committee headed by Adam (sack of) Schiff has been converted into a dedicated harassment
committee with the only purpose being to attack, harass, insult and promote
lies about President Trump. The so-called ‘impeachment process’ devised by Adam
(sack of) Schiff is completely devoid of anything resembling due process,
fairness, or the search for truth. Specifically, the President’s defense is not
allowed to question any of Adam (sack of) Schiff’s witnesses, unless Adam (sack
of) Schiff grants them permission. The President’s defense is required to have
Adam (sack of) Schiff’s approval for each question that they ask. In other
words, the President’s defense cannot ask questions of witnesses which are not
approved by the dictator Adam (sack of) Schiff. Adam (sack of) Schiff is
allowed to coach the witnesses to lead them into giving the answers he wants. The
President’s defense cannot call any witness without the dictator’s permission. The
President’s defense may be excluded from the proceedings at any time if the
dictator Adam (sack of) Schiff wants to exclude them. The release of material
to the press will be totally controlled by the dictator, Adam (sack of) Schiff.
There is already an agreement between the dictator and the main stream meda
that the only material which will be reported will be that which presents the
President as guilty.
I have one
question. When will the committee and the mainstream media don their KKK cloaks,
declare the President guilty of “something” without any proof, sentence him
without a hearing and perform the public lynching in the true “democratic
manner” approved of by past KKK democrats.
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