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Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Agenda of the Democrat leadership

I have read many articles which try to determine what the agenda is for the Democrat leadership. We know that they are completely against enforcing border security based on their total opposition to spending any money for border security, and we know that they are advocating dismantling ICE completely. Therefore, we can assume that they are in favor of the destruction of America because it is obvious that a country with no borders will cease to exist. We also know that they are advocating converting America into a socialistic country based on the statements of the majority of their candidates running for the office of President. Since socialism is the exact opposite of the foundation of America, then it is easy to conclude that this is simply proof that they are pushing for the destruction of America as it currently exists. Any person who has done even the least amount of research regarding socialism knows that the whole purpose of socialism is to place all political and economic power into the hands of a selected few politicians, and that the government will be intruding into every aspect of their citizens lives and dictating everything. So you can assume that they are against freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and the right to individual achievement. The government will supply all of your needs that the government decides are due to you. The Democrat leadership has made it clear that they want to institute very oppressive taxation because they claim that they will decide who should have wealth. In other words, the Democrat government will distribute wealth according to political agendas. There are many other conclusions which one can draw, but I think that if you want to see the example of “ideal democrat government”, you only need to look at California to get a glimpse of what they intend to do to the country.

            Years ago, California had the biggest and most affluent middle class of any state in America. Today, the middle class has almost disappeared in California. Instead there is a small group of very wealthy individuals and corporations and there is a very large percentage of the population living in poverty. In California, the tax rate is hideously high, and a very large portion of the tax base is dedicated to providing free housing, free education, free medical, and free legal services for illegal aliens in the state. These freebies are paid for by overtaxed middle class citizens who are not eligible for any comparative benefits themselves. The Democrat leadership is dedicated to disobeying any federal laws that they don’t like, allowing complete lawlessness regarding illegal aliens, and total disregard for the needs of the lawful American citizens in the state. Homelessness is rampant in California, and a very large percentage of the homeless is comprised of illegal aliens. The government is allowing public urination, public defecation, and open use of drugs everywhere. It is only a matter of time before there will be rampant epidemics throughout the state because the government is unconcerned about public health conditions. The wealthy elite in California isolate themselves from the overwhelming filth and poverty by living in exclusive estates surrounded by walls and guards and claim that there are no problems in the state. Meanwhile, the state finances are a disaster because of the corrupt and wasteful monetary policies of the Democrat leadership. The state has passed laws allowing illegal aliens to vote in local elections to cement their political position by fostering a total welfare state for illegals that can now control local elections to ensure that the illegals will be the “privileged class” in the state. It is a setup by the Democrat leadership to provide for unfettered political power by creating self-perpetuating political power through sham elections where the taxpayers cannot override the voting bloc of the illegal aliens that California is allowing to vote in local elections. In a very true sense, the Democrats have almost completed the transformation of California into a third-world country where the political elite can maintain an iron fist of political control while maintaining an illusion that there is a democracy present. It is a diagram of the Democrat leaders’ vision for America.

            The pathway to achieve this vision in America is actually quite simple and the Democratic leadership is pursuing it with real dedication. First of all, they must ensure that America is overwhelmed by an invading horde of illegals, which they are accomplishing in spite of President Trump’s attempts to stop it. They are providing for free legal counseling for the illegals to ensure that every legal loophole is exploited to ensure that our country will be overrun by illegals. Secondly, they are using their political power to ensure that the immigration laws will not be updated to close these loopholes. They are already providing very real incentives to illegals to continue the ever-increasing invasion, but you can be sure that they will find ways to provide even more freebies to attract the illegals. At the same time they are fighting against any efforts to stop illegals from voting in our national elections. They fight any and every effort to require voter ID identification. Why, because if you don’t require voter ID, then illegals can easily vote in national elections in defiance to our laws. They fight any effort for the 10-year census to actually count the number of lawful citizens. Instead, they want the number of illegals to be included as if they are citizens. This means that their states with large illegal populations will be given more voting power in congress. If they have their way, the national elections will become a mockery where the Democrats will bus illegals to multiple polling stations to vote multiple times illegally thereby turning our elections into a sham, much like they are attempting to do in California. If they are successful, you can say goodbye to meaningful elections, democracy, free speech, free enterprise, and America.

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