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Monday, April 8, 2019

Socialism lies

Any person who has any knowledge of history and desires to be truthful has to acknowledge that socialism does not provide a better life for the average citizen. In fact, every instance of implementing “socialism” in any country has led to a totalitarian government where individual freedom and quality of life have been diminished or destroyed. Those who advocate for socialism always talk about providing for economic equality and/or government-supplied “free” stuff. Currently, the democratic leaders are pushing the “free government” fantasy. You have heard them claim that they will provide “free” college, “free medical”, “free housing”, and “free money” Ad nauseam. It is easy to see how young people facing college expenses could be easily swayed by being offered “free college”, and the democratic leaders are exploiting this vulnerability to “buy votes”. The free-everything scheme being offered by the democrats is a fantasy. What they are really pushing for is total government control over all of the aspects of people’s lives. Any government “free college” would be dictated by the government at a college the government selected, which would probably be an inferior college, and they might even dictate the type of curriculum and degree which could be pursued. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

            The so-called promise of socialism is that the government will ensure that needs will be supplied by the government for people based on what they need. Who decides what a person needs in a socialist government? The individual needs are defined by the government, not by the individual. The government may decide that every female needs two pairs of shoes, and one dress, and no pants are allowed. Do you want a distant bureaucrat to decide what clothes you may own, and the colors? Anything provided by the government will be at a subsistence level, and will have nothing to do with what the individual wants. In any socialistic society, the politicians will have all of the wealth and/or they will control all of the wealth. This is obvious. In order to “provide for the needs”, the government must either own everything or control the flow of the wealth. There is no incentive for a person to achieve anything in a socialistic society because the wealth is distributed by the politicians based on their goals. Again, the only people who will have wealth in a socialistic society will be politicians and those with political connections. In the instance of “free college”, the politically connected will be provided “free college” at a highly-regarded college while all others will be provided “free college” at an inferior or sham “college”. That assumes that the politicians even provide that much. Most likely even less would be provided, but the government propaganda would claim the opposite of reality.

            Capitalism is not perfect. Anything devised by people will have flaws. However, under capitalism, an individual has the chance of accruing wealth based on individual effort and ability. The individual has the right to use his/her wealth to obtain whatever thing that they deem is desirable. Of course, greedy people will try to obtain more than they deserve within a capitalist society, just the same as they do in every society, and there must be safeguards to protect people from predatory actions of powerful people in a capitalist society. Predatory people exist in any society, and that is why there must be laws and law enforcement. A look at history plainly shows that capitalist societies create more wealth, and it can also be shown that the average person in a capitalist society has a higher standard of living than in a socialist society, by a large margin. So why are the democrats pushing for socialism in America?

            The answer is extremely simple, POWER, POWER, and POWER. They are simply trying to buy votes by promising a non-existent fantasy world where anything that anyone wants will be provided “FOR FREE”. It is a lie, plain and simple. If they obtain the power they want, instead of providing freebies, they will institute policies where the government will invade every aspect of life of every individual in American for the sole purpose of control. They will institute the heaviest tax burden that they are able to establish in order to obtain control of most of the wealth of the individuals in America for the express purpose of establishing programs to distribute the wealth for political purposes. The wealth will be moved into the pockets of politicians and politically-connected people, and the individual freedom will be destroyed by government-dictates. For examples of the final result of these policies, look at Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China, just to name a few. In a socialistic society, the politicians control the laws, the law enforcement, the wealth, and the propaganda while everyone else lives a subsistence level of existence. If you try to dissent within such a society, you will forfeit everything up to and including your life. Forget about free speech. Forget about freedom of choice. Forget about economic freedom. You will be told what to say, what to do, what to think, and what to desire by the politicians in control. If this is your desire, then by all means go pursue socialism. However, there are plenty of inferior dictatorial countries where you can go. Please leave!

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