great anticipation. For one thing, he will repeal Obama's litany of unconstitutional executive orders that were used expressly to bypass the lawful implementation of laws. Instead, Obama, like a third-world dictator, unilaterally 'wrote' his own laws in defiance of the laws passed by our congress, and in defiance of the intentions of our constitution. I keep telling myself that it is only a short time until we will be rid of the first American dictator. Obama and the democrats are justifiably concerned that Trump will run the government as a dictator. After all, that is how they want to run it. Their concern is unfounded. Trump probably will repeal most or all of the unconstitutional executive orders, but there is no way he will emulate Obama's third-world governing style. Thank God!

sore losers

Before the election, the democrats were certain of a democrat victory, and they were painting extremely ugly pictures of how the republicans would react. Guess what! They were exactly right in their predictions except that it is the ugly democrats that are acting out instead. Their nasty comments and dire predictions about the upcoming republican administration are a perfect embodiment of what they said the republicans would do. As usual, they based their predictions on how they would react, extremely nasty! Just a short history lesson, in the last two presidential elections when the democratic dictator, Obama, was elected, the republicans accepted the election results with quiet acceptance. As you can tell, the democrats are unable to do the same.

Friday, November 11, 2016

law of the jungle

America is a country run by laws. This is not a third-world country run by anarchists where power is seized by the use of violence or the threat of violence. The left-wing agitators instigating all of the riots now do not believe in government by laws. They believe that only they have any rights, and they intend to ignore all laws. The destruction of property and the threat of violence is not ‘free speech’. It is mob rule, and it is intended to destroy the rule of law and instill the law of the jungle instead.  

tit for tat

The shoe is on the other foot, and the democrats are running scared. After enduring eight years of dictatorial conduct in the White House by Obama to stuff the democrat’s agenda down the republican’s throats through the overreaching use of executive orders, the republicans have taken control of the White House and both houses of Congress. The democrats think that the republicans are going to play the same game of dictatorial politics. In all fairness, why not? Obama issued executive orders for the specific purposes of ignoring laws passed by congress, rewriting existing laws via executive orders, and instituting two levels of justice (one level for his cronies to ignore their transgressions and the other level of imperial punishment for his opponents). The democrats want to tar the republicans with the accusation that they will act like democrats by misusing power. They can’t imagine a world in which the people in power will be trying to improve the quality of life for EVERYONE!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

temper tantrums

I have to comment on the demonstrations being orchestrated by the radical left in the last few days. Trump won the election while following all of the election laws. The democrats used tactics that were at the least unethical if not downright illegal. Even so, Trump won the election. Now these fascist-leaning individuals are throwing a tantrum. Obviously, their belief is that no one should be allowed an opinion which differs from theirs. Obviously, they believe that if they don’t get what they want, then they can threaten violence. They even desecrate the American flag. They walk around spewing obscenities and call their disgusting behavior ‘free speech’. They do not believe in free speech. They think that they are the only people that have civil rights. It only makes sense. Their ‘leader’, Hillary, is continually in one scandal after another where she at least appears to be either morally deficient or a downright criminal. Her supporters apparently desire to sink to her level.

Friday, November 4, 2016

The stench of corruption is overwhelming

It is extremely hard to decide how to organize this post because there is simply so much corruption that it truly is overwhelming. So I guess that I will try to just list the high points of the corruption in the Obama administration as a lead-in into the filthy criminal organization that the Clintons have created. Since there is so much, I will probably leave out whole chunks of important information, but here goes. Do you remember the Fast and furious scandal? The justice department, under Eric Holder, arranged to provide many automatic weapons for the drug dealers under the guise of a 'botched' undercover operation. Obama publically decried the operation as a failure and vowed to find the 'guilty persons'. Then he and Eric Holder proceeded to cover up and bury the whole thing. There was never any investigation, and there was  never anyone held responsible for the resulting violence and murders of our border agents. My opinion is that someone in the Obama administration profited very well as a result of the 'fast and furious' operation. I also believe that either Obama or Eric Holder profited as well. But since it was thoroughly covered up, the truth will never be known!.

Do you remember the IRS scandal? Dozens of conservative political organizations were unlawfully denied their rightful tax-exempt status. The purpose of the denial was to diminish their political influence by decreasing their financial resources. Congress tried to investigate the IRS and all of their efforts were stymied because the IRS blatantly demonstrated contempt for congress by refusing to provide any information. Congress was unable to prosecute them for contempt of congress because Obama had totally corrupted the Justice Department to the point that the Justice Department refused to issue any indictments. Corruption of the Justice Department was the first thing that Obama did when he took office. For his entire administration, the Justice Department has refused to permit any indictments for any criminal offense committed by Obama's 'cronies'.

Obama's corrupt administration interlocks perfectly with the Clinton criminal organization. Obama placed Loretta Lynch into the head position of the Justice Department in order to ensure that the criminal activities of the Clintons will never be punished. Loretta Lynch is now and has been a 'bosom buddy' of Hillary Clinton for years. The Clinton organization 'arranged for' the 'donation' of about $600,000 (give are take) to the political campaign of the wife of the second in command of the FBI. He was the person in charge of investigations into the Clinton's. Needless to say, the investigation was fruitless. Do you like the smell of this? The FBI investigations into the Clintons is being purposely hampered by Loretta Lynch through denying the FBI the tools needed to do a complete investigation such as subpoena authority, formation of a grand jury, indictment authority, and much more. If Hillary becomes president, the one last remaining organization that has not been corrupted, the FBI, will be rendered ineffective. Hillary will ensure that the FBI power will be removed by whatever means she needs to use. Yes, in my opinion, that includes getting rid of selective FBI agents by WHATEVER MEANS IT TAKES! Hillary has no morals whatsoever, and in my opinion she is completely unconcerned with the effects of her actions on other people.

The Clintons are only interested in garnering power and wealth. They will make any kind of a deal with anyone for anything if it brings them more power and/or money. Hillary does not care for the welfare of anyone other than Hillary, and she has absolutely no problem with telling any lie to accomplish what she wants done. The Clinton Foundation has been set up for the exclusive purpose of providing money laundering, a vehicle for political 'pay to play' bribes, and a source of tax-free income for the Clintons. They spend the minimum necessary for 'humanitarian purposes' to 'qualify' the foundation, but even their 'humanitarian' efforts are riddled with cronyism where they use the foundation to distribute money to their 'donors' in the form of business contracts, etc. While Hillary was Secretary of State. they managed to leverage her political influence into hundreds of millions of dollars of  'pay-to-play' income. Her only purpose for seeking the office of President is to leverage the political power of the office of president into probably billions of 'pay-to-play' payments.