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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The face of tyranny


Are you tired of the high-tech dictators trying to deny you your right to free speech? We know why they are trying. First of all, they want to destroy the American way of life as we know it. They want us to be a socialist nation. Why? Because socialism, as they describe it, does not exist. It is simply the first step in the descent into a dictatorship, and they see themselves as the "ruling elite", and they see us as the peasants who will "serve" them. They already consider themselves to be the elite, and they simply want the political framework in place to ensure that we "behave"! Secondly, they are already in bed with the communist government of China. Fools! They are blinded by the money and power that communist China is waving under their nose, but they are such fools that they believe that the Communists will allow them to keep it! Just as soon as the communists think that they no longer need these them, and think they have ensnared them enough, the communists will steal everything. These fools do not see the obvious! The communists hate them as much as they hate America, and the overall plan includes their complete destruction as well.

But back to my first question, do you want to gain freedom from these petty high-tech tyrants? There are alternatives to using their services. Tired of twitter's hatred of everything conservative. Try! They are not blatantly communistic, dictatorial, and attempting to destroy your right to free speech. There are several alternatives to Google. For instance, try duckduckgo. I never did step into the facebook trap, so I don't have a suggestion, but I am sure that, if you want to, you can do without their overbearing, dictatorial control. 

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