Who is
Rashida Tlaib (the 13th district house rep from Michigan)? First of
all, she is a self-proclaimed anti-Semite who is clearly dedicated to the
destruction of the country of Israel. She is actively working to undermine anyone
who shows even the slightest desire to support the country of Israel. Also, she
is an active member of the DSA (Democratic Socialist of America) which is an
organization dedicated to destroying most or all of the basic American ideals.
They support a totally “socialistic” America. Read that for what it really is,
total government control of every facet of the life of all Americans. No choice
of what kind of work you do, the government will tell where you will work. Read
that as government ownership of every organization, business, property, and all
wealth in America. Read that as all wealth being distributed by politicians to
their supporters or cohorts with total disregard to who is creating wealth. Read
that as loss of all personal freedom because socialism is simply a path to a
totalitarian government. Read that as the use of one’s political position for
purely personal vendetta’s against anyone that you dislike.
Who is
Rashida Tlaib. She is the person who has no respect for common decency, and is
unable to speak without the use of liberal obscenities. She is the person who
called our President a Motherf……er. She is a cancer which has invaded our house
of representatives, who really needs to be removed from any political position
of power NOW and for the rest of her life.
How did she
obtain the position she now holds? She ran unopposed for the seat in 2018
because the democratic leadership has no interest in supporting American
ideals. She was elected because the socialistic left wing newspapers ensured
that there was no negative information released about her to the public before
the election. Most damning of all, the voters probably made zero effort to know
anything about her before the election. They should know her now and it is my
hope that they will not re-elect her in the upcoming 2020 election.