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Saturday, September 1, 2018

To become a left-wing democrat

I find myself intrigued by the idea of defining what one must do and think in today’s society to qualify as a proper left-wing democrat. Since I have not seen anyone else stepping up to the challenge, I will try to provide some insight on the subject.

First of all, as Deputy Democratic National Committee Chair Representative Keith Ellison said in April 2017, all democrats must support a woman’s right to an abortion. He did not suggest that a democrat should support this right, he demanded that all democrats must support this right. I have heard all of the rhetoric to support women’s rights attached to abortion, but there is one undeniable fact. Before the abortion, there is a living human being in the mother’s womb, and after the abortion, the baby is dead. The death is not accidental, it is a planned execution, which fits the legal definition of first-degree murder. A person who claims to be a Christian most certainly knows that the sixth commandment states “Thou shall not murder.” If support of committing abortion is required to be a democrat, then how can any Christian be a democrat? In addition, our founding fathers stated that everyone has the God-given right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness. Denying an unborn child the right to life is a violation of this concept. So, it follows that to be a democrat one must also oppose the rights that our founding fathers fought and died for.

The second requirement to be a qualified democrat is to oppose the enforcement of law in America. Contained within this is also the requirement to oppose the law enforcement officers. There are multiple examples which I can use to demonstrate the truthfulness of this requirement. The sheer volume of examples prevents me from elaborating on all of them, but I will address a few. Do you remember the chant “What do you want? Dead Cops! When do you want it? Now!” The chant was initiated by Black Lives Matter. What was the reaction of the democrat leaders? They fell all over themselves trying to outdo one another in their approval of Black Lives Matter. President Obama even went out of his way to extend a special invitation to meet with them in the White House to applaud them. Surely you have heard that N.Y. Governor Cuomo referred to the law enforcement officers in ICE as thugs, and other democratic leaders are calling for punishment for ICE officers. The crime committed by the ICE officers – enforcing the law. Sanctuary cities are simply defiance of federal law by anarchists disguised as democratic leaders. The conclusion is obvious and simply stated is “Democrats leaders have no respect for law”. You as a democrat must also have no respect of law and order. It almost becomes possible to further conclude that a good democrat must hate law enforcement officers, but that may not be an absolute requirement.

The third requirement to be a good democrat is to view everyone within the framework of “identity politics”. It is not permissible to think of anyone as a unique individual. Instead, the person must be classified totally by the “identity” assigned to the person by the currently approved “group think” dogma. For instance, if the person is black, then by group-think dogma, he/she must be treated as and convinced that he/she is a “victim”, and as a victim the person is unable to fend for himself/herself, but instead must be convinced that only the democrats can provide for him/her. I am sure that you noticed my effort to be gender/neutral which is the currently “PC acceptable” group-speak permitted. I am sure that you have heard all of the names attached to “Conservatives” by the “Liberal Left”. The list of names are all based on “identity politics”, and they are repetitive and boring, and rarely have any resemblance to reality, but they do serve the democrat’s purposes to engender unreasoning hatred, suspicion and fear. If you are unable to distill a person down into a list of adjectives based on group-think “identity politics”, then you will certainly have difficulty fulfilling your role as a qualified democrat.

The next requirement is that you must develop a God-complex to function as a proper left-wing democrat. I am sure that I need to clarify what I mean by “God-Complex”. Simply stated, you must be totally convinced that only you have the “true enlightenment” in every aspect of life. If someone disagrees with you or even questions your beliefs, then not only are they wrong, but they are defined as the devil incarnate. Since they are the devil incarnate, then you are justified to do anything to punish them for their “evil thoughts” or to stop them in their “evil intents”. The logical conclusion to this line of thought is that only you have the right to free speech, and anyone who holds beliefs different from yours must be prevented from exercising any free speech rights. The right to free speech belongs exclusively to only you and your fellow “Group-Thinkers”! This God-complex is demonstrated perfectly by Maxine Watters. She carries the idea to its ultimate extreme conclusion. In her mind, it is epitomized by President Trump who she has defined as “evil” and herself, who she has associated with “perfect”. She has openly declared her intent as follows: “I can assemble a bigger and more vicious gang of thugs than Trump can, and I will organize public assaults upon anyone who supports Trump. The person who can be more violent and lawless will win because ‘might makes right’, and I will be more violent and lawless”

There are several more “requirements”, but in order to keep this article from getting too long, I will only mention one more requirement. It is that you must become totally committed to complying with the dictated group-think that is the current norm for any idea, group of people, etc being endorsed by the democrat leaders at any time. Further, you must be flexible enough to totally reverse your mindset if the current group-think requires it. As an example, group think states that providing economic assistance for blacks is a good thing. However, group think requires that you ignore the fact that black unemployment is at the lowest level in history, because group-think also states that you must hate everything related to President Trump. It can be difficult because the basic premise of group-think is that you (the average democrat) cannot and must not think for yourself. If a “leader” demeans someone, you must be in total agreement with the “leader”

If you think you can comply with all of these “requirements”, then you may be able to qualify as a democrat. But who knows, group-think may change tomorrow and all of the qualification requirements may change.

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