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Friday, November 13, 2020

+Transforming America???


All of the major news media sources who pretend to be pursuing the truth have become totally corrupted, and their primary purpose is now to provide nothing but propaganda for the corrupt American Communist party (commonly referred to as the democratic party). Everything that they print regarding politically oriented issues is either skewed to the desired propaganda viewpoint, materially biased, or an outright lie. They are enslaved to their “liberal left” masters viewpoint by the outpouring of billions of dollars directed to them via a multitude of pathways, some of which are totally corrupt or downright criminal.

The corrupt purposes are many. First is the rape of America by the so-called “globalist” power block. They accomplish this via many different paths. They work with Communist China to enable the destruction of American jobs and enable those jobs to be moved to different countries. China has ensured that Biden will reinstate this continued rape by giving Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, a “gift” of over one billion dollars to ensure that Joe will participate in exporting American jobs and technology to China. The pharmaceutical companies will continue to steal from Americans who buy their products by grossly over-charging Americans for medicinal drugs, often charging Americans 5 or even 10 times the price that they charge in other countries. This will continue under Biden, and may very well accelerate. Biden will ensure that this rape will continue under the guise of taxpayer-supported “universal government controlled medical plans” where the money will be stolen from the middle class population and redistributed to the desired slice of the population that the Communists want to enslave by providing “free services” for only the selected minority. It is obvious that the overall plan includes the destruction of the American middle class to ensure that the society will become a large poverty-stricken society ruled by a small “elite” class who have the necessary political connections.

Freedom of speech will be destroyed. This is already in progress by the corrupt news media (propaganda only) and the powerful tech companies who are run by megalomaniacs who are motivated by making obscene amounts of money if they can prevent the truth from being known.

Freedom of choice will be destroyed and travel will be controlled by the government. This is already happening under the umbrella of “Covid health measures.”

Free and honest elections will be destroyed. This is already happening in this election. The communists (i.e. democrats) filed hundreds of lawsuits before this election to ensure that the opportunity for corruption was increased significantly. Their primary goal was to destroy any way to check that ballots were cast by the actual registered voter, or to even determine who actually cast ballots. If they have their way in future elections, anyone can claim that they are the registered voter, no identity verification will be permitted and multiple people will be able to submit multiple ballots anywhere they wish. In other words, the election will be a total sham.

The right to assemble in peaceful protest will be destroyed. Any public assembly will be permitted only with the government’s permission.

The ability of the people to resist the tyrannical government will be made impossible by revoking the second amendment. There has already been attempts to accomplish this by members of the communist regime (leading democrats).

If you are a conservative thinker, be forewarned. All of these negative goals are aimed primarily at you. The most immediate negative which the communists are already discussing is that as soon as they have complete control, they intend to initiate a search-and-destroy project whose purpose will be to identify anyone who supported Trump and pass laws or create processes to ensure that they will never be able to be employed again. If this is not tyranny in action, I don’t know what is!!

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