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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Nancy Pelosi's latest lie


Nancy Pelosi’s so-called COVID relief bill is anything but covid relief! It calls for nearly a half a trillion dollars earmarked for only Democrat controlled states who have driven their states into gigantic debt by inept and outlandish spending by their democrat-controlled government over a period of decades. It includes lavish amounts of money for purposes that the Democrats have been pushing for years, including extra money for Planned Parenthood (So they can murder more babies). In other words it is an attempt to extort over a trillion dollars of federal money for purposes which have zero relation to the COVID relief! The amount that Nancy wants to be allocated for COVID relief is pitiful! It is typical of everything that Nancy Pelosi attempts to do. Hang a nice sounding title on the bill (COVID relief), lie about the actual intention and goals being pursued, and release their extensive propaganda machine to do it’s dirty work (via most of the public media outlets such as ABC,NBC,MSNBC,CNN, and many others whose only purpose is to print Nancy’s propaganda).

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