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Thursday, July 21, 2016

Borders are necessary

How do you know where a country is? You look at a map which shows the country as outlined by its borders. It should not be necessary to say this, but the PC left will argue about anything. A country that does not defend its borders will cease to exist as a country. If you love America, then defend it! If you don't love America, then Get Out! If you don't want to defend our borders, then you want America to cease to exist. Go somewhere else! America has a history of welcoming immigrants which exceeds the immigrant welcome of any other country in the world. Please note that I said immigrant. For those of you on the left, an illegal alien is not an immigrant. By definition, an immigrant is someone who has come to America LEGALLY! If a person is here illegally, they can not logically be referred to as an immigrant. An illegal alien is breaking our law by being here. In other words, they have no respect for our laws. Let's state that a little more clearly for the PC police. We don't need people here that think that they are above the law. We don't need lawless people sneaking into our country.
For those of you who want to say that someone has the right to try to improve their life, and therefore should be allowed to be here illegally, let me say this. Immigrants are welcome. Immigrants are our lifeblood. Immigrants have contributed greatly to American history. However, in the last couple of years there have been over half a million felonies committed in the state of Texas by illegal aliens against American citizens. That is in just the state of Texas. I will readily concede that most of the illegal aliens don't commit felonies, but there are millions of felonies committed by illegal aliens. Any illegal alien who commits a felony in the U.S. should receive the maximum punishment permitted under the law, and then be deported after serving their prison term. People who are not American citizens have no inherent right to reside in the U.S. They are welcome here as visitors as long as they follow our laws. That specifically means following our immigration laws. Those here illegally should either follow the law and become a legal visitor or get out of our country.
Obama's administration has purposely refused to enforce our immigration laws. By not protecting our borders, they have purposely permitted criminals and terrorists to freely invade our country along with the illegals. You can make any kind of argument you want to regarding why Obama wants to erase our borders, but his actions have greatly decreased the safety for American citizens and increased the lawlessness in our country. It is his desire to admit at least 100,000 people into our country WITHOUT ANY REASONABLE CHECKS TO VERIFY WHO THEY ARE. Hillary wants to increase that number to over half a million people WITHOUT REASONABLE BACKGROUND CHECKS. As usual, Hillary cares little or not at all about the safety of American citizens, just like Obama.
To recap what I have said. A person who is not an American citizen has no inherent right to stay in our country. We have the right to refuse entry to the U.S. to anyone, just like every other country in the world. If someone breaks our laws, we have the right and the obligation to punish them. A person who is in our country illegally is obviously breaking our laws, and by definition is a lawbreaker. Last of all, if we don't protect our borders, then we will cease to exist as a country.

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