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Saturday, October 31, 2020
Friday, October 30, 2020
The Biden plan
communist regime in China bought Joe Biden with a one billion dollar “gift” to
his son Hunter Biden. Joe Biden is now China’s ‘lap dog” and he will obey the
orders from his Chinese owners for the foreseeable future. If given the
opportunity, Joe Biden will restart his previous policy of shipping American
jobs to China. He will repeat the same line that Obama mouthed, “The
manufacturing jobs are gone from America, and they will never return.”
In addition,
Joe Biden will initiate draconian lockdown measures which will destroy the
American economy. He has already told us to expect a “dark winter” if he is
elected. At the same time, he will install massive tax increases, which will be
the “death blow” to our economy. But he tells us not to worry because he has a
plan for our economy. I just gave you the highlights of his “plan”. Some more
of his plan includes the destruction of our energy production. He WILL OUTLAW
FRACKING!! However, he says don’t worry, he has a plan. We can always buy oil
from Russia as needed at whatever exorbitant price they want to charge. Joe Biden
has already received his 3 million dollar gift from Russia, so his “plan” is
already in motion. Perhaps you can see the basic premise of Joe Biden’s “Plan”,
more income for the Bidens and nothing for American taxpayers (that means nothing
for YOU).
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Current work on the Green New Deal
I have come
across some of the details being proposed by the radical left to support the
Green New Deal. As you know, they are requiring that the use of fossil fuel to
produce energy must end. I have heard that they are trying to find an
alternative fuel for airplanes. Of course, AOC in her self-declared in-depth
knowledge of airplanes, immediately suggested that the airplanes can be powered
by electricity. However, her original design was scrapped because someone asked
how they could deal with the electric cord. She then suggested that the
electric motor could be plugged into an electrical outlet in the pilot’s
cockpit. After some experimenting with the idea, they decided that there were
technical problems inherent with this solution. They were not forthcoming
regarding the nature of the technical problem.
Someone then
suggested that perhaps all air travel could be restricted to the use of hot air
balloons. There was an immediate concurrence that this could be the proper
solution. There was however one individual in the back of the room who muttered
“where do we get the hot air?”, and the discussion degenerated into a long
discussion of using batteries. However, since there was no one in the group who
had any idea how to use a battery to generate heat, there was no progress made
in their efforts to use two “D” batteries to make a working model. So after two
days of futile effort, AOC came to the group’s rescue. She suggested that it
was really a waste of their time to get bogged down in such trivial matters as
the actual design. Instead, she suggested that they spend their time on the
much more important task of writing the framework for the legislation to
require hot air balloons.
They then
spent the next three days writing the announcement of the completion of the
groundwork to provide overall direction for the accomplishment of the Green New
Deal’s upcoming initiation of researching alternatives for more advanced travel
proposals. Upon completion of this far-reaching document they adjourned for the
week after setting the next week’s goal to provide direction and funding for
the development of alternative fuel possibilities for ocean-going vessels.
Defeating Covid
At the very beginning
of the Covid Pandemic, President Trump took immediate action to try to limit
America’s exposure to the virus by initiating the travel restrictions on people
from the area where the virus originated. This was helpful in that it bought us
some time to combat the virus. Joe Biden and the rest of the left-wing crowd
rewarded Trump by initiating a name-calling program in which they demeaned him
and tried to turn it into a political game instead of a life and death struggle
against an invisible adversary.
Trump followed the advice of the so-called “experts” and, at their suggestion,
the policy was initiated for wearing masks and “social distancing”. In
addition, at their suggestion, the policy of locking down the economic activity
was also initiated. All of this was done based on the assumption that isolating
people from others would stop the spread of the disease. In spite of these
actions, the disease continued to spread. The spread comes in waves which seem
to be unaffected by wearing masks, social distancing, and forced isolation
policies. Currently the epidemic is much worse in European countries which are
enforcing draconian isolation measures. It is painfully obvious that these
measures are not effective in controlling the spread of the disease. However,
the left-wing zealots are attempting to instill even more draconian enforcement
of these failed policies. One definition of insanity is to repeat the same
actions over and over while expecting different results. It is a denial of
reality to think that wearing masks, social distancing, and isolation is going
to work when the results clearly indicate that these measures are not
Joe Biden’s
so-called “Plan” to defeat the Covid virus is to simply plagiarize these failed
efforts in more and more restrictive and destructive ways until everyone dies.
He is already predicting a “dark winter”. He and his left-wing cohorts believe
that more and more government intrusion and draconian control will work. The
evidence clearly states it will not work!
However, at
the beginning of the pandemic, President Trump did initiate an action which is
clearly working. The left-wing media and politicians are purposely ignoring the
statistics which prove that this action is the only means to defeat the Covid
virus. It is not to their political advantage to admit that Trump is once again
being proven right. What is this action, you ask? It was setting up Operation
Warp Speed! President Trump correctly assessed the situation and realized that
government had to clear the barriers to allow resourceful and capable Americans
to develop both therapeutic and vaccine treatments to combat Covid. The
statistics prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Although the efforts to
prevent the spread are ineffective, the mortality rate for Covid patients has
dropped dramatically. In other words, people are still being infected in spite
of draconian efforts to isolate everyone, but almost all of those new
infections are being cured successfully. Instead of supporting this successful
strategy which Trump initiated, the left-wing media and politicians are trying
to destroy the public’s confidence in the successful treatments being developed.
Again, it is not politically advantageous for them to admit the obvious.
President Trump is pursuing the only viable and successful avenue to combat
Covid, and the left-wing is trying to destroy any and all progress. For them,
it all politics!!! For President Trump it is all about saving lives!!!
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
More info about Biden corruption
Last weekend
(mid-October), Mr Tony Bobulinski came forward with a public announcement of text
messages with Joe Biden/Hunter Biden related to the emails which have been
found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. His stated that the reason he was providing the
information was to protect his reputation since he has now become aware of the
corruption revealed. He is apparently going to provide these text messages to
the FBI as further proof of the Biden corruption identified in the emails on
the laptop. I have a word of caution to Mr. Bobulinski.
Be aware
that the FBI has had the laptop in their possession for at least 10 months, and
they have apparently done NOTHING with the information. In reality, it appears
that the FBI has been engaged in a purposeful cover-up of the existence of the emails.
It gives the appearance of continuing corruption in the FBI in order to
obstruct investigation. There appears to be a concerted effort to protect Joe
Biden from possible prosecution for corruption/criminal activities. Mr.
Bobulinski, remember how the FBI framed General Flynn for fabricated charges of
lying to the FBI. In their efforts to protect Joe Biden, the FBI may need a
scapegoat, and you may be elected! Don’t talk to the FBI without at least one
very competent defense lawyer present who may be able to protect you from
fabricated charges. The FBI may be able to arrange for a corrupt judge similar
to Judge Emmet Sullivan to be assigned to try your case which would ensure that
you would not be permitted to present a defense.
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
If I were a black voter
If I were a black voter, I would be very interested in knowing that Joe Biden has consistently opposed civil rights legislation that would have been helpful for blacks. One of his cohorts in preventing the passing of civil rights legislation was Strom Thurmond, a die-hard segregationist. Storm Thurmond died in 2003, and Joe Biden personally wrote a glowing eulogy for him in which he praised him and his beliefs. It is inconceivable that Joe could write such a glowing eulogy unless he approved of and shared the same segregationist views. Based on Joe’s past history of segregationist actions, it is obvious to me that he does not want to help black Americans. If I were a black voter, this alone would dissuade me from voting for Biden.
In addition,
Joe has been recorded as stating that Senator Byrd was a great man, and that he
looked up to him as a mentor. It is an undisputed fact that Senator Byrd was a
dedicated racist and a high-ranking member of the KKK. If I were black and not
already convinced that Joe Biden is totally embedded in racist thinking, this
fact would certainly convince me. If I were a black voter, this would certainly
convince me to vote against Joe Biden.
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
The face of tyranny
Are you tired of the high-tech
dictators trying to deny you your right to free speech? We know why they are
trying. First of all, they want to destroy the American way of life as we know
it. They want us to be a socialist nation. Why? Because socialism, as they
describe it, does not exist. It is simply the first step in the descent into a
dictatorship, and they see themselves as the "ruling elite", and they
see us as the peasants who will "serve" them. They already consider
themselves to be the elite, and they simply want the political framework in
place to ensure that we "behave"! Secondly, they are already in bed
with the communist government of China. Fools! They are blinded by the money
and power that communist China is waving under their nose, but they are such
fools that they believe that the Communists will allow them to keep it! Just as
soon as the communists think that they no longer need these them, and think
they have ensnared them enough, the communists will steal everything. These
fools do not see the obvious! The communists hate them as much as they hate
America, and the overall plan includes their complete destruction as well.
But back to my first question, do you want to gain freedom from
these petty high-tech tyrants? There are alternatives to using their services.
Tired of twitter's hatred of everything conservative. Try! They are
not blatantly communistic, dictatorial, and attempting to destroy your right to
free speech. There are several alternatives to Google. For instance, try duckduckgo.
I never did step into the facebook trap, so I don't have a suggestion, but I am
sure that, if you want to, you can do without their overbearing, dictatorial
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Nancy Pelosi's latest lie
Nancy Pelosi’s so-called COVID relief bill is anything but
covid relief! It calls for nearly a half a trillion dollars earmarked for only
Democrat controlled states who have driven their states into gigantic debt by
inept and outlandish spending by their democrat-controlled government over a
period of decades. It includes lavish amounts of money for purposes that the
Democrats have been pushing for years, including extra money for Planned
Parenthood (So they can murder more babies). In other words it is an attempt to
extort over a trillion dollars of federal money for purposes which have zero
relation to the COVID relief! The amount that Nancy wants to be allocated for
COVID relief is pitiful! It is typical of everything that Nancy Pelosi attempts
to do. Hang a nice sounding title on the bill (COVID relief), lie about the
actual intention and goals being pursued, and release their extensive
propaganda machine to do it’s dirty work (via most of the public media outlets
such as ABC,NBC,MSNBC,CNN, and many others whose only purpose is to print Nancy’s
Joe Biden is extremely corrupt
Joe Biden is as corrupt as a person can be. You can find many places on the internet to watch this damning video which clearly shows Joe Biden bragging about blackmailing the Ukraine officials to fire a prosecutor. Why was he so adamant about getting him fired? The prosecutor was investigating crimes that had been committed by men in the Burisma company. One of the men who was being investigated was Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, who had been obviously hired by Burisma at $50,000 per month purely for the political influence that Joe Biden could provide for the corrupt officials. It is obvious that Joe Biden not only blackmailed them (he brags about it), but he sees nothing wrong with blackmail as a tool! Do you think that Burisma would continue to pay Hunter Biden that money if the political influence they expected had not been forthcoming? Use your brain. Joe Biden is a blackmailer. Joe Biden was involved in providing corrupt political influence for bribe money. Joe Biden also has claimed to have had zero knowledge about Hunter’s corrupt activities, but as soon as Hunter was in danger, Joe saved him from prosecution. Joe Biden is also a liar. However, if you think this is corrupt, check out the details about the $1.5 billion dollar “gift” given to Hunter Biden by China! Below is a link where you can watch Joe Biden brag, but you can find it on many links on the internet.
Friday, October 16, 2020
If it looks like a duck and it smells like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it is probably a duck
Washington Post printed an article on Oct 14, 2020 regarding emails found on a
laptop which appears to have belonged to Hunter Biden. The laptop contains
thousands of emails which appear to have been correspondence between Hunter and
individuals who were willing to pay large sums of money for Hunter to provide “access”
to Joe Biden and his political influence. This story prompted a flurry of
activity on facebook and twitter seeking information about the story. Needless
to say, if these emails do exist (which apparently is true) and they do
document the “selling of Joe Biden’s political influence” (which is alleged),
it would establish strong proof of extreme corruption by Joe Biden and his son
Hunter to profit immensely by selling their political influence. In an effort
to squash this story and deny free speech, both facebook and twitter locked the
accounts of everyone who “initiated” the conversation. It is painfully clear
that this denial of access to a public forum by these two tech giants was a
purely politically motivated action intended to smother free speech to ensure
that the information could not be heard by the general public. The reason to
smother the information is also painfully clear. It can have a very negative
effect on the Biden Presidential campaign.
Related to
this is the almost total silence of the mainstream public media regarding this
issue. Everyone knows (or should know) that almost all of the public media news
sources (NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC to name just some of them) are in bed with the
Democratic Party and dedicated to promoting only positive articles about the
Democratic Party. Simply stated, they are functioning as the propaganda department
for the political left-wing. The only reporting being done regarding this issue
by the propaganda masters is efforts to debunk or dismiss the information.
This may
provide further evidence of the persistent corruption by Joe Biden and his
family. It is common knowledge that Hunter Biden has held high-paying positions
with many foreign companies which appear to have been an indirect means of
paying ‘bribes” to Joe Biden for favorable political treatment to be provided
to the companies. Large sums of money were paid to Hunter by companies in
Ukraine, and also it is a statement of fact that Hunter was given over one billion
dollars by the Chinese government for the fabricated purpose of his handling “investment
decisions” for them. Joe Biden consistently claims to have no knowledge of his
son Hunter’s selling political influence. However, these emails appear to
document discussions of how the payments were to be distributed between Hunter
and Joe. Of course, all of these allegations are being denied by Joe Biden, but
the evidence continues to accumulate.
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Do you want this future?
If the democrats get back into power, they intend to destroy the
purpose of the Supreme Court! This is a statement of fact! Both Joe and Kamala
are refusing to confirm this because they know that if they do, it may imperil
their bid for the White House. However, the radical left is making no effort to
hide their intention to pack the Supreme Court with Left-wing lackeys who will
ensure that America will descend into a Communist state (they call it
The constitutional purpose of the Supreme Court was intended to be
that they would be the final protection of our Constitution. They would have
the final say on all matters of law to determine if a law or a court ruling by
a lower court complied with our Constitution. It was never the intention of the
founders of the constitution that any court should write laws.
However, the democrats have been corrupting our courts for years
by putting judges into the courts whose rulings have little or nothing to do
with existing law or constitutional basis. Instead, they have been trying to
put judges in our courts who believe that they can issue decisions that have no
basis in existing law and no legitimate constitutional basis. Since they cannot
corrupt the Supreme Court under the existing laws, the democrats intend to add
more judges to the court (all of them will be radical left-wing), and then use
the court to issue laws, a process which is supposed to be done by congress.
This will make a mockery of the Supreme Court, and it will be used to destroy
our status as a nation of free people.
If you think that the tyrannical dictatorial edicts to shut down
the economy that the current Democrat Governors and Mayors have put in place
are destructive and unreasonable, just wait until they can change the
definition of “criminal conduct” to be “not agreeing with us”. Do you
think that the Democrats will stop at defining rioting and looting as peaceful,
lawful conduct? Do you think that the Democrats will stop at defining church
attendance as denied? It may be permanently banned! A Politician will be
provided police protection, but there will be none for the average citizen
(especially if they are not democrats). Free speech will be allowed only if you
are parroting the “official” party line. Guns will be outlawed (except for
government agencies). Their intention is to ensure that the government
(democrats only), will have total control over every aspect of our lives!
In reference
In his
journey down the mountain Joe encounters a snake which signals for his
attention. Keeping his distance because Joe can see that the snake is a rare
and very poisonous variety, he acknowledges the snake’s request to talk. They
proceed to have a long, animated conversation in which the snake makes the
request that Joe carry it down the mountainside because it has an injury which
will prevent it from making the journey on its own before the freezing cold of
winter descends on the mountain. The snake is very persuasive and finally
convinces Joe that he will be safe while carrying it down the mountain. He is
convinced by the snake’s conversation that they will become close friends on
the journey. True to its word, the snake is friendly, and repeatedly expresses
its gratitude to Joe during the trip.
At the end
of the journey, Joe realizes that he still does not know the snake’s name, and
asks for its name as he sets the snake down. The snake hisses at him, and says,
“Who said that you need to know my name. That is too personal.” Then the snake
bites him, injecting a fatal dose of venom. Taken by complete surprise, and
terrified by the bite, Joe cries out “Why did you do that. I thought we were
The snake
replies, “You old fool. It was a lot of meaningless talk. I needed you to take
me where I wanted to go, and you did it. You are no longer useful to me. And
what did you expect? After all, I am a snake. By the way, my name is Kamala.”
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Is Biden a racist?
Is Joe Biden a racist? He claims to have the support of black
voters, and there is evidence that they do support him, but that begs the
question. Watch the man, see if his actions are consistent with his words.
Words are cheap!
First there’s Biden’s 2003 eulogy of segregationist Strom
Thurmond, the man with whom Biden had worked to make the US criminal code more
punitive and unforgiving. How can you write such a glowing eulogy without
supporting what the man stood for? Biden was one of a very few congressman to show
up at the funeral. He praised Thurmond as a “brave man” whose “lasting impact”
was a “gift to us all”. At least it was consistent with his description of the
late senator Byrd as a great mentor. Just in case you have forgotten, Senator
Byrd was a high-ranking member of the KKK! I will ask again, is Biden a racist?
You tell me!
Have you
seen the video of Biden insulting our soldiers? Just click the link below.