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Saturday, November 28, 2020

Check out the blatent bias in google search

 Do a search in google for this "smartmatic and venezuelan".

Do the same search in duckduckgo.

The duckduckgo points to articles with facts and substance. The google search shows "opinion and fake news" sources.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Keep the Faith

 Keep the Faith!!!




This came from my attorney friend who specializes in constitutional law. Stay optimistic!

From a lawyer friend:   

Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale.
It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional
mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote. 
This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar event will take place. 
This is The law.
This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen so stop watching the fake news and don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out.  President Trump will remain President.
I have researched all of this and it is Fact!   Another fun fact, they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner.
And two people that were part of that decision were none other than new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. 
Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed?
Here's a way we can participate, send this to everyone you know that is pissed about this dishonest election!   



Excerpt from an alleged phone conversation accidently recorded on an open line:

“Hello, Biden office. How may I direct your call?”

Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter.”

“Yes sir. Stand by I am transferring you”

“Hello, DG office manager speaking, how may I help you?”

Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter. What does DG mean?”

Office Manager: “Sorry sir someone misdirected you. This is the discount gift department. I will transfer you to the proper office.”

Phone being answered. “Hello, UG manager speaking. How may I help you?

Agitated Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter. What does UG mean?”

Office Manager: “Sorry sir, your call has been misdirected. This is the upgrading gift department. One moment please.”

Phone being answered: “Hello, Plausible Denial, Chief Denial Officer speaking.”

Very Agitated Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter.

Phone ringing: Recorded message: “This office denies any knowledge of any funds being received from anyone in the amount or during the time frame being discussed. Thank you for your interest and your timely phone message. You will be contacted on a secure line at a later date.” …..Click

Saturday, November 14, 2020

It is not over


The 2020 Presidential election was stolen by massive amounts of fraudulent mail-in ballots. The propaganda machines for the American communist party (i.e. democrat party) can deny it forever, but it is a fact. The propaganda machines now tell us that we are wrong to demand fair elections. The voting machines used in nearly half of the country is the same software used by the Venezuelan dictator to steal elections. Thousands of dead people voted, even some who died more than a century ago. Thousands of ballets were submitted by people who were not legal residents. Who knows how many times the illegal aliens voted? There was zero validation to ensure that the mail-in ballots were mailed by the legal voter. There were thousands and thousands of mail-in ballots which were received and illegally backdated to allow fraudulent voting. There was purposely delayed counting to allow time to cover up the fraudulent voting. Yes, the propaganda machines for the communists can deny and deny and cover up and delay and lie all that they want. The democrats filed hundreds of lawsuits before the election to destroy the validation process for the sole purpose of making fraudulent voting extremely easy. Now they say, “Trust us”. There is nothing trustworthy about these communist leaders!!! We need to learn from our enemies, resist, resist, resist. As the communists say, “It is not who voted, but who counts the votes!” Perhaps it is fitting that the most corrupt and fraudulent presidential election in our history should elect Joe Biden.

Friday, November 13, 2020

+Transforming America???


All of the major news media sources who pretend to be pursuing the truth have become totally corrupted, and their primary purpose is now to provide nothing but propaganda for the corrupt American Communist party (commonly referred to as the democratic party). Everything that they print regarding politically oriented issues is either skewed to the desired propaganda viewpoint, materially biased, or an outright lie. They are enslaved to their “liberal left” masters viewpoint by the outpouring of billions of dollars directed to them via a multitude of pathways, some of which are totally corrupt or downright criminal.

The corrupt purposes are many. First is the rape of America by the so-called “globalist” power block. They accomplish this via many different paths. They work with Communist China to enable the destruction of American jobs and enable those jobs to be moved to different countries. China has ensured that Biden will reinstate this continued rape by giving Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, a “gift” of over one billion dollars to ensure that Joe will participate in exporting American jobs and technology to China. The pharmaceutical companies will continue to steal from Americans who buy their products by grossly over-charging Americans for medicinal drugs, often charging Americans 5 or even 10 times the price that they charge in other countries. This will continue under Biden, and may very well accelerate. Biden will ensure that this rape will continue under the guise of taxpayer-supported “universal government controlled medical plans” where the money will be stolen from the middle class population and redistributed to the desired slice of the population that the Communists want to enslave by providing “free services” for only the selected minority. It is obvious that the overall plan includes the destruction of the American middle class to ensure that the society will become a large poverty-stricken society ruled by a small “elite” class who have the necessary political connections.

Freedom of speech will be destroyed. This is already in progress by the corrupt news media (propaganda only) and the powerful tech companies who are run by megalomaniacs who are motivated by making obscene amounts of money if they can prevent the truth from being known.

Freedom of choice will be destroyed and travel will be controlled by the government. This is already happening under the umbrella of “Covid health measures.”

Free and honest elections will be destroyed. This is already happening in this election. The communists (i.e. democrats) filed hundreds of lawsuits before this election to ensure that the opportunity for corruption was increased significantly. Their primary goal was to destroy any way to check that ballots were cast by the actual registered voter, or to even determine who actually cast ballots. If they have their way in future elections, anyone can claim that they are the registered voter, no identity verification will be permitted and multiple people will be able to submit multiple ballots anywhere they wish. In other words, the election will be a total sham.

The right to assemble in peaceful protest will be destroyed. Any public assembly will be permitted only with the government’s permission.

The ability of the people to resist the tyrannical government will be made impossible by revoking the second amendment. There has already been attempts to accomplish this by members of the communist regime (leading democrats).

If you are a conservative thinker, be forewarned. All of these negative goals are aimed primarily at you. The most immediate negative which the communists are already discussing is that as soon as they have complete control, they intend to initiate a search-and-destroy project whose purpose will be to identify anyone who supported Trump and pass laws or create processes to ensure that they will never be able to be employed again. If this is not tyranny in action, I don’t know what is!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Election comment


The corrupt media has been screaming two fraudulent messages as loud as possible. The first message is that the “official” election results are controlled by them, the corrupt media. That is a lie! The corrupt media can claim any election result that they want, but their only influence is to elicit emotional responses from their listeners. Don’t misconstrue what I am saying. The power to influence large groups of people’s emotions is very real and can be used in an evil manner very effectively. The corrupt media does not have the legal right to determine the legal result of any election, only the states have that right.

The second message that the corrupt media is trying to convey is that this election is over. That is also a lie. There is very clear evidence, including statements given under oath, that the election laws were broken multiple times in multiple locations by representatives of the Democratic Party. Violation of election laws may require legal remedies that have very significant effects on the official election results. In addition, there is compelling evidence that outright fraudulent ballots have been counted and that there may be hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots. The ensuing legal remedies may result in entire groups of ballots being declared fraudulent. The election results are not final.

The public media is trying to shove the message, “The election is over, let’s kiss and make up.”

I want justice. The democrats defiled the concept of justice in this election. I want honesty. This election was conducted by democrats in a totally dishonest manner. I want insurance of election integrity. There was none demonstrated by the democrats in their fraudulent election. I want election laws to be followed. The democrats defiled the very concept of lawful action in their fraudulent pursuits of win at all costs. If you were the victim of an armed robbery in which not only your money was stolen, but you were seriously injured, would you “Kiss and make up” with the thief? What the democrats are trying to steal from us is our fundamental right of equal participation in our democracy!

NOT JUST NO, BUT H—L NO! Let’s at least learn one thing from our enemies. RESIST, RESIST, RESIST TO THE POINT OF DEATH!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Obstruction of justice


I don’t know if you know the details about the blatant denial of justice which is being inflicted upon General Flynn by Judge Emmett Sullivan. So, I will give you the highlights of how General Flynn’s right to equal justice has been denied by the left-wing HATE-TRUMP-FOREVER zealots who will use any means necessary (legal or criminal) to punish anyone who has been associated with Trump.

First of all, the corrupt left-wing conspirators in the FBI targeted General Flynn when he was a member of Trump’s cabinet because they were afraid that he might uncover their corrupt maneuverings to arrange a coup against President Trump. They purposely set him up to be able to charge him with lying to the FBI. The charge was completely fabricated without a trace of proof. Flynn’s lawyer proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt which resulted in the DOJ dropping all charges against Flynn.

However, the judge presiding over Flynn’s case is also a left-wing conspirator who wants to inflict as much harm against Flynn as possible simply because he was in Trump’s cabinet. So the presiding judge (Emmett Sullivan) totally ignored the DOJ motion to drop all charges. Instead, he appointed himself as pseudo-prosecutor and continued to prosecute Flynn. This is a ridiculous position for him to assume. Deciding who is to be prosecuted is the role of the Attorney General, not a self-appointed Hitler-style judge. Flynn’s attorney appealed to a higher court which then ordered Judge Sullivan to drop the charges.

Judge Sullivan ignored the higher court’s order, which is obstruction of Justice, and has tried to assign a pseudo-prosecutor to continue to persecute Flynn. This Judge Sullivan is totally corrupt, blatantly obstructing justice, and using his position in a personal vendetta against Flynn. Judge Sullivan needs to be permanently removed from office by whatever means required. He is making a mockery of Justice and demeaning his office as a judge.