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Monday, November 11, 2019

Socialism – What is the radical left talking about?

There is the rose-colored socialism that the radical left proposes and there is real-life socialism. Most of the left-wing candidates for president are currently pushing a version of “rose-colored glasses” socialism. They make grandiose proposals of providing “whatever you want for free” socialism which is simply a pipe-dream. It doesn’t exist. To state the obvious, “There is no free lunch!”

Point number 1: Government is inherently wasteful, inefficient, and non-responsive. Anything provided by the government WILL BE EXCESSIVELY EXPENSIVE. It is the nature of the beast! Government is run by bureaucrats who inherently know very little or nothing at all about the service or product needed. However, they do know about paperwork. In order to provide a one dollar item (for free), they will probably require at least ten dollars be wasted in unneeded paperwork. Then the cost of the actual item will be increased by at least a factor of 3 (three dollars for the one dollar item.). So our fictional one-dollar item will be provided at a cost of at least 13 dollars, but they will claim it is free!

Point number 2: The stated ideal of socialism is to provide what the people need. Let’s be real clear about that. They expressly do not claim to provide what the people want. You may want a brand-new, good-looking car for transportation, but the government may decide that what you need is a used bicycle. The government will decide what you “need”, NOT YOU. However, you can be quite sure of one thing in a socialist country, those individuals who have good political connections WILL BE GIVEN MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. In a socialistic society, wealth is taken from individuals that THE GOVERNMENT SAYS HAS TOO MUCH and given to those individuals that THE GOVERNMENT SAYS HAS A NEED. All wealth in a socialistic society flows to the politically connected because it is payment for political support.

Point number 3: If the government is to be able to provide for all of the needs of the citizens, it is obvious that the government must own everything or, at the very least, control the ownership of the wealth. Therefore, no one will be able to accumulate wealth. The state determines the needs based on a MINIMUM NEED basis. It is obvious that the government will write laws based on providing the basic needs,and nothing extra will be planned for. The conclusion is obvious, everyone will get the state-controlled minimum (except for those who have political connections). The end result is a society being forced to exist on the bare minimum which drives everyone into poverty.

Point number 4: The economic production of a socialistic society diminishes every year. This is obvious. It does no good to be productive within socialism. If you are deemed to be “wealthy”, the fruits of your labor will be stolen from you to be given to someone else. One loses any incentive to do anything extra within socialism. Wealth is distributed based on a political basis instead of productivity.

Point number 5: All of the rhetoric lauding socialism is a red herring. History proves over and over that socialism is simply the first step of a consolidation of wealth and power by a political group to move into a dictatorship. The Nazi party was concealed under the label of socialism in its beginning. The Cuban dictatorship was also enmeshed within a cover of socialism. Even a brief glance at history shows that socialism is used over and over to initiate ruthless and smothering dictatorships.

So, given the above mentioned facts, let’s ask again, “What is the radical left talking about?”

The radical left supports the “antifa” organization. Antifa is nothing more than a dictatorial organization that is pushing for total control over people and denial of the right to free speech. Like the brown shirts in Nazi Germany, they are intent on installing totalitarian government.

The radical left supports the idea of government dictating the education of our youth in public schools only (government controlled brainwashing of our youth under the umbrella of school). They are extremely opposed to “private schools”. Do you think it might be because they can’t dictate their political dogma in private schools?

The radical left supports the idea of the government dictating what can and cannot be said in public and private. (The “PC police” are a perfect example of “authority dictating what thoughts and ideas are permitted”)

The radical left continues to push for more taxes on the “wealthy”, and Elizabeth Warren has proposed a “wealth tax” which is intended to steal every last cent of accumulated wealth. Do you think that they just might “re-direct” all of that wealth to their political supporters? One thing you can be certain of, they will not subject themselves to the same draconian tax laws.
My conclusion is that the radical left are pushing socialism is really quite simple. They keep repeating the same theme over and over. We are going to make everything free, free, and free. IT IS ALL A BIG LIE, LIE, AND LIE!

The Adam (sack of) Schiff’s dictatorship

The committee headed by Adam (sack of) Schiff has been converted into a dedicated harassment committee with the only purpose being to attack, harass, insult and promote lies about President Trump. The so-called ‘impeachment process’ devised by Adam (sack of) Schiff is completely devoid of anything resembling due process, fairness, or the search for truth. Specifically, the President’s defense is not allowed to question any of Adam (sack of) Schiff’s witnesses, unless Adam (sack of) Schiff grants them permission. The President’s defense is required to have Adam (sack of) Schiff’s approval for each question that they ask. In other words, the President’s defense cannot ask questions of witnesses which are not approved by the dictator Adam (sack of) Schiff. Adam (sack of) Schiff is allowed to coach the witnesses to lead them into giving the answers he wants. The President’s defense cannot call any witness without the dictator’s permission. The President’s defense may be excluded from the proceedings at any time if the dictator Adam (sack of) Schiff wants to exclude them. The release of material to the press will be totally controlled by the dictator, Adam (sack of) Schiff. There is already an agreement between the dictator and the main stream meda that the only material which will be reported will be that which presents the President as guilty.

I have one question. When will the committee and the mainstream media don their KKK cloaks, declare the President guilty of “something” without any proof, sentence him without a hearing and perform the public lynching in the true “democratic manner” approved of by past KKK democrats.