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Sunday, February 18, 2018

Do democrats support DACA?

When Obama created the “DACA” via executive order, there were approximately 600,000 illegals who were included in the amnesty program. Even though there was the probability that the executive order was not constitutional, the left wing ‘liberals’ and the ‘liberal’ media went wild with praise for Obama. They had nothing but praise, and there were many comments lauding the ‘scope’ of the executive order in providing possible amnesty for so many illegals. Can you imagine just how insanely hysterical they would have been in praising Obama if he had later increased the number of possible amnesties to almost 2 million?

Fast forward to last week. In his proposal to congressional democrats, President Trump increased the number of possible “DACA” recipients to nearly 2 million, roughly 3 times the number that Obama had set up. How did the left wing democrats and left wing media react? They accused him of every nasty intent that they could make up! The democrats ignored the obvious fact that President Trump’s proposal would give them three times the number of possible amnesties than they were demanding. In other words, President Trump’s proposal was immensely generous, to the point of being ridiculously generous. By accepting Trump’s offer, the democrats would get three times what they had stated they wanted. You guessed it. The democrats rejected the offer, and resorted to their vile name-calling and hateful rhetoric.

To state this as simply as possible, if you offer someone more than they stated they wanted, and they reject it, then it is painfully obvious that they were lying. The democrats DO NOT CARE ABOUT THE DACA SITUATION. If they had cared, they would have accepted such a generous offer. Now let’s look at the overall offer with a little bit of logic. President Trump was saying this. “I want to secure the border to provide security for American citizens. I want to be able to stop the flow of drugs and criminals into America. I want to ensure that there will not be an ongoing flood of illegal aliens into America.” President Trump proposed a “COMPROMISE” where both sides would get some of what they want. You know about the word “COMPROMISE”, it is something that the democrats WILL NOT ACCEPT. The democrat’s actions are clearly predicated on hatred for Trump. The democrats have no real desire to help the DACA recipients. Instead, they are intent on using DACA simply as a political weapon in their ongoing hate-trump campaign. The democrats have no intention to accomplish anything positive regarding immigration policies. Their real intention is to simply OBSTRUCT, OBSTRUCT, AND THEN OBSTRUCT SOME MORE. Stated differently, the democrats simply do not care about what is good for America. They do not care about any negative consequences which may occur as a result of their ongoing HATE-TRUMP mission.


There are some indisputable truths which is plainly obvious from these recent activities.

 Number one: The democrats have zero interest in accomplishing anything regarding immigration issues. They clearly intend to maintain the current policies so as to maximize the chaos regarding immigration, or even better in their eyes, eliminate all laws regarding immigration.


Number two: The democrats refuse to acknowledge the fact that illegal aliens are a source of problems in America which causes American citizens harm. Also, taxpayers’ costs incurred by the illegals are significant and totally avoidable.


Number three: Believing the democrats views will change is very naïve. They will oppose everything as long as they have any political power

Conclusion: If ending the ongoing negative consequences of illegal aliens is important to you, you must be aware that no solution will ever be implemented as long as the democrats have enough political power to prevent it. It should not be necessary to say that it is incredibly important for the GOP to win a super majority in the senate this year in the mid-term elections.


You can put some pressure on democrat senators to provide full funding to build the border wall, end chain immigration, and end the lottery immigration. Here is a list of some democrat senators you may be able to influence because they are up for reelection this year. If you are a registered voter in their state, contact them and tell them that these three issues are important to you. If you think that the DACA offer should have been accepted, you might tell the senator.

Florida:                      Bill Nelson

Indiana                      Joe Donnelly

Michigan                   Debbie Stabenow

Missouri                    Claire McCaskill

Montana                   Claire McCaskill

North Dakota          Heidi Heitkamp

Ohio                           Sherrod Brown

Pennsylvania           Bob Casey Jr

West Virginia           Joe Manchin

Wisconsin                 Tammy Baldwin

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