At the very beginning
of the Covid Pandemic, President Trump took immediate action to try to limit
America’s exposure to the virus by initiating the travel restrictions on people
from the area where the virus originated. This was helpful in that it bought us
some time to combat the virus. Joe Biden and the rest of the left-wing crowd
rewarded Trump by initiating a name-calling program in which they demeaned him
and tried to turn it into a political game instead of a life and death struggle
against an invisible adversary.
Trump followed the advice of the so-called “experts” and, at their suggestion,
the policy was initiated for wearing masks and “social distancing”. In
addition, at their suggestion, the policy of locking down the economic activity
was also initiated. All of this was done based on the assumption that isolating
people from others would stop the spread of the disease. In spite of these
actions, the disease continued to spread. The spread comes in waves which seem
to be unaffected by wearing masks, social distancing, and forced isolation
policies. Currently the epidemic is much worse in European countries which are
enforcing draconian isolation measures. It is painfully obvious that these
measures are not effective in controlling the spread of the disease. However,
the left-wing zealots are attempting to instill even more draconian enforcement
of these failed policies. One definition of insanity is to repeat the same
actions over and over while expecting different results. It is a denial of
reality to think that wearing masks, social distancing, and isolation is going
to work when the results clearly indicate that these measures are not
Joe Biden’s
so-called “Plan” to defeat the Covid virus is to simply plagiarize these failed
efforts in more and more restrictive and destructive ways until everyone dies.
He is already predicting a “dark winter”. He and his left-wing cohorts believe
that more and more government intrusion and draconian control will work. The
evidence clearly states it will not work!
However, at
the beginning of the pandemic, President Trump did initiate an action which is
clearly working. The left-wing media and politicians are purposely ignoring the
statistics which prove that this action is the only means to defeat the Covid
virus. It is not to their political advantage to admit that Trump is once again
being proven right. What is this action, you ask? It was setting up Operation
Warp Speed! President Trump correctly assessed the situation and realized that
government had to clear the barriers to allow resourceful and capable Americans
to develop both therapeutic and vaccine treatments to combat Covid. The
statistics prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Although the efforts to
prevent the spread are ineffective, the mortality rate for Covid patients has
dropped dramatically. In other words, people are still being infected in spite
of draconian efforts to isolate everyone, but almost all of those new
infections are being cured successfully. Instead of supporting this successful
strategy which Trump initiated, the left-wing media and politicians are trying
to destroy the public’s confidence in the successful treatments being developed.
Again, it is not politically advantageous for them to admit the obvious.
President Trump is pursuing the only viable and successful avenue to combat
Covid, and the left-wing is trying to destroy any and all progress. For them,
it all politics!!! For President Trump it is all about saving lives!!!
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