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Monday, April 17, 2017

either illegal or should be illegal

The looney left media continue to scream hysterically every day about the ‘collusion between Trump and Putin’ while there continues to be absolutely no, I repeat, there is NO evidence supporting their lie. However, there is one aspect of their ongoing lie which is interesting. They consistently allege that there is an ongoing investigation (has been going on for nearly a year that we know of, maybe longer). An investigation inherently requires ‘surveillance’ or ‘spying’ or ‘wiretapping’. Since there has been several illegal releases of ‘surveillance information’, it is undeniable that there has been government-led ‘surveillance’ of the trump organization.

Point number one, in a banana republic run by a police state it is probably normal for the current government to use police tactics and resources to spy on their political opponents. America is not a banana republic. At least it never was until Obama was elected president!!  The looney left is making two claims which they claim are true. The first is that the Obama administration did not conduct surveillance of the Trump organization during the presidential campaign. Out of the other side of their mouth (at the same time) they are claiming that the ‘ongoing’ year-long investigation will ‘eventually’ produce some evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. You can’t have it both ways. Either there has been spying or there has not! Meanwhile, it is clear-cut that there has been spying on the Trump organization by the government. If it is not illegal, it certainly should be!

Point number two, the duration of the ongoing investigation is excessive, given that there has been zero evidence found of any wrong-doing. Put up or shut up!!! The existing investigation was initiated in a manner which is either illegal or should be illegal. The purpose of the investigation is clearly and obviously political with zero legal basis. It is the action of a police state and should be terminated immediately. Instead, there should be an investigation to determine who authorized it, and was Obama involved in initiating it. If he was, there should be legal consequences. The United States is not a police state, and just because we had a dictator-want-to-be (Obama) in office does not condone such actions.

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