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Friday, December 20, 2019

Who is Rashida Tlaib

Who is Rashida Tlaib (the 13th district house rep from Michigan)? First of all, she is a self-proclaimed anti-Semite who is clearly dedicated to the destruction of the country of Israel. She is actively working to undermine anyone who shows even the slightest desire to support the country of Israel. Also, she is an active member of the DSA (Democratic Socialist of America) which is an organization dedicated to destroying most or all of the basic American ideals. They support a totally “socialistic” America. Read that for what it really is, total government control of every facet of the life of all Americans. No choice of what kind of work you do, the government will tell where you will work. Read that as government ownership of every organization, business, property, and all wealth in America. Read that as all wealth being distributed by politicians to their supporters or cohorts with total disregard to who is creating wealth. Read that as loss of all personal freedom because socialism is simply a path to a totalitarian government. Read that as the use of one’s political position for purely personal vendetta’s against anyone that you dislike.

Who is Rashida Tlaib. She is the person who has no respect for common decency, and is unable to speak without the use of liberal obscenities. She is the person who called our President a Motherf……er. She is a cancer which has invaded our house of representatives, who really needs to be removed from any political position of power NOW and for the rest of her life.

How did she obtain the position she now holds? She ran unopposed for the seat in 2018 because the democratic leadership has no interest in supporting American ideals. She was elected because the socialistic left wing newspapers ensured that there was no negative information released about her to the public before the election. Most damning of all, the voters probably made zero effort to know anything about her before the election. They should know her now and it is my hope that they will not re-elect her in the upcoming 2020 election.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Socialism – What is the radical left talking about?

There is the rose-colored socialism that the radical left proposes and there is real-life socialism. Most of the left-wing candidates for president are currently pushing a version of “rose-colored glasses” socialism. They make grandiose proposals of providing “whatever you want for free” socialism which is simply a pipe-dream. It doesn’t exist. To state the obvious, “There is no free lunch!”

Point number 1: Government is inherently wasteful, inefficient, and non-responsive. Anything provided by the government WILL BE EXCESSIVELY EXPENSIVE. It is the nature of the beast! Government is run by bureaucrats who inherently know very little or nothing at all about the service or product needed. However, they do know about paperwork. In order to provide a one dollar item (for free), they will probably require at least ten dollars be wasted in unneeded paperwork. Then the cost of the actual item will be increased by at least a factor of 3 (three dollars for the one dollar item.). So our fictional one-dollar item will be provided at a cost of at least 13 dollars, but they will claim it is free!

Point number 2: The stated ideal of socialism is to provide what the people need. Let’s be real clear about that. They expressly do not claim to provide what the people want. You may want a brand-new, good-looking car for transportation, but the government may decide that what you need is a used bicycle. The government will decide what you “need”, NOT YOU. However, you can be quite sure of one thing in a socialist country, those individuals who have good political connections WILL BE GIVEN MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. In a socialistic society, wealth is taken from individuals that THE GOVERNMENT SAYS HAS TOO MUCH and given to those individuals that THE GOVERNMENT SAYS HAS A NEED. All wealth in a socialistic society flows to the politically connected because it is payment for political support.

Point number 3: If the government is to be able to provide for all of the needs of the citizens, it is obvious that the government must own everything or, at the very least, control the ownership of the wealth. Therefore, no one will be able to accumulate wealth. The state determines the needs based on a MINIMUM NEED basis. It is obvious that the government will write laws based on providing the basic needs,and nothing extra will be planned for. The conclusion is obvious, everyone will get the state-controlled minimum (except for those who have political connections). The end result is a society being forced to exist on the bare minimum which drives everyone into poverty.

Point number 4: The economic production of a socialistic society diminishes every year. This is obvious. It does no good to be productive within socialism. If you are deemed to be “wealthy”, the fruits of your labor will be stolen from you to be given to someone else. One loses any incentive to do anything extra within socialism. Wealth is distributed based on a political basis instead of productivity.

Point number 5: All of the rhetoric lauding socialism is a red herring. History proves over and over that socialism is simply the first step of a consolidation of wealth and power by a political group to move into a dictatorship. The Nazi party was concealed under the label of socialism in its beginning. The Cuban dictatorship was also enmeshed within a cover of socialism. Even a brief glance at history shows that socialism is used over and over to initiate ruthless and smothering dictatorships.

So, given the above mentioned facts, let’s ask again, “What is the radical left talking about?”

The radical left supports the “antifa” organization. Antifa is nothing more than a dictatorial organization that is pushing for total control over people and denial of the right to free speech. Like the brown shirts in Nazi Germany, they are intent on installing totalitarian government.

The radical left supports the idea of government dictating the education of our youth in public schools only (government controlled brainwashing of our youth under the umbrella of school). They are extremely opposed to “private schools”. Do you think it might be because they can’t dictate their political dogma in private schools?

The radical left supports the idea of the government dictating what can and cannot be said in public and private. (The “PC police” are a perfect example of “authority dictating what thoughts and ideas are permitted”)

The radical left continues to push for more taxes on the “wealthy”, and Elizabeth Warren has proposed a “wealth tax” which is intended to steal every last cent of accumulated wealth. Do you think that they just might “re-direct” all of that wealth to their political supporters? One thing you can be certain of, they will not subject themselves to the same draconian tax laws.
My conclusion is that the radical left are pushing socialism is really quite simple. They keep repeating the same theme over and over. We are going to make everything free, free, and free. IT IS ALL A BIG LIE, LIE, AND LIE!

The Adam (sack of) Schiff’s dictatorship

The committee headed by Adam (sack of) Schiff has been converted into a dedicated harassment committee with the only purpose being to attack, harass, insult and promote lies about President Trump. The so-called ‘impeachment process’ devised by Adam (sack of) Schiff is completely devoid of anything resembling due process, fairness, or the search for truth. Specifically, the President’s defense is not allowed to question any of Adam (sack of) Schiff’s witnesses, unless Adam (sack of) Schiff grants them permission. The President’s defense is required to have Adam (sack of) Schiff’s approval for each question that they ask. In other words, the President’s defense cannot ask questions of witnesses which are not approved by the dictator Adam (sack of) Schiff. Adam (sack of) Schiff is allowed to coach the witnesses to lead them into giving the answers he wants. The President’s defense cannot call any witness without the dictator’s permission. The President’s defense may be excluded from the proceedings at any time if the dictator Adam (sack of) Schiff wants to exclude them. The release of material to the press will be totally controlled by the dictator, Adam (sack of) Schiff. There is already an agreement between the dictator and the main stream meda that the only material which will be reported will be that which presents the President as guilty.

I have one question. When will the committee and the mainstream media don their KKK cloaks, declare the President guilty of “something” without any proof, sentence him without a hearing and perform the public lynching in the true “democratic manner” approved of by past KKK democrats.  

Sunday, June 2, 2019

National day of prayer

Churches across America have declared today as a day of prayer for America and for President Trump. In accordance with this declaration, I want to add my voice to the millions who are in prayer today. To start, I want to make it crystal-clear that a prayer for the welfare of President Trump is a prayer for the welfare of America. President Trump is the lawfully-elected president and success for America can only happen with success for President Trump. Anyone with a brain has to see that America’s economy under the guidance of President Trump is outstanding. Record lows for unemployment, the wage gains for American workers are the best in over a decade, and the renewed support for Israel and corresponding improving relations with Israel are the actual reality that simply cannot be denied. If you love America, then you have to support President Trump’s dedication to “America First” policies.

My prayer is that President Trump will be led by God-inspired wisdom to accomplish those objectives which are good for America. My prayer for President Trump is that God will protect him from those people whose goals are driven by unrelenting hate for President Trump. My prayer is that God will destroy those people who believe that they can use their political power in a personal vendetta of hatred for President Trump. My prayer is that God will destroy those people in politically powerful positions whose whole goal is to use their political power for their own personal goals with zero regard for the needs of America. My prayer is that those people who are breaking our laws to steal the wealth of America will be totally destroyed, and everything that they have stolen will be restored. My prayer is that God will protect and preserve America by defending our borders from invaders (by any name or description.). Last of all, my prayer is that all of the liars who are responsible for printing and disseminating lies in the public media be identified, and removed from positions of power so that public media will become a source of truth instead of poisonous propaganda.

getting the wall

click on the link below to read the article:


Monday, May 13, 2019

God gave you a brain


            At just what point does the obvious become so clear that even the mindless have to see reality? Long before Trump won the election, the “liberal media” began spewing false accusations and lies regarding him claiming “Russian collusion”. When he won the election, the “liberal media” started screaming that he would cause the economy to crash. It was not long before they had to discontinue that lie because the truth was so obvious that they could not lie well enough to cover up the reality that the economy was great. However for over two years, the “liberal media” has been calling President Trump every despicable name they could contrive based on the “Russia collusion” lie. They have made hundreds of “predictions” in the last two years about Trump’s demise based on the Russian collusion lie. Every doomsday prediction has been revealed to be a lie. They have repeatedly issued predictions that the Mueller “investigation” would result in the complete destruction of the Trump administration and they were fawning over Mueller for the entire two years claiming that he was “so perfect” and therefore his conclusions had to be accepted. They were trying to place Mueller on a pedestal from which he could send out a proclamation ending the Trump administration. They were wrong!!! As soon as they realized that Mueller was not going to issue any indictments for Trump, they started to try to destroy his reputation, because HE HAD NOT FOLLOWED THE SCRIPT THEY DEMANDED. The truth is that the hate-trump-media has been lying about Trump for over two years. The truth is that there has been an attempted coup of a rightfully-elected president which was either initiated by the Obama regime, or greatly assisted by the Obama regime. If a news media spews lies for more than two years, and their lies are blatantly exposed, how dumb must a person be to continue to place any credence in their ongoing propaganda?

            The truth is that the Obama regime either formed or greatly assisted the creation of a group of hate-trump characters into an illegally initiated investigation whose sole purpose was to demean, harm, or destroy the Trump presidency. There was no “legal predicate” established to justify the creation of the “investigation”. There was no attempt to determine the truth. Instead, it was a twisted parody masquerading as “justice”. The FBI used Russian propaganda colored as “investigative information” which was totally false, as the basis for initiating the hate-trump investigation. You may know it as the “Steele Dossier”. It was created at the request of the DNC and the Hillary staff in collusion with Russian co-conspirators to influence the 2016 election. The real “Russian collusion” was committed by Hillary, and if justice is served, the real Russian conspirators will receive their proper punishment. However, don’t expect the conspiring “liberal media” to stop their ongoing campaign of lies in the near future. But if you, the reader, use your God-given brain to look at reality, perhaps you will know to stop listening to the “liberal media’ lies. To be explicit, the main liberal media co-conspirators are CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and many of the “newspapers” like the NY Times and the Washington Post. They have almost totally abandoned their role as fact-finders, and have instead assumed the role of main propaganda disseminators for the political far-left.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

responses to Omar's hatred



Click on the links above

Sliding into the pig pen

            It is a clear statement of the disgusting state of affairs in our country that a person who provides support for radical Islamic terrorist groups has been elected to the U.S. congress. It is a statement of the times that a radical anti-Semitic is elected to the U.S. congress. It is a statement of the times that a person who hates America has been elected to the U.S. congress. And, lastly this same person apparently hates Christians as well based on alleged remarks she has made. I can’t believe that the voters in Minnesota could have known that house representative Omar held such hateful views when they voted for her. In addition, it is quite clear that Omar also believes that the purpose to hold public office is to use her political position to attack the groups of people she hates. She certainly appears to think that she does not have the responsibility of representing the voters who elected her. Third world political leaders always use their political power to attack others rather than trying to build anything constructive, and Omar appears to be the classical third-world political hack.

            However, it is really disgusting to see the total lack of disapproval for Omar’s attitudes and actions by the leadership of the Democrats. It is clear that the leaders either support her hateful beliefs or they don’t have any moral backbone to expose themselves to any repercussions by the hate mongers within the Democrat leadership that agree with Omar. The flagrant hypocrisy of the Democrat leadership has once again been clearly exposed. Once a hate monger in public office is exposed, that person should be removed from any political position where they can use political power to fan the fire of hate. I only hope that the voters in Minnesota will overwhelmingly reject her when she runs for reelection, and I pray that the destruction she wants to cause while in office can be averted. Until then, she should be removed from any committee position where she can use her political power in any personal vendetta.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

The Agenda of the Democrat leadership

I have read many articles which try to determine what the agenda is for the Democrat leadership. We know that they are completely against enforcing border security based on their total opposition to spending any money for border security, and we know that they are advocating dismantling ICE completely. Therefore, we can assume that they are in favor of the destruction of America because it is obvious that a country with no borders will cease to exist. We also know that they are advocating converting America into a socialistic country based on the statements of the majority of their candidates running for the office of President. Since socialism is the exact opposite of the foundation of America, then it is easy to conclude that this is simply proof that they are pushing for the destruction of America as it currently exists. Any person who has done even the least amount of research regarding socialism knows that the whole purpose of socialism is to place all political and economic power into the hands of a selected few politicians, and that the government will be intruding into every aspect of their citizens lives and dictating everything. So you can assume that they are against freedom of choice, freedom of speech, and the right to individual achievement. The government will supply all of your needs that the government decides are due to you. The Democrat leadership has made it clear that they want to institute very oppressive taxation because they claim that they will decide who should have wealth. In other words, the Democrat government will distribute wealth according to political agendas. There are many other conclusions which one can draw, but I think that if you want to see the example of “ideal democrat government”, you only need to look at California to get a glimpse of what they intend to do to the country.

            Years ago, California had the biggest and most affluent middle class of any state in America. Today, the middle class has almost disappeared in California. Instead there is a small group of very wealthy individuals and corporations and there is a very large percentage of the population living in poverty. In California, the tax rate is hideously high, and a very large portion of the tax base is dedicated to providing free housing, free education, free medical, and free legal services for illegal aliens in the state. These freebies are paid for by overtaxed middle class citizens who are not eligible for any comparative benefits themselves. The Democrat leadership is dedicated to disobeying any federal laws that they don’t like, allowing complete lawlessness regarding illegal aliens, and total disregard for the needs of the lawful American citizens in the state. Homelessness is rampant in California, and a very large percentage of the homeless is comprised of illegal aliens. The government is allowing public urination, public defecation, and open use of drugs everywhere. It is only a matter of time before there will be rampant epidemics throughout the state because the government is unconcerned about public health conditions. The wealthy elite in California isolate themselves from the overwhelming filth and poverty by living in exclusive estates surrounded by walls and guards and claim that there are no problems in the state. Meanwhile, the state finances are a disaster because of the corrupt and wasteful monetary policies of the Democrat leadership. The state has passed laws allowing illegal aliens to vote in local elections to cement their political position by fostering a total welfare state for illegals that can now control local elections to ensure that the illegals will be the “privileged class” in the state. It is a setup by the Democrat leadership to provide for unfettered political power by creating self-perpetuating political power through sham elections where the taxpayers cannot override the voting bloc of the illegal aliens that California is allowing to vote in local elections. In a very true sense, the Democrats have almost completed the transformation of California into a third-world country where the political elite can maintain an iron fist of political control while maintaining an illusion that there is a democracy present. It is a diagram of the Democrat leaders’ vision for America.

            The pathway to achieve this vision in America is actually quite simple and the Democratic leadership is pursuing it with real dedication. First of all, they must ensure that America is overwhelmed by an invading horde of illegals, which they are accomplishing in spite of President Trump’s attempts to stop it. They are providing for free legal counseling for the illegals to ensure that every legal loophole is exploited to ensure that our country will be overrun by illegals. Secondly, they are using their political power to ensure that the immigration laws will not be updated to close these loopholes. They are already providing very real incentives to illegals to continue the ever-increasing invasion, but you can be sure that they will find ways to provide even more freebies to attract the illegals. At the same time they are fighting against any efforts to stop illegals from voting in our national elections. They fight any and every effort to require voter ID identification. Why, because if you don’t require voter ID, then illegals can easily vote in national elections in defiance to our laws. They fight any effort for the 10-year census to actually count the number of lawful citizens. Instead, they want the number of illegals to be included as if they are citizens. This means that their states with large illegal populations will be given more voting power in congress. If they have their way, the national elections will become a mockery where the Democrats will bus illegals to multiple polling stations to vote multiple times illegally thereby turning our elections into a sham, much like they are attempting to do in California. If they are successful, you can say goodbye to meaningful elections, democracy, free speech, free enterprise, and America.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Click on link to read the article

Mad Mad Mad Maxine Waters

I have a very humorous story to relate. Do you know who Maxine Watters is? Just in case you don’t know, here is just a tidbit to clue you in. She is the black congresswoman from California who is obsessively and rabidly anti-trump. I have heard some inferences to her possibly diminished IQ, which I have previously ignored. Here is the story, and you can judge for yourself.

            Maxine is the chairperson for the powerful finance committee which has oversight of laws and conduct of many financial institutions in America, which also includes oversight of the banking industry. Maxine was obviously interested in grandstanding before the news cameras in a meeting with several CEO’s from some very large banks. She talked at length about the ongoing problem of excessive student loan debt, and repeatedly asked the CEO’s what they were doing to address the problem. One after another of the CEO’s stated the same answer which was that they had discontinued any involvement with student loans about 10 years ago. Maxine did not see the obvious situation until one of the CEO’s finally informed her that the student loan program was taken over by the federal government more than 10 years before, and the program was part of her financial committee’s responsibilities. In short, she was trying to hang the problem on the banks when her own committee had oversight of the student loan program. Get this. She had no knowledge that the problem was hers, not the banks!! Now I ask you, is that plain ignorance or is it plain stupidity.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Socialism lies

Any person who has any knowledge of history and desires to be truthful has to acknowledge that socialism does not provide a better life for the average citizen. In fact, every instance of implementing “socialism” in any country has led to a totalitarian government where individual freedom and quality of life have been diminished or destroyed. Those who advocate for socialism always talk about providing for economic equality and/or government-supplied “free” stuff. Currently, the democratic leaders are pushing the “free government” fantasy. You have heard them claim that they will provide “free” college, “free medical”, “free housing”, and “free money” Ad nauseam. It is easy to see how young people facing college expenses could be easily swayed by being offered “free college”, and the democratic leaders are exploiting this vulnerability to “buy votes”. The free-everything scheme being offered by the democrats is a fantasy. What they are really pushing for is total government control over all of the aspects of people’s lives. Any government “free college” would be dictated by the government at a college the government selected, which would probably be an inferior college, and they might even dictate the type of curriculum and degree which could be pursued. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

            The so-called promise of socialism is that the government will ensure that needs will be supplied by the government for people based on what they need. Who decides what a person needs in a socialist government? The individual needs are defined by the government, not by the individual. The government may decide that every female needs two pairs of shoes, and one dress, and no pants are allowed. Do you want a distant bureaucrat to decide what clothes you may own, and the colors? Anything provided by the government will be at a subsistence level, and will have nothing to do with what the individual wants. In any socialistic society, the politicians will have all of the wealth and/or they will control all of the wealth. This is obvious. In order to “provide for the needs”, the government must either own everything or control the flow of the wealth. There is no incentive for a person to achieve anything in a socialistic society because the wealth is distributed by the politicians based on their goals. Again, the only people who will have wealth in a socialistic society will be politicians and those with political connections. In the instance of “free college”, the politically connected will be provided “free college” at a highly-regarded college while all others will be provided “free college” at an inferior or sham “college”. That assumes that the politicians even provide that much. Most likely even less would be provided, but the government propaganda would claim the opposite of reality.

            Capitalism is not perfect. Anything devised by people will have flaws. However, under capitalism, an individual has the chance of accruing wealth based on individual effort and ability. The individual has the right to use his/her wealth to obtain whatever thing that they deem is desirable. Of course, greedy people will try to obtain more than they deserve within a capitalist society, just the same as they do in every society, and there must be safeguards to protect people from predatory actions of powerful people in a capitalist society. Predatory people exist in any society, and that is why there must be laws and law enforcement. A look at history plainly shows that capitalist societies create more wealth, and it can also be shown that the average person in a capitalist society has a higher standard of living than in a socialist society, by a large margin. So why are the democrats pushing for socialism in America?

            The answer is extremely simple, POWER, POWER, and POWER. They are simply trying to buy votes by promising a non-existent fantasy world where anything that anyone wants will be provided “FOR FREE”. It is a lie, plain and simple. If they obtain the power they want, instead of providing freebies, they will institute policies where the government will invade every aspect of life of every individual in American for the sole purpose of control. They will institute the heaviest tax burden that they are able to establish in order to obtain control of most of the wealth of the individuals in America for the express purpose of establishing programs to distribute the wealth for political purposes. The wealth will be moved into the pockets of politicians and politically-connected people, and the individual freedom will be destroyed by government-dictates. For examples of the final result of these policies, look at Venezuela, North Korea, Iran, Russia, and China, just to name a few. In a socialistic society, the politicians control the laws, the law enforcement, the wealth, and the propaganda while everyone else lives a subsistence level of existence. If you try to dissent within such a society, you will forfeit everything up to and including your life. Forget about free speech. Forget about freedom of choice. Forget about economic freedom. You will be told what to say, what to do, what to think, and what to desire by the politicians in control. If this is your desire, then by all means go pursue socialism. However, there are plenty of inferior dictatorial countries where you can go. Please leave!

Sunday, March 31, 2019

The two-tier justice system is alive and well.

I am sure that you are aware of the hoax perpetrated by Jussie Smollett, but I will give you a quick overview of it just in case. Jussie Smollett is an actor who is overpaid, self-centered, and greedy. He is also apparently a friend of the Obama’s. He decided that the hundreds of thousands of dollars he was being paid yearly is insufficient compensation for someone of his talent. (His opinion, not mine.) So he arranged to have a couple of men conduct a fake attack on him, and he filed a false police report attesting that they yelled racial slurs at him during the attack. In addition, he claimed that they identified themselves as Trump supporters. So the fake attack was intended to cast him as a poor victim, and also incite hatred for Trump supporters. He intended to use his new-found “victim status” to enhance his efforts to increase his already over-inflated salary. The Chicago police were able to establish very strong evidence of his criminal hoax and instead of supporting his hoax, they filed criminal charges against Smollett. What Smollett did is a disgusting, grossly self-serving attempt to obtain more money to fulfill his overwhelming greed. However, it gets worse.

            As I noted above, Smollett is a friend of the Obama’s, and the criminal charges were filed with the state attorney, who is a staunch democrat who apparently believes completely in the two-tier justice system. Let me describe the two-tier justice system. This is a system initiated by, supported by, and enforced by high ranking democrat leaders to ensure that anyone who has high-level political connections to democrat leaders will be protected from prosecution for criminal behavior. I also believe that it is not incidental that Smollett and the state attorney are both black activists. To continue with the story, when the charges were filed with the state attorney, there was an alleged phone call from the Obama’s to inform the state attorney that Smollett is a friend of the Obama’s. She then promptly proceeded to not only drop all the charges against him, but she also tried to have the whole thing expunged from his record. The most obscene point of all of this is that now Smollett is trying to sue the Chicago police department. If it is left up to the democratic leaders and the corrupt state attorney, Smollett will not only skate out of the criminal charges, but the Police department will be punished for daring to actually enforce the law. Disgusting!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Hate should be condemned

There has been a number of articles written about Congresswoman Ilhan Abdullahi Omar from Minnesota in the last few weeks. Very few of the articles have been complimentary, and I can understand why!. It is shameful that we have a member of congress that is so blatantly hateful toward the Jewish people. The democratic leaders have either fallen all over themselves to excuse Omar’s exhibition of her hatred, or they have been totally silent regarding her demonstrated hatred. Pelosi even made a feeble attempt to defend Omar by claiming that she did not understand the hateful impact of her words. Hogwash!!! Any person with a brain can clearly see Omar’s hatred, and arguing about how much hatred constitutes anti-Semitism is idiotic.

          In addition, Omar’s flagrant use of her power as a member of Congress to attack people that she hates is despicable. It is embarrassing to see a member of our congress acting like a third-world dictator by using her power in a vendetta against a whole group of people. The democrats apparently believe that since Omar is a black Muslim female immigrant she should be able to express racial hatred, religious hatred, or any other hateful feelings without recrimination. Hogwash!!!!!

          The House democrats should censure Omar for her hateful actions, and she should have to publically apologize for her boorish conduct before there is any relief from the censorship. But don’t hold your breath waiting for any action from the democrat leadership. If you aren’t aware, Omar is simply expressing one of the hateful attitudes endorsed by the majority of the democrat leadership. For examples, just look at Ellison, Farrakhan, Black lives matter, Antifa, and hate anything Trump. The common denominator is HATRED!!   

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Identifying some RINOS

Many years ago Congress passed the law giving the President the power to declare emergencies and then to provide money to handle the declared emergency. This is a lawful use of power delegated to the President which is completely within the constitution, and which has been used dozens of times by multiple Presidents since the law was passed by Congress. President Trump’s declaration of an emergency is fully within the scope of the law and is fully constitutional in exactly the same regards as the dozens of emergency declarations by previous presidents were. Anyone attempting to state that President Trump is exceeding his authority is simply ignorant or plain stupid.

            In addition, the law does not require or imply that congressional approval of the declaration of an emergency is required. It expressly gives the President the right to determine if there is an emergency, and the right to act unilaterally to handle the emergency. Nowhere in the law does it states that the congress has reserved the right to override the President in this process. To restate the obvious, it is the unfettered right of the President to determine if there is an emergency, and it is plainly stated that he has the right to provide funds to handle the declared emergency.

            It is also plain that congress may, at their discretion, withhold this power by passing a new law, but it is also plainly obvious that the President may veto the bill. However, it is absurd for anyone member of congress to attempt to justify voting to stop the President by claiming that he does not have the power to declare the emergency. CONGRESS HAS PREVIOUSLY GRANTED THAT POWER. It is also stupid to claim that the President does not have the SOLE DISCRETION to declare the emergency. CONGRESS HAS PREVIOUSLY GRANTED THAT POWER. Having said that, the only reason that a member of Congress can vote to stop the declaration of an emergency is because he/she simply does not want to address the existing emergency. In other words, the member does not care about solving the problem.

            In my opinion, the only reason for anyone to oppose the declaration of an emergency is because they hate President Trump and will oppose him in everything regardless of the consequences. Therefore, I can only conclude that the Republican house members who voted against the emergency declaration did so out of a hateful opposition to President Trump. If you support President Trump, and especially if you want the crisis at the border corrected, I assume that you do not support any republican house member opposed to the declaration of an emergency. The 13 Republicans who joined the Democrats in rebuking the emergency declaration were Reps. Justin Amash and Fred Upton of Michigan, Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, Mike Gallagher and Jim Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, Jaime Herrera Beutler and Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington, Will Hurd of Texas, Dusty Johnson of South Dakota, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Francis Rooney of Florida, Elise Stefanik of New York, and Greg Walden of Oregon. If you want the crisis at the border dealt with, then I cannot see any way that you can support these Republicans for re-election, and I certainly oppose their re-election. Maybe they can run as a Democrat.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

It is about choices

            The choices that people make are a mystery to me. The process by which they make these choices are even more of a mystery. Specifically, I am intrigued, and somewhat confused by the apparent lack of awareness of many voters. First of all, in my opinion, it is important to know how my elected representative votes, and what his/her opinion is regarding issues that are important to me. What my elected representative does and says affects me personally! I do feel strongly about a number of issues, and I am not pleased if my elected representative’s actions prevent my choices from being implemented. However, many people apparently don’t have strong feelings invoked by their elected representative’s actions, even if they don’t like what he/she is doing. I can’t empathize with such indifference. However, the people who are most irritating are those who say, “I always vote for the “fill in the blank“ party”, because that is who I am. I think that that is just plain laziness. Winston Churchill once remarked about the voters and democratic government. To paraphrase his comment, he concluded that democratic government may be doomed by the total ignorance of the average voter.

            I have conservative political views, and I most certainly will not vote for someone that I am sure disagrees with my viewpoints, and it is important to me to ensure that I am cognizant of his/her viewpoints. There are a substantial number of issues on which the democrat leaders have clearly stated their stance.

1.     They don’t desire to defend America.

2.     They support and enable the murder of unborn children.

3.     They don’t support our law enforcement officers.

4.     They are obsessed with looking for racial bias whether it exists or not.

5.     They disrespect and oppose Christian values.

6.     They don’t respect our immigration laws simply because Trump does.

7.     They are consumed with hatred for President Trump and will oppose him in everything even if it causes extreme harm to America.

8.     They are consumed with desire for power and have little regard for the opinions or desires of others.

9.     They want the government to control every aspect of my life and the lives of all Americans.

10.             They approve of the use of threats and violence to achieve their goals, i.e. “the end justifies the means.”

11.             They collude with the “liberal” media to disseminate “propaganda” consisting of so-called “news” for the sole purpose of “influencing” public opinion.

12.             They have corrupted our Department of Justice, FBI, and several other government agencies to use the agencies as weapons against their political opponents, and to protect high-ranking democrats from prosecution for criminal behavior.
           All of these stances are diametrically opposed to my values and my opinions. The runaway disasters of long-term political control by the democrat leadership is blatantly obvious to anyone who wants to look at reality. The democrats claim “guns kill people, not people kill people using guns”. So look at Chicago which has the strictest gun laws in the country. It is consistently one of the highest murder rates by guns in the country. Look at California with its “sanctuary laws”. In spite of being one of the wealthiest states in America, homelessness and poverty is rampant in California. In addition, public health is a real concern in California due to the public defecation, public urination and public use of illegal drugs in California. Due to the “sanctuary laws” there, the public safety risk is ignored by releasing criminal illegal aliens back into the public domain even when the criminal illegal aliens re-commit more crimes. Instead of enforcing laws for criminal illegal aliens, they are given a “get out of jail free card”. If you are an American citizen living in California, you will be greatly overtaxed so that the illegals can be provided with free housing, free medical care, free education, and free legal assistance to evade capture for their crimes. Everywhere that the democrat leaders have had long-term control, the taxes are sky high, the government intrusion is excessive, and the government waste on “freebies” to buy votes is prevalent. Having said all of this, it is my fervent hope that you will become aware of who your elected representatives are and what they are doing and saying.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Nancy's border security plan

It seems logical to me to analyze the Nancy Pelosi border security proposal. She has emphatically stated that she will not vote for any expenditure for a barrier along the southern border. So it is crystal-clear that she is demanding that illegal aliens, drug dealers, terrorists, and criminals be provided unimpeded entrance into America. Without any kind of physical barrier, it is virtually impossible to prevent their illegal entry into our country.

Nancy’s demand is that only high-tech monitoring of the border be implemented. So it is crystal-clear that she wants to have “blanket” high-tech surveillance of the people who are illegally entering our country. I suppose that she MIGHT permit the border patrol to place signs along the border stating that the illegal entries are being recorded, and requesting that the criminals, terrorists, gang members and drug dealers voluntarily turn themselves into American authorities within some reasonable time frame. I would suppose that Nancy would want to ensure that the “reasonable time frame” would be less than 10 years. What do you think? Does this seem to be a logical procedure?

It is crystal-clear that high-tech surveillance CAN NOT block entry into our country, so one can only assume that Nancy’s intent is that illegal entry into our country should proceed without resistance. Given that, it is quite obvious that the illegal entry into our country by minors will continue under Nancy’s plan, and there will therefore be deaths of some of these children in the perilous trek. So it is only obvious that Nancy intends to demand that we initiate measures to ensure that there will be no deaths experienced by the illegals as they illegally invade our country. So it becomes further obvious that Nancy will be tempted to use the high-tech surveillance to identify illegals who-need assistance “to avoid an injury or death”. So it seems likely that Nancy will want our border patrol to provide assistance to the illegals in the form of food, water, and directions to the nearest “rest area” which Nancy will probably insist provide food, water, medical services, legal services, and temporary housing. Of course, Nancy will insist that all of this be provided for the illegals free of charge.

So, to summarize the consequences of implementing Nancy’s plan. There will be unchecked illegal entries into our country. There will be extensive and expensive surveillance using high-tech equipment to produce extensive documentation to be buried in some government report and subsequently ignored. There will be billions of dollars paid to Nancy’s high-tech companies in Silicon Valley to greatly increase their already grossly inflated profits. Nancy will be handsomely rewarded by her Silicon Valley cohorts. There will be billions of dollars spent “protecting the illegals from health hazards”. The border patrol’s function will be modified from defending our borders to providing welcome services for illegals. MS-13 and similar gangs will proliferate greatly to create mayhem and expand their criminal activities. And best of all, the over-inflated price of this will be paid for by YOU, the overtaxed, underappreciated, and underserved taxpayer.

What do you think? Does this sound like a plan you can support?

Sunday, January 20, 2019

About Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts in the democrat leadership do not care about helping the average American citizen. They are dead set against providing President Trump any kind of financing for any kind of a physical barrier on our border regardless of the disastrous consequences which occur to American citizens for their actions. What is the REAL REASON that they will not support building the needed barrier on our southern border?

Don’t look to the “reasons” that Nancy and her cohorts are claiming is their basis for denying money to defend our borders. You know and I know that just a short few years ago, Nancy and her cohorts were claiming that we needed a WALL on our southern border. So, you know as well as I that all of Nancy’s resistance is a manufactured resistance. The main reason is as obvious as the nose on your face. Nancy and her cohorts SIMPLY HATE TRUMP'S GUTS. They will do ANYTHING within their power to hurt Trump, and I reiterate the fact that they DO NOT care who gets hurt in the process.

However, there is another facet in the puzzle that you also must understand. The physical barrier (wall or fence) is a low-tech solution. It is obvious and undeniably true that a good physical barrier combined with adequate manpower (read that as border guards) WILL reduce the number of illegals who can get into our country. But just stop and think about something else. When Nancy does mention “border security” the only solution which she will agree to MUST BE HIGH-TECH. She claims that High-Tech surveillance combined with High-tech response will work. Why is she so adamant that border security must be predominately High-Tech when anyone with a brain has to know that high-tech can only provide surveillance. It DOES NOT provide a barrier to entry by illegals. So, why is she so adamant?

Have you stopped to think how many billions of dollars of high-tech expenditures it would take to monitor our border? The cost would probably be billions of dollars PER MONTH! If Nancy has her way, which companies would be making these billions of dollars of profit? Do I have to draw you a picture? Nancy’s resistance to building a physical barrier is probably directly proportional to how much money is going to flow to Nancy’s pocket if the silicon valley companies in California get the lion’s share of the profits, and the border security provided will be notably inferior to what could be provided for far less money with more border agents and a physical barrier.

To put it more directly, Nancy wants to serve the desires of her cohorts in the high-tech companies to make billions of dollars (and profit handsomely herself). She does not care about the American citizens who are harmed by inadequate border security, only about making money for herself and her cronies. You must know that she has zero concerns about who is being hurt by the “shutdown”. For the entire period of time of the shutdown, Nancy and her cohorts have been spending lavish amounts of money on parties in Hawaii, and Puerto Rico and elsewhere. Those parties have been paid for by you, the American taxpayer. Nancy does not care who is hurt by the shutdown, she is only concerned about using the shutdown for political leverage to accomplish her twisted objectives.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Defining a crisis

The democratic leaders are making the statement that illegal immigration in this country is not a crisis. There have been over 4000 murders committed in recent years by illegal aliens. Chew on that statement for a little while. The democratic leaders are telling you and me that murdering over 4000 American citizens is no big deal. Oh yes, if you put them on the spot, they will make the appropriate noises to appear to care that Americans are being murdered by illegal aliens, but look at their actions. Since Trump has been president, the democrats have fought against any kind of effort to prevent illegals from entering our country. They have managed to cut the number of border agents, totally prevent any increase in money allocated to border security, demean the ICE agents in every way possible, and generally do everything in their power to prevent border security from doing its job. However, while they are destroying our border security, they lie constantly by claiming that they want to have improved border security. The plain truth is as obvious as the nose on your face. The democratic leaders flat don’t care about providing for the security needs of American citizens
So if the ongoing wholesale murder of thousands of American citizens is not a crisis, just how do the democratic leaders define a crises? Perhaps the democrats consider millions of cases of identity theft or identify fraud to be a crises. We know that illegal aliens use fake ID to obtain jobs or otherwise hide from authorities in America. Certainly, if there were millions of citizens using fake ID’s, the democrats would launch extensive investigations to find and punish the perpetrators. However, in regards to illegal aliens, the democrats shrug and make excuses for the illegal activities. They certainly do not consider it to be a crisis, (unless it were American citizens committing the crimes). How about the tens of thousands of sex crimes committed by illegal aliens? Could this be a crisis in the democrat’s eyes? Obviously, they don’t think so because they are too busy covering up the reporting of these crimes. How about the senseless violence perpetrated by gangs such as MS13? To quote the democratic leadership, we must consider MS13 gang members to be “human” and treated with the utmost human respect. Obviously, this is not a crisis either. The latest crisis which I have heard identified by the democrats (liberals) is the danger of plastic straws. What do you think?

An article by Marc Thiessen of the Washington Post

President Trump did something Tuesday night that he has rarely done since taking office: He used the presidential bully pulpit to reach beyond his hardcore base of supporters to make his case to the American people as a whole.
Speaking from the Oval Office for the first time during his presidency, Trump embraced our country’s tradition as a nation of immigrants, declaring “America proudly welcomes millions of lawful immigrants who enrich our society and contribute to our nation.” He then offered a cogent explanation why he believes we face what he called “a humanitarian crisis — a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul” along our southern border.
He pointed out the human cost of our broken system to illegal migrants themselves, expressing compassion for the “children [who] are used as human pawns by vicious coyotes and ruthless gangs” and the “women [who] are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico.” He shared heartbreaking stories of Americans killed by criminal aliens who had no right to be here — including a police officer in California who was murdered, a 16-year-old girl who was brutally stabbed in Maryland, and an Air Force veteran who was raped and beaten to death.
“I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers,” Trump declared. “I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, or the sadness gripping their souls.”
And he laid out his solution, which he explained was “developed by law enforcement professionals and border agents” and includes funds for cutting-edge technology, more border agents, more immigration judges, more bed space and medical support — and $5.7 billion for a “physical barrier” that he called “just common sense.” Without naming her, Trump responded to the absurd charge from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) that a wall is “immoral.” Democrats voted repeatedly for physical barriers until he was elected president, he noted. If a wall is immoral, Trump asked, “why do wealthy politicians build walls, fences and gates around their homes? They don’t build walls because they hate the people on the outside, but because they love the people on the inside.”
The president did not unilaterally declare a national emergency. Instead, he called for compromise and said, “To those who refuse to compromise in the name of border security, I would ask: imagine if it was your child, your husband, or your wife, whose life was so cruelly shattered and totally broken?”
He was, in short, presidential.
Democrats insisted on equal time, which is highly unusual. for presidential addresses other than the State of the Union. It was a mistake. In contrast to Trump, Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.) came across as small and intransigent.
While Trump spoke calmly and rationally from behind the Resolute Desk, the Democratic leaders accused him of “pounding the table” and having a “temper tantrum.” While Trump told human stories, they complained about process. They accused him of arguing that the women and children at the border were “a security threat” when he had just explained to the American people that they were victims, too. They charged him with using the “backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.” They were partisan and petty, while Trump came across as reasonable and even compassionate.
To normal Americans watching in the heartland, and who are not steeped in Trump hatred, the president must have seemed like the adult in the room.
And, most important, Pelosi and Schumer failed to use the one word that millions of Americans were longing to hear — compromise. But Trump did. That is why the president won the night. Schumer and Pelosi appealed to their base, while Trump made an effective appeal to persuadable Americans.

Until now, Trump has owned the 18-day government shutdown that prompted this address, because he’s the one who started it. But if Democrats continue to attack him, and won’t entertain any compromise, soon the shutdown will be all theirs — because they’re the ones who have refused to end it.

Click on the linkTranscript of Trump's speech for the full transcript of Trump's speech:

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Do something

Click on the link below to read the story.

The real story

I really enjoyed the holidays by taking two full months off, but it feels good to be writing again, and I am going to take the obvious route and talk about the shutdown. Let’s start by asking the obvious question, “Why a government shutdown?” The obvious answer is, “Because the democrat leaders refuse to compromise.” Nancy Pelosi summed up the situation quite clearly by stating that she will only provide one dollar for “The Wall”. If you are astute, you know that every few days there is another instance where an illegal alien kills someone, assaults someone, robs someone, ad nauseam. The main stream media tries to cover up or minimize these events, but there are so many stories that some of them even make it into the liberal media reporting. The violent actions of the illegal aliens trying to force their way into America are constantly minimized by the main stream media, but if you have a brain, it is obvious that violent people who totally disrespect our laws should not be allowed into our country. However, all of this is simply a red herring.
What is the real reason that the democrat leaders have reversed their agenda? Just a few years ago, the democrat leaders were expounding on the need to stifle the onslaught of illegal aliens. The answer is simple and obvious, they are now opposed to controlling the illegal aliens because it is a way of harming President Trump. It is an expression of their HATRED of President Trump. Their words and actions are being dictated by their hatred, and the democrat leaders are willing to sacrifice anything on the altar of hatred, including the welfare of America or the welfare of American citizens. The democrat leaders have zero interest in addressing the problem of the invasion of America by illegal aliens. Instead, their efforts will be to oppose President Trump in all matters, and use their liberal media cohorts to blame all of the negative, destructive consequences on President Trump.