The legislative filibuster in the senate is totally out of
sync with the concept of democratic rule. It is intended and used exclusively
as a vehicle by a minority of senators to sabotage and impede the efforts of a majority
of senators to implement legislation. Stating it differently, the senate filibuster
is strictly a destructive instrument which ensures that nothing can be
accomplished. This leads to the inescapable conclusion that any senator who
defends the filibuster or tries to describe it as having ANY positive value is
either willfully lying or woefully ignorant or helplessly stupid. Let me give
you the name of a senator who is fighting to defend the filibuster, Senator
Mitch McConnell. Unfortunately, Senator McConnell sits in a very powerful
political position which he has obtained simply by being a senator nearly
forever. I certainly cannot see any other characteristic which he displays to
qualify him to be occupying such a powerful position. He is a roadblock
preventing any progress for the GOP agenda! I have been calling for the
elimination of the filibuster for a long time because I know that nothing will
ever be accomplished worthwhile while it continues to exist. It is just plain
stupid to demand that the passage of a bill in the senate requires the support
of 60 senators out of 100. As long as Senator McConnell maintains his
leadership authority in the senate, the filibuster will continue to exist and
the GOP agenda will continue to be unattainable. DITCH MITCH NOW!!!
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