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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Democrats interested only in obstruction

The democrats are not interested in accomplishing anything for the public good. They are only interested in destroying any semblance of cooperation with the newly elected president. The democrats are trying to destroy the whole process of approval of cabinet members. The democrats passed a rule while they controlled the senate called the 'nuclear option' whereby a vote can be forced. It is time for the republicans to acknowledge the fact that the democrats are only interested in destroying the orderly transfer of power to the new administration. The republican majority in the senate should do whatever is necessary to employ the 'nuclear option' for all of the remaining cabinet appointments and consider also using the nuclear option for the supreme court nominee. A new administration must be allowed to appoint cabinet members within a reasonable time frame in a process where 'opposition for political purposes' is prevented. Future 'political games' in the cabinet post process must be prevented. There is a change which will prevent this problem in the future.

Here is my proposal for changes to the cabinet appointment process in the future. As soon as the new administration nominates his cabinet members, they are installed as cabinet members. The senate is then given 30 days in which they may vote against that appointment, but if there is no such vote which occurs within the 30 day period, then the cabinet post appointment is confirmed. To state it differently, once the president nominates a cabinet post nominee, the confirmation is automatic unless the senate acts to reject the nominee.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The inauguration

I listened to the entire Trump inauguration speech, and I found it to be very uplifting and positive for the future. However, I am certain that the left-wing hatemongers will do everything possible to label the speech as ‘dark’ which appears to be the latest preferred ‘negative’ demeaning term. In the beginning of his speech, Trump elaborated on all of the negative consequences which have evolved from the Obama dictatorship. All of the ‘dark’ Obama consequences enumerated are true and needed to be mentioned because much of what needs to be done from this point is necessary because of the inherent failures of the entire Obama term of office. One could label this part of his speech as ‘dark’ because the Obama years were indeed very ‘dark’. Hopefully, the ‘dark’ Obama presence will no longer need to be endured. I hope that he spends the majority of his remaining years on the golf course where his ideas will no longer cause America grief.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

media misdirection

If you were to read the liberal media and BELIEVE IT, you could be really alarmed right now. A couple of days ago, the liberal media predicted that there will be a little over one million people at the Trump inauguration. Today the liberal media is predicting that there will be 900,000 protestors at the  inauguration. So, IF YOU BELIEVE THE LIBERAL MEDIA, there will only be protestors at the event. I'll bet you that everyone there will NOT be protestors!!! What do you think?

Saturday, January 14, 2017

The evanescent legacy of Obama

An excerpt from an article by John Daniel Davidson

Obama’s presidency proved instead to be a time of intense rancor and discord, worsening racial enmity, eroding trust in government, and a national public life marked by petty grievances, false promises, and endless recriminations. He leaves behind a polarized America, a Middle East in flames, an unstable international order, and a Republican-controlled Congress and incoming president who have staked their reputations on dismantling every signature achievement of his presidency.

The “pen-and-phone” strategy he announced in 2014, rejecting bipartisan compromise with Congress, was predicated on a Democratic successor who would preserve his executive decrees and regulations. Instead of building support for major initiatives, Obama governed under the assumption that Democrats had achieved a permanent majority.

Indeed, his entire approach to governance belied a conceit that the major questions of policy had been settled. From health care to climate change to financial regulation, the question was not whether the federal government should take action, but what the details should look like. As Obama said Tuesday night, “We can argue about how best to achieve these goals, but we can’t be complacent about the goals themselves.”

Obama was uninterested in debate, still less in persuasion. If you didn’t agree, you were on the wrong side of history. In this, Obama helped shape the dominant ethos of the Democratic Party, which was also the basis of Clinton’s campaign: we are on the winning side. The “deplorables” who support Trump, who aren’t on board with the progressive agenda, are “irredeemable.” Why bother reaching out to them? Why compromise, when victory is certain?

End of Excerpt

My interpretation of Mr Davidson’s article could be succinctly summed up by stating that Obama ruled as a dictator-want-to-be based on the premise that the democrats would be in total control for the foreseeable future. Why work within the framework of democracy when you can establish an emperor instead.   

Friday, January 6, 2017

Regarding an article written by Timothy Egan of the New York Times

I just finished reading a fantasy article written by Timothy Egan of the New York Times. It is obvious that this man lives in a galaxy far, far away. He gushes praise on Obama regarding his economic record over the last eight years totally ignoring the fact that the so-called ‘recovery’ never has managed to exceed 3% growth for any of Obama’s eight years in office. He praised Obama for job creation again totally ignoring the fact that almost all of the jobs created in Obama’s reign have been low-paying dead-end jobs that present the American workers with little or no chance for ever climbing out of poverty. This is evidenced by the fact that there are millions more Americans now living in poverty than when Obama first took office.

Timothy Egan’s glowing claims of the excellence of Obama’s reign are nothing more than rantings of a man who thinks that the average reader is so dumb that they will believe any lies he spouts. He makes the absurd claim that Obamacare has reigned in the costs of health care when even an idiot can clearly see that the costs of health care within the Obamacare umbrella have skyrocketed. Here is the obvious truth. The average American cannot afford health care with a $10,000 yearly deductible and $800-$1000 monthly premiums for a small family.

Then he purposely ignores the real reason for the displeasure with Obama’s executive orders. Most of Obama’s executive orders were written as orders from the Emperor to bypass the constitution by writing laws by executive order. Most of the other executive orders were written to invalidate laws that had been legally passed by Congress, because Emperor Obama refused to fulfill his oath of office to enforce the legal laws passed by Congress. It is not so much the number of executive orders by Obama, as anyone with a brain can easily see it is the content and purpose of the executive orders that is important.

Last of all, Timothy makes the most absurd of all of his comments by claiming that the Obama administration was scandal-free. This surpasses the definition of fantasy. There were no years of the Obama administration not laden with scandal. It started almost immediately with examples like fast and furious, continued with the IRS scandal, and was persistently upheld by the inability of the Obama administration to ever utter the truth. In my opinion, all of the years of the Obama administration were nothing more than cover-up and a cesspool of corruption.   

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

An Article by Michael Brendan Dougherty

Barack Obama came into the White House in a cloud of glory and optimism.
He defined the problems that the nations faced in his first inaugural address. First, the nation was at war with a network of violence and hatred. Second, our economy was badly weakened. Homes were lost, and businesses shuttered. Health care was too expensive. Schools failed their students. And finally, "less measurable, but no less profound, is a sapping of confidence across our land; a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable." Obama promised that he and the country would meet these challenges head on.

Eight years later, as Obama prepares to depart the White House, he leaves the nation in a cloud of disappointment, recrimination, and even paranoia. None of the wars Obama inherited are truly over, and he has started, or joined America to several more. If anything, the sense of America's decline is even more palpable than before.

For a sense of that decline, look at the pathetic tantrums that the Obama administration is throwing in its last days. After the White House received some criticism from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others in the media for letting a non-binding resolution condemning Israeli settlements pass at the UN, Secretary of State John Kerry let fly with a speech on Israel and its settlements at a bewildering length. He scolded Israel for having the "most right-wing [government] in Israeli history, with an agenda driven by the most extreme elements." It was petty and unnecessary. Letting the resolution pass said everything that the administration hoped to express. Nattering on just evidenced the impotent frustration of the administration, particularly since it will not ratchet down foreign aid or military aid to Israel.

This minor meltdown also invited critiques from America's allies. U.K. Prime Minister Teresa May fired a shot at Kerry. So too did the Australian government. Obama's state department replied to these remarks by saying, "We are grateful for the strongly supportive statements in response to Secretary Kerry's speech from across the world, including Germany, France, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and others." Invoking Qatar and Saudi Arabia as a character witness for the United States' defense of human rights and building of peace is contemptible, considering that conversion to Christianity is a capital crime there.
Next there is the way the Obama administration has treated Russia as a newly menacing and strangely omnicompetent rival. Last week the Obama administration expelled 35 Russian diplomats and their families in retaliation for their government's supposed hacking. But when the Obama administration presented its evidence for Russian hacking to the public, it was so weak and circumstantial, it almost invited those perusing it to disbelieve the administration's claims:

"Instead of providing smoking guns that the Russian government was behind specific hacks, it largely restates previous private-sector claims without providing any support for their validity. Even worse, it provides an effective bait and switch by promising newly declassified intelligence into Russian Kerry's speech from across the world, including Germany, France, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and others." Invoking Qatar and Saudi Arabia as a character witness for the United States' defense of human rights and building of peace is contemptible, considering that conversion to Christianity is a capital crime there.
These tantrums are not without reason. One prefers to lash out at an enemy beyond the border than to look at one's own failures square in the face.
The Obama administration has fallen far short of the soaring aspiration in which it began. The wars have not ended. Obama is the first two-term president to be in one war — the war in Afghanistan, the war that even his own "surge" could not end — for his entire presidency. And it's a war in which the Taliban has been making a comeback. Obama hands off American involvement in Libya, Yemen, Iraq, and a humiliating wind down of its five-year covert intervention in the Syrian Civil War.

Other inaugural promises have come to naught as well. More people have health care, yes, but more people also pay more to get the health care they want. And American health-care costs have not gone down to meet the standards set by the rest of the world. Our education system still fails people at the same desultory rates as before. And our respectable allies feel more empowered than ever to denigrate us.

And the political promise is spent as well. Obama was hailed as a genius and political savior. Now his own Democratic Party has fallen to new lows in the state legislatures and governors' mansions across the country. Instead of handing on the executive branch to an ordained successor, he is passing it onto the man who questioned his birth certificate.

If you had left your country and party in such a state, you'd be acting like a petulant jerk, too.