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Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The coming tax hike

 President Biden's communist party has now confirmed that there will be a tax hike on the middle class wage earners. Surely, you remember Biden's promise of no tax increase for anyone making less than $400,000 a year. Of course, I was dead certain that he was lying when he made that statement, but for all of you gullible people who believed him, be forewarned that the tax increase will be LARGE. Biden simply does not care how much he hurts middle class Americans. His total lack of empathy was shown plainly by his cavalier attitude when he killed the Keystone pipeline. Don't be fooled. There are no "High Tech Green jobs" to replace the thousands of high-paying jobs which DID EXIST ON THE PIPELINE PROJECT. The communists controlling Biden flat don't care about who is harmed. Also, don't believe their lie about "saving the environment". They killed the use of  "CLEAN NATURAL GAS" in killing the pipeline. They simply want everyone to be dependent on government handouts to live, WHICH THEY CONTROL. This means that they will control you by controlling and limiting your income. 

What is the difference between Biden issuing "EXECUTIVE ORDERS" daily, and a communist dictator issuing "COMMUNIST ORDERS". THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.

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