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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Let's be united

 I want to share the following with you.

About the:

Let us all be: a “United States” again,  message from Joe Biden.



For the last 4+ years, the Democrats have gone scorched earth.  You have salted the fields and
now you want to grow crops.

The problem is we have memories longer than a hamster.

*We remember the protests the day of/after

*We remember the 4 yrs. of personal attacks and
endless name calling. 

*We remember “not our president” and the “Resistance…”

*We remember being called racist and evil.

*We remember Maxie Walters telling followers
 to harass Trump supporters in department stores
 and gas stations.

*We remember the Presidents press secretary being chased out of a restaurant.

*We remember hundreds of Trump supporters being      physically attacked.

*We remember Trump supporters getting Doxed,
  and fired from jobs.

*We remember riots, and looting.

*We remember “a comedian” holding up the    President’s severed head.

*We remember a play in Central park paid with
 public funding, showing the killing of President

*We remember Robert de Niro yelling “F--k Trump”
   at the Tony’s and getting a standing ovation.

*We remember Trump being accused of being a    Russian spy and the media going with it. Trying to  frame him for treason.

*We remember Nancy Pelosi tearing up the State
 of the Union Address.

*We remember how totally in the tank the mainstream    media was in opposition.

*We remember non-stop in your face lies and open  cover-ups from the media.

*We remember the MSM cabal in 24/7 Hate Trump  broadcasts.

*We remember the press not holding Democrats  responsible for anything & hiding anything negative.

*We remember conservative voices neutered by Tech companies (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.).

*We remember the partisan impeachment.

*We remember the President & his staff being
  spied on; even before he was President &Obama/
  Biden knew of it.

*We remember Republican congressmen Steve
 Scalise shot on a ball field by a Socialist supporter
 of Bernie  Sanders.

* We remember Sen. Rand Paul brutally beaten
    on his front lawn by his next door neighbor
   because he supported Trump.

*We remember every so-called comedy show turn
  into nothing but Trump hate fest.

*We remember 95% negative coverage in the news  from the mainstream media and newspapers.

*We remember the governors asking for & getting  everything they wanted to address COVID-19 then  blaming Trump.

*We remember leftists threatening outside the
 homes of prominent Republicans and TV  commentators who support Trump.

*We remember the attempted vile destruction of
 Brett Kavanaugh by Democrats, Kamala Harris in  particular.

*We remember people pounding on the Supreme
  Court doors during the Kavanaugh confirmation.

*We remember that we were called every name
 in the book for supporting President Trump.

*We remember that many in Hollywood said they  would leave after Trump was elected, but they
 stayed here anyway.

*We remember the hundreds of taxpayer funded
 police cars burnt during your ‘mostly peaceful’  demonstrations.

*We remember our conservative voices being
 cancelled on major US college campuses.

This list is endless, but you get the idea. My
friends will be my friends, but a party that has
been attacking the President for 4 long years
does not get a free pass with me!!

So Joe, take your, "Let’s be United" and shove it!

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