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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Play nice now!


In the ongoing legal battle regarding fraud in the 2020 election, there has been an interesting (read that as devious) evolution in the legal arguments from the communist-leaning leadership of the Democrats. At first, they claimed that there was no fraud to be found, and they created some propaganda to support that claim. Then, as there was more and more fraud discovered, they quickly began a propaganda campaign-through their comrades in the corrupt public media expounding that the fraud being discovered was simply the garden variety election fraud that “everyone should simply accept”. Then the truth about the Dominion election software began to emerge, specifically that it was developed under the direction of a South American dictator for the specific purpose of rigging elections. There were numerous specific “anomalies” in the voting results which “consistently” changed votes from Trump to Biden, or simply discarded votes for Trump. At this point, the communist-leaning leadership of the Democrats began to change their propaganda message. Instead of claiming that the fraud was minimal garden variety, they began claiming that the amount of fraud was “not substantial”. When the allegations of possible payments of substantial amounts of money from Dominion and its compatriot company, Smartmatic, to relatives of people who were involved in choosing Dominion election software, the corrupt public media complied with directions to print nothing about the allegations. The corrupt public media, and the corrupt high-tech companies who control most of the flow of information, (Google, Twitter, Facebook ) have all conspired to instead print nothing but lies claiming that there was “no significant fraud”. The latest lie being propagated is that we must “prove” that the fraud caused Trump to lose the election. TOTAL HOGWASH!!! Now they are effectively saying, “Yes, we stole the election, but you can’t prove it in court! Now, don’t throw a tantrum just because it was a fraudulent election. Be sweet. Smile like stupid little children, and kiss and make up and shut up!”

How do we feel? Perhaps, an analogy will help the communistic democrats understand how I feel about the fraudulent election. Let’s suppose that you were to go to a restaurant and order an expensive glass of wine. The waiter comes to your table and pours you a nice nearly full glass of the wine, and then to your chagrin he then took a cup of raw sewage and dumped it in the glass with the wine? If he told you, “It is mostly wine, so drink it!” Would you?

Let’s change the story slightly. Instead of a cup of sewage, only a teaspoon of sewage was added. Would you drink?

How about a thimble full? Would you drink it?”

If you were forced-fed the mixture, would you smile and play nice?

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Check out the blatent bias in google search

 Do a search in google for this "smartmatic and venezuelan".

Do the same search in duckduckgo.

The duckduckgo points to articles with facts and substance. The google search shows "opinion and fake news" sources.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Keep the Faith

 Keep the Faith!!!




This came from my attorney friend who specializes in constitutional law. Stay optimistic!

From a lawyer friend:   

Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale.
It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional
mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote. 
This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines, they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar event will take place. 
This is The law.
This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump won’t be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen so stop watching the fake news and don’t let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out.  President Trump will remain President.
I have researched all of this and it is Fact!   Another fun fact, they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner.
And two people that were part of that decision were none other than new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. 
Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed?
Here's a way we can participate, send this to everyone you know that is pissed about this dishonest election!   



Excerpt from an alleged phone conversation accidently recorded on an open line:

“Hello, Biden office. How may I direct your call?”

Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter.”

“Yes sir. Stand by I am transferring you”

“Hello, DG office manager speaking, how may I help you?”

Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter. What does DG mean?”

Office Manager: “Sorry sir someone misdirected you. This is the discount gift department. I will transfer you to the proper office.”

Phone being answered. “Hello, UG manager speaking. How may I help you?

Agitated Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter. What does UG mean?”

Office Manager: “Sorry sir, your call has been misdirected. This is the upgrading gift department. One moment please.”

Phone being answered: “Hello, Plausible Denial, Chief Denial Officer speaking.”

Very Agitated Oriental male voice: “This is the Chinese embassy calling to speak to Joe regarding our 1.5 billion dollar gift we previously made to Hunter.

Phone ringing: Recorded message: “This office denies any knowledge of any funds being received from anyone in the amount or during the time frame being discussed. Thank you for your interest and your timely phone message. You will be contacted on a secure line at a later date.” …..Click

Saturday, November 14, 2020

It is not over


The 2020 Presidential election was stolen by massive amounts of fraudulent mail-in ballots. The propaganda machines for the American communist party (i.e. democrat party) can deny it forever, but it is a fact. The propaganda machines now tell us that we are wrong to demand fair elections. The voting machines used in nearly half of the country is the same software used by the Venezuelan dictator to steal elections. Thousands of dead people voted, even some who died more than a century ago. Thousands of ballets were submitted by people who were not legal residents. Who knows how many times the illegal aliens voted? There was zero validation to ensure that the mail-in ballots were mailed by the legal voter. There were thousands and thousands of mail-in ballots which were received and illegally backdated to allow fraudulent voting. There was purposely delayed counting to allow time to cover up the fraudulent voting. Yes, the propaganda machines for the communists can deny and deny and cover up and delay and lie all that they want. The democrats filed hundreds of lawsuits before the election to destroy the validation process for the sole purpose of making fraudulent voting extremely easy. Now they say, “Trust us”. There is nothing trustworthy about these communist leaders!!! We need to learn from our enemies, resist, resist, resist. As the communists say, “It is not who voted, but who counts the votes!” Perhaps it is fitting that the most corrupt and fraudulent presidential election in our history should elect Joe Biden.

Friday, November 13, 2020

+Transforming America???


All of the major news media sources who pretend to be pursuing the truth have become totally corrupted, and their primary purpose is now to provide nothing but propaganda for the corrupt American Communist party (commonly referred to as the democratic party). Everything that they print regarding politically oriented issues is either skewed to the desired propaganda viewpoint, materially biased, or an outright lie. They are enslaved to their “liberal left” masters viewpoint by the outpouring of billions of dollars directed to them via a multitude of pathways, some of which are totally corrupt or downright criminal.

The corrupt purposes are many. First is the rape of America by the so-called “globalist” power block. They accomplish this via many different paths. They work with Communist China to enable the destruction of American jobs and enable those jobs to be moved to different countries. China has ensured that Biden will reinstate this continued rape by giving Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, a “gift” of over one billion dollars to ensure that Joe will participate in exporting American jobs and technology to China. The pharmaceutical companies will continue to steal from Americans who buy their products by grossly over-charging Americans for medicinal drugs, often charging Americans 5 or even 10 times the price that they charge in other countries. This will continue under Biden, and may very well accelerate. Biden will ensure that this rape will continue under the guise of taxpayer-supported “universal government controlled medical plans” where the money will be stolen from the middle class population and redistributed to the desired slice of the population that the Communists want to enslave by providing “free services” for only the selected minority. It is obvious that the overall plan includes the destruction of the American middle class to ensure that the society will become a large poverty-stricken society ruled by a small “elite” class who have the necessary political connections.

Freedom of speech will be destroyed. This is already in progress by the corrupt news media (propaganda only) and the powerful tech companies who are run by megalomaniacs who are motivated by making obscene amounts of money if they can prevent the truth from being known.

Freedom of choice will be destroyed and travel will be controlled by the government. This is already happening under the umbrella of “Covid health measures.”

Free and honest elections will be destroyed. This is already happening in this election. The communists (i.e. democrats) filed hundreds of lawsuits before this election to ensure that the opportunity for corruption was increased significantly. Their primary goal was to destroy any way to check that ballots were cast by the actual registered voter, or to even determine who actually cast ballots. If they have their way in future elections, anyone can claim that they are the registered voter, no identity verification will be permitted and multiple people will be able to submit multiple ballots anywhere they wish. In other words, the election will be a total sham.

The right to assemble in peaceful protest will be destroyed. Any public assembly will be permitted only with the government’s permission.

The ability of the people to resist the tyrannical government will be made impossible by revoking the second amendment. There has already been attempts to accomplish this by members of the communist regime (leading democrats).

If you are a conservative thinker, be forewarned. All of these negative goals are aimed primarily at you. The most immediate negative which the communists are already discussing is that as soon as they have complete control, they intend to initiate a search-and-destroy project whose purpose will be to identify anyone who supported Trump and pass laws or create processes to ensure that they will never be able to be employed again. If this is not tyranny in action, I don’t know what is!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Election comment


The corrupt media has been screaming two fraudulent messages as loud as possible. The first message is that the “official” election results are controlled by them, the corrupt media. That is a lie! The corrupt media can claim any election result that they want, but their only influence is to elicit emotional responses from their listeners. Don’t misconstrue what I am saying. The power to influence large groups of people’s emotions is very real and can be used in an evil manner very effectively. The corrupt media does not have the legal right to determine the legal result of any election, only the states have that right.

The second message that the corrupt media is trying to convey is that this election is over. That is also a lie. There is very clear evidence, including statements given under oath, that the election laws were broken multiple times in multiple locations by representatives of the Democratic Party. Violation of election laws may require legal remedies that have very significant effects on the official election results. In addition, there is compelling evidence that outright fraudulent ballots have been counted and that there may be hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots. The ensuing legal remedies may result in entire groups of ballots being declared fraudulent. The election results are not final.

The public media is trying to shove the message, “The election is over, let’s kiss and make up.”

I want justice. The democrats defiled the concept of justice in this election. I want honesty. This election was conducted by democrats in a totally dishonest manner. I want insurance of election integrity. There was none demonstrated by the democrats in their fraudulent election. I want election laws to be followed. The democrats defiled the very concept of lawful action in their fraudulent pursuits of win at all costs. If you were the victim of an armed robbery in which not only your money was stolen, but you were seriously injured, would you “Kiss and make up” with the thief? What the democrats are trying to steal from us is our fundamental right of equal participation in our democracy!

NOT JUST NO, BUT H—L NO! Let’s at least learn one thing from our enemies. RESIST, RESIST, RESIST TO THE POINT OF DEATH!

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Obstruction of justice


I don’t know if you know the details about the blatant denial of justice which is being inflicted upon General Flynn by Judge Emmett Sullivan. So, I will give you the highlights of how General Flynn’s right to equal justice has been denied by the left-wing HATE-TRUMP-FOREVER zealots who will use any means necessary (legal or criminal) to punish anyone who has been associated with Trump.

First of all, the corrupt left-wing conspirators in the FBI targeted General Flynn when he was a member of Trump’s cabinet because they were afraid that he might uncover their corrupt maneuverings to arrange a coup against President Trump. They purposely set him up to be able to charge him with lying to the FBI. The charge was completely fabricated without a trace of proof. Flynn’s lawyer proved this beyond a shadow of a doubt which resulted in the DOJ dropping all charges against Flynn.

However, the judge presiding over Flynn’s case is also a left-wing conspirator who wants to inflict as much harm against Flynn as possible simply because he was in Trump’s cabinet. So the presiding judge (Emmett Sullivan) totally ignored the DOJ motion to drop all charges. Instead, he appointed himself as pseudo-prosecutor and continued to prosecute Flynn. This is a ridiculous position for him to assume. Deciding who is to be prosecuted is the role of the Attorney General, not a self-appointed Hitler-style judge. Flynn’s attorney appealed to a higher court which then ordered Judge Sullivan to drop the charges.

Judge Sullivan ignored the higher court’s order, which is obstruction of Justice, and has tried to assign a pseudo-prosecutor to continue to persecute Flynn. This Judge Sullivan is totally corrupt, blatantly obstructing justice, and using his position in a personal vendetta against Flynn. Judge Sullivan needs to be permanently removed from office by whatever means required. He is making a mockery of Justice and demeaning his office as a judge.

Friday, October 30, 2020

The Biden plan


The communist regime in China bought Joe Biden with a one billion dollar “gift” to his son Hunter Biden. Joe Biden is now China’s ‘lap dog” and he will obey the orders from his Chinese owners for the foreseeable future. If given the opportunity, Joe Biden will restart his previous policy of shipping American jobs to China. He will repeat the same line that Obama mouthed, “The manufacturing jobs are gone from America, and they will never return.”

In addition, Joe Biden will initiate draconian lockdown measures which will destroy the American economy. He has already told us to expect a “dark winter” if he is elected. At the same time, he will install massive tax increases, which will be the “death blow” to our economy. But he tells us not to worry because he has a plan for our economy. I just gave you the highlights of his “plan”. Some more of his plan includes the destruction of our energy production. He WILL OUTLAW FRACKING!! However, he says don’t worry, he has a plan. We can always buy oil from Russia as needed at whatever exorbitant price they want to charge. Joe Biden has already received his 3 million dollar gift from Russia, so his “plan” is already in motion. Perhaps you can see the basic premise of Joe Biden’s “Plan”, more income for the Bidens and nothing for American taxpayers (that means nothing for YOU).

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Current work on the Green New Deal


I have come across some of the details being proposed by the radical left to support the Green New Deal. As you know, they are requiring that the use of fossil fuel to produce energy must end. I have heard that they are trying to find an alternative fuel for airplanes. Of course, AOC in her self-declared in-depth knowledge of airplanes, immediately suggested that the airplanes can be powered by electricity. However, her original design was scrapped because someone asked how they could deal with the electric cord. She then suggested that the electric motor could be plugged into an electrical outlet in the pilot’s cockpit. After some experimenting with the idea, they decided that there were technical problems inherent with this solution. They were not forthcoming regarding the nature of the technical problem.

Someone then suggested that perhaps all air travel could be restricted to the use of hot air balloons. There was an immediate concurrence that this could be the proper solution. There was however one individual in the back of the room who muttered “where do we get the hot air?”, and the discussion degenerated into a long discussion of using batteries. However, since there was no one in the group who had any idea how to use a battery to generate heat, there was no progress made in their efforts to use two “D” batteries to make a working model. So after two days of futile effort, AOC came to the group’s rescue. She suggested that it was really a waste of their time to get bogged down in such trivial matters as the actual design. Instead, she suggested that they spend their time on the much more important task of writing the framework for the legislation to require hot air balloons.

They then spent the next three days writing the announcement of the completion of the groundwork to provide overall direction for the accomplishment of the Green New Deal’s upcoming initiation of researching alternatives for more advanced travel proposals. Upon completion of this far-reaching document they adjourned for the week after setting the next week’s goal to provide direction and funding for the development of alternative fuel possibilities for ocean-going vessels.

Defeating Covid


At the very beginning of the Covid Pandemic, President Trump took immediate action to try to limit America’s exposure to the virus by initiating the travel restrictions on people from the area where the virus originated. This was helpful in that it bought us some time to combat the virus. Joe Biden and the rest of the left-wing crowd rewarded Trump by initiating a name-calling program in which they demeaned him and tried to turn it into a political game instead of a life and death struggle against an invisible adversary.

President Trump followed the advice of the so-called “experts” and, at their suggestion, the policy was initiated for wearing masks and “social distancing”. In addition, at their suggestion, the policy of locking down the economic activity was also initiated. All of this was done based on the assumption that isolating people from others would stop the spread of the disease. In spite of these actions, the disease continued to spread. The spread comes in waves which seem to be unaffected by wearing masks, social distancing, and forced isolation policies. Currently the epidemic is much worse in European countries which are enforcing draconian isolation measures. It is painfully obvious that these measures are not effective in controlling the spread of the disease. However, the left-wing zealots are attempting to instill even more draconian enforcement of these failed policies. One definition of insanity is to repeat the same actions over and over while expecting different results. It is a denial of reality to think that wearing masks, social distancing, and isolation is going to work when the results clearly indicate that these measures are not effective.

Joe Biden’s so-called “Plan” to defeat the Covid virus is to simply plagiarize these failed efforts in more and more restrictive and destructive ways until everyone dies. He is already predicting a “dark winter”. He and his left-wing cohorts believe that more and more government intrusion and draconian control will work. The evidence clearly states it will not work!

However, at the beginning of the pandemic, President Trump did initiate an action which is clearly working. The left-wing media and politicians are purposely ignoring the statistics which prove that this action is the only means to defeat the Covid virus. It is not to their political advantage to admit that Trump is once again being proven right. What is this action, you ask? It was setting up Operation Warp Speed! President Trump correctly assessed the situation and realized that government had to clear the barriers to allow resourceful and capable Americans to develop both therapeutic and vaccine treatments to combat Covid. The statistics prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Although the efforts to prevent the spread are ineffective, the mortality rate for Covid patients has dropped dramatically. In other words, people are still being infected in spite of draconian efforts to isolate everyone, but almost all of those new infections are being cured successfully. Instead of supporting this successful strategy which Trump initiated, the left-wing media and politicians are trying to destroy the public’s confidence in the successful treatments being developed. Again, it is not politically advantageous for them to admit the obvious. President Trump is pursuing the only viable and successful avenue to combat Covid, and the left-wing is trying to destroy any and all progress. For them, it all politics!!! For President Trump it is all about saving lives!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

More info about Biden corruption


Last weekend (mid-October), Mr Tony Bobulinski came forward with a public announcement of text messages with Joe Biden/Hunter Biden related to the emails which have been found on Hunter Biden’s laptop. His stated that the reason he was providing the information was to protect his reputation since he has now become aware of the corruption revealed. He is apparently going to provide these text messages to the FBI as further proof of the Biden corruption identified in the emails on the laptop. I have a word of caution to Mr. Bobulinski.

Be aware that the FBI has had the laptop in their possession for at least 10 months, and they have apparently done NOTHING with the information. In reality, it appears that the FBI has been engaged in a purposeful cover-up of the existence of the emails. It gives the appearance of continuing corruption in the FBI in order to obstruct investigation. There appears to be a concerted effort to protect Joe Biden from possible prosecution for corruption/criminal activities. Mr. Bobulinski, remember how the FBI framed General Flynn for fabricated charges of lying to the FBI. In their efforts to protect Joe Biden, the FBI may need a scapegoat, and you may be elected! Don’t talk to the FBI without at least one very competent defense lawyer present who may be able to protect you from fabricated charges. The FBI may be able to arrange for a corrupt judge similar to Judge Emmet Sullivan to be assigned to try your case which would ensure that you would not be permitted to present a defense.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

If I were a black voter

 If I were a black voter, I would be very interested in knowing that Joe Biden has consistently opposed civil rights legislation that would have been helpful for blacks. One of his cohorts in preventing the passing of civil rights legislation was Strom Thurmond, a die-hard segregationist. Storm Thurmond died in 2003, and Joe Biden personally wrote a glowing eulogy for him in which he praised him and his beliefs. It is inconceivable that Joe could write such a glowing eulogy unless he approved of and shared the same segregationist views. Based on Joe’s past history of segregationist actions, it is obvious to me that he does not want to help black Americans. If I were a black voter, this alone would dissuade me from voting for Biden.

In addition, Joe has been recorded as stating that Senator Byrd was a great man, and that he looked up to him as a mentor. It is an undisputed fact that Senator Byrd was a dedicated racist and a high-ranking member of the KKK. If I were black and not already convinced that Joe Biden is totally embedded in racist thinking, this fact would certainly convince me. If I were a black voter, this would certainly convince me to vote against Joe Biden.

Joe Biden also is noted for many remarks opposing racial integration in schools. To be fair, He tried to explain his apparent opposition to racial integration, but it is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. In conclusion, if I were a black voter, everything that I have read about Joe Biden and his “racial” attitude would conclusively persuade me to vote against him.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The face of tyranny


Are you tired of the high-tech dictators trying to deny you your right to free speech? We know why they are trying. First of all, they want to destroy the American way of life as we know it. They want us to be a socialist nation. Why? Because socialism, as they describe it, does not exist. It is simply the first step in the descent into a dictatorship, and they see themselves as the "ruling elite", and they see us as the peasants who will "serve" them. They already consider themselves to be the elite, and they simply want the political framework in place to ensure that we "behave"! Secondly, they are already in bed with the communist government of China. Fools! They are blinded by the money and power that communist China is waving under their nose, but they are such fools that they believe that the Communists will allow them to keep it! Just as soon as the communists think that they no longer need these them, and think they have ensnared them enough, the communists will steal everything. These fools do not see the obvious! The communists hate them as much as they hate America, and the overall plan includes their complete destruction as well.

But back to my first question, do you want to gain freedom from these petty high-tech tyrants? There are alternatives to using their services. Tired of twitter's hatred of everything conservative. Try! They are not blatantly communistic, dictatorial, and attempting to destroy your right to free speech. There are several alternatives to Google. For instance, try duckduckgo. I never did step into the facebook trap, so I don't have a suggestion, but I am sure that, if you want to, you can do without their overbearing, dictatorial control. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Nancy Pelosi's latest lie


Nancy Pelosi’s so-called COVID relief bill is anything but covid relief! It calls for nearly a half a trillion dollars earmarked for only Democrat controlled states who have driven their states into gigantic debt by inept and outlandish spending by their democrat-controlled government over a period of decades. It includes lavish amounts of money for purposes that the Democrats have been pushing for years, including extra money for Planned Parenthood (So they can murder more babies). In other words it is an attempt to extort over a trillion dollars of federal money for purposes which have zero relation to the COVID relief! The amount that Nancy wants to be allocated for COVID relief is pitiful! It is typical of everything that Nancy Pelosi attempts to do. Hang a nice sounding title on the bill (COVID relief), lie about the actual intention and goals being pursued, and release their extensive propaganda machine to do it’s dirty work (via most of the public media outlets such as ABC,NBC,MSNBC,CNN, and many others whose only purpose is to print Nancy’s propaganda).

Joe Biden is extremely corrupt

 Joe Biden is as corrupt as a person can be. You can find many places on the internet to watch this damning video which clearly shows Joe Biden bragging about blackmailing the Ukraine officials to fire a prosecutor. Why was he so adamant about getting him fired? The prosecutor was investigating crimes that had been committed by men in the Burisma company. One of the men who was being investigated was Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, who had been obviously hired by Burisma at $50,000 per month purely for the political influence that Joe Biden could provide for the corrupt officials. It is obvious that Joe Biden not only blackmailed them (he brags about it), but he sees nothing wrong with blackmail as a tool! Do you think that Burisma would continue to pay Hunter Biden that money if the political influence they expected had not been forthcoming? Use your brain. Joe Biden is a blackmailer. Joe Biden was involved in providing corrupt political influence for bribe money. Joe Biden also has claimed to have had zero knowledge about Hunter’s corrupt activities, but as soon as Hunter was in danger, Joe saved him from prosecution. Joe Biden is also a liar. However, if you think this is corrupt, check out the details about the $1.5 billion dollar “gift” given to Hunter Biden by China! Below is a link where you can watch Joe Biden brag, but you can find it on many links on the internet.

Friday, October 16, 2020

If it looks like a duck and it smells like a duck and it sounds like a duck, it is probably a duck


The Washington Post printed an article on Oct 14, 2020 regarding emails found on a laptop which appears to have belonged to Hunter Biden. The laptop contains thousands of emails which appear to have been correspondence between Hunter and individuals who were willing to pay large sums of money for Hunter to provide “access” to Joe Biden and his political influence. This story prompted a flurry of activity on facebook and twitter seeking information about the story. Needless to say, if these emails do exist (which apparently is true) and they do document the “selling of Joe Biden’s political influence” (which is alleged), it would establish strong proof of extreme corruption by Joe Biden and his son Hunter to profit immensely by selling their political influence. In an effort to squash this story and deny free speech, both facebook and twitter locked the accounts of everyone who “initiated” the conversation. It is painfully clear that this denial of access to a public forum by these two tech giants was a purely politically motivated action intended to smother free speech to ensure that the information could not be heard by the general public. The reason to smother the information is also painfully clear. It can have a very negative effect on the Biden Presidential campaign.

Related to this is the almost total silence of the mainstream public media regarding this issue. Everyone knows (or should know) that almost all of the public media news sources (NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC to name just some of them) are in bed with the Democratic Party and dedicated to promoting only positive articles about the Democratic Party. Simply stated, they are functioning as the propaganda department for the political left-wing. The only reporting being done regarding this issue by the propaganda masters is efforts to debunk or dismiss the information.

This may provide further evidence of the persistent corruption by Joe Biden and his family. It is common knowledge that Hunter Biden has held high-paying positions with many foreign companies which appear to have been an indirect means of paying ‘bribes” to Joe Biden for favorable political treatment to be provided to the companies. Large sums of money were paid to Hunter by companies in Ukraine, and also it is a statement of fact that Hunter was given over one billion dollars by the Chinese government for the fabricated purpose of his handling “investment decisions” for them. Joe Biden consistently claims to have no knowledge of his son Hunter’s selling political influence. However, these emails appear to document discussions of how the payments were to be distributed between Hunter and Joe. Of course, all of these allegations are being denied by Joe Biden, but the evidence continues to accumulate.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Do you want this future?


If the democrats get back into power, they intend to destroy the purpose of the Supreme Court! This is a statement of fact! Both Joe and Kamala are refusing to confirm this because they know that if they do, it may imperil their bid for the White House. However, the radical left is making no effort to hide their intention to pack the Supreme Court with Left-wing lackeys who will ensure that America will descend into a Communist state (they call it Socialism). 

The constitutional purpose of the Supreme Court was intended to be that they would be the final protection of our Constitution. They would have the final say on all matters of law to determine if a law or a court ruling by a lower court complied with our Constitution. It was never the intention of the founders of the constitution that any court should write laws. 

However, the democrats have been corrupting our courts for years by putting judges into the courts whose rulings have little or nothing to do with existing law or constitutional basis. Instead, they have been trying to put judges in our courts who believe that they can issue decisions that have no basis in existing law and no legitimate constitutional basis. Since they cannot corrupt the Supreme Court under the existing laws, the democrats intend to add more judges to the court (all of them will be radical left-wing), and then use the court to issue laws, a process which is supposed to be done by congress. This will make a mockery of the Supreme Court, and it will be used to destroy our status as a nation of free people. 

If you think that the tyrannical dictatorial edicts to shut down the economy that the current Democrat Governors and Mayors have put in place are destructive and unreasonable, just wait until they can change the definition of “criminal conduct” to be “not agreeing with us”.  Do you think that the Democrats will stop at defining rioting and looting as peaceful, lawful conduct? Do you think that the Democrats will stop at defining church attendance as denied? It may be permanently banned! A Politician will be provided police protection, but there will be none for the average citizen (especially if they are not democrats). Free speech will be allowed only if you are parroting the “official” party line. Guns will be outlawed (except for government agencies). Their intention is to ensure that the government (democrats only), will have total control over every aspect of our lives! 

In reference


In his journey down the mountain Joe encounters a snake which signals for his attention. Keeping his distance because Joe can see that the snake is a rare and very poisonous variety, he acknowledges the snake’s request to talk. They proceed to have a long, animated conversation in which the snake makes the request that Joe carry it down the mountainside because it has an injury which will prevent it from making the journey on its own before the freezing cold of winter descends on the mountain. The snake is very persuasive and finally convinces Joe that he will be safe while carrying it down the mountain. He is convinced by the snake’s conversation that they will become close friends on the journey. True to its word, the snake is friendly, and repeatedly expresses its gratitude to Joe during the trip.

At the end of the journey, Joe realizes that he still does not know the snake’s name, and asks for its name as he sets the snake down. The snake hisses at him, and says, “Who said that you need to know my name. That is too personal.” Then the snake bites him, injecting a fatal dose of venom. Taken by complete surprise, and terrified by the bite, Joe cries out “Why did you do that. I thought we were friends!”

The snake replies, “You old fool. It was a lot of meaningless talk. I needed you to take me where I wanted to go, and you did it. You are no longer useful to me. And what did you expect? After all, I am a snake. By the way, my name is Kamala.”

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Is Biden a racist?


Is Joe Biden a racist? He claims to have the support of black voters, and there is evidence that they do support him, but that begs the question. Watch the man, see if his actions are consistent with his words. Words are cheap!

First there’s Biden’s 2003 eulogy of segregationist Strom Thurmond, the man with whom Biden had worked to make the US criminal code more punitive and unforgiving. How can you write such a glowing eulogy without supporting what the man stood for? Biden was one of a very few congressman to show up at the funeral. He praised Thurmond as a “brave man” whose “lasting impact” was a “gift to us all”. At least it was consistent with his description of the late senator Byrd as a great mentor. Just in case you have forgotten, Senator Byrd was a high-ranking member of the KKK! I will ask again, is Biden a racist? You tell me!

Have you seen the video of Biden insulting our soldiers? Just click the link below.

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Democrats use our children as political pawns

There has been much research done on the subject of keeping the public schools open while fighting the covid-19 virus. Every analysis concludes that the virus is not readily transmitted to or from children, all the way up to the age of about 20. Restate that fact! There is very, very little danger of young people suffering from an infection of covid-19 virus. The very few that test positive are asymptomatic. To state the fact so that even democrat leaders can understand, young people are almost oblivious to any ill effects from the virus. That having been said, anyone that tells you that we need to keep schools closed to protect the children are simply LYING TO YOU. Anyone who tells you this lie is attempting to use our children as pawns in some nasty political fight for their private political agenda.

One group of these liars is running the teachers unions in the Los Angeles area. Up until recently, these unions have been trying to keep schools from reopening under the pretext that they were worried about the children’s health. As each study has concluded it has been made clearer that the children’s health risk is very minimal, but these liars have persisted to claim that they oppose opening the schools due to health risks for the children. I was wondering if they would ever tell the truth.

Well, some of the truth is coming out. The unions are still demanding that the schools remain closed. However, the unions have now released a list of demands which MUST BE MET before they will allow the schools to reopen.

Demand number 1 - Implement a moratorium on “private” schools (i.e. charter schools)

Demand number 2 - Defund the police.

Demand number 3 Raise taxes on the wealthy

Demand number 4 – Implement Medicare for all

Do you see anything implied in their demands which relates to the children’s health? What do the demands 2 through 4 have to do with children’s education? As a matter of fact, what gives the teacher’s union any right to threaten to harm our children’s education if we don’t give in to their demands? Extortion for political reasons is not within the legal scope of the teacher’s union! If I were able, I would disband the teacher’s unions and place a moratorium on “public” schools and the totally inferior education being provided by them. If they want to be politicians, then do so. They are not being paid to write laws. They are supposed to teach, not indoctrinate. Last of all, it is bad enough to have the democrat politicians play “dictator” instead of trying to serve their citizens. Close the public schools in and around Los Angeles, and use charter schools instead.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

The three New York stooges

I am coining a phrase, “New York’s three stooges”, which seems very appropriate. New York’s Mayor Bill de Blasio is the current kingpin of the 3 stooges. Anyone who is so stupid that he cannot see that the explosion in shootings, murders, and looting are the direct result of his stupidity deserves to be removed from his current political office by whatever means necessary. He needs to be prosecuted for negligent homicide for every single murder that is committed in New York City which he has facilitated by the destruction of police capability. His ongoing assault on the NY police department to destroy police support, to remove adequate funding, and his total lack of concern for the safety of New York City citizens is a criminal exercise of his political office. Once he is isolated where he can do no more harm, there needs to be a guarantee that he will be denied any possibility of ever holding a political office again.

So who else belongs to the three New York stooges? There is only one person who can try to compete with de Blasio with any chance of winning the “stooge” award. Aw, you guessed it, Governor Andrew Cuomo! What person with half of a brain would ORDER the senior care centers to admit people infected with Covid-19 when EVERYONE KNEW that seniors were the most at risk of dying of the virus. Stooge Cuomo purposely infected thousands of NY seniors with the virus and thousands of them died. His executive order obviously caused extensive deaths among the seniors, who, by the way, were unable to help themselves avoid the virus. He demonstrated absolutely no remorse for their unnecessary deaths, even quipping in a media circus that “old people die” in referring to their “executions”. Since then he has made every excuse he can think of for his actions, always trying to blame someone other than himself. Last word on this, IT WAS HIS EXECUTIVE ORDER THAT CAUSED THOUSANDS OF UNNECESSARY DEATHS.

The last of the stooges is commonly referred to as “AOC” Her attitudes and beliefs are so foreign to anyone with a brain, all one can do is to list them and wait for the laughter to subside. Just a small sample of AOC’s is enlightening. AOC says that the government can print any amount of money to spend in any manner that the politicians want, WITH NO CONSEQUENCES. Apparently she believes that everyone is so dumb that they will never catch on to the fact that the money will be worthless very quickly in that scenario. Another AOC, airplanes can run on solar panels or batteries. All of America’s fossil fuel deposits should be done away with, and everything should run on batteries. Another AOC, the planet’s worst polluter is America. She conveniently forgets about the real polluters such as China. China is the worst polluter in the world, by far. But if you ask AOC, the only country in the world who should step back into the stone ages is America. She is such an idiot that she actually believes that a society without law enforcement can actually exist. Somebody please tell her that if you don’t have cops, then you will be swamped with every conceivable crime. Don’t expect her to listen!!! She is so blinded by her own idiocy that she is unable to see the obvious.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Is this Law & Order

You are awakened by a noise at 2:30 AM. You glance at your sleeping wife next to you, wondering what woke you up. The noise occurs again, coming from the back yard. You roll out of bed and peek out of the bedroom window looking for anything out of the ordinary. The movement in the back yard is visible and after a moment, it becomes obvious that there are two or more figures moving around. You are the possible victim of a home invasion. You wake your wife and tell her what is happening. Your wife tiptoes to the kitchen to get each of you a knife for self-protection while you are dialing 911. You are greeted with the recording “You have reached a non-working number. If you are in need of help, call your local government counseling association, or dial “1” to connect to your local vigilante representative.” You dutifully dial “1” because you need someone to protect you. A recorded message states “The vigilante service for this account has been cancelled for non-payment. Upon receipt of payment, the service may be reconnected after the one-week reinstatement waiting period. Then, you hear the sound of breaking glass in the back door.

Welcome to the world that the Democratic leaders want to install here in America, a world where you will have no law and order and no protection from the criminals. The criminals will be armed with plenty of guns, but citizens will be denied the right to bear arms. The “Democratic” politicians will be provided armed body guards, expensive security systems, and everyone else will have nothing. One additional item, if you should defend yourself successfully, the criminal will simply have to state that he was participating in government-sanctioned looting permitted for himself and the others because it was part of a “demonstration” or “free speech” action. You will then be prosecuted for “unlawful interference” of free speech.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Identity politics

Everyone knows that the required “norm” the democrats use to assess everyone is identity politics. Identity politics requires democrats to “label” anyone they deal with as being a member of a “caste”. If a person is black, then they attribute certain characteristics to the person. If the person is white, assign different characteristics. Female and male are labeled differently, and so on, ad nauseam. In addition, they also attach a “victim” level to each “caste” which they define. So every person is defined by their “identity”, their victim level, and their implied “caste”. They are too busy trying to assign everyone to the proper “caste” to be able to look at anyone as a unique individual.
Everyone is a “victim” except white males. White males, by democratic definition are evil and totally irredeemable. They claim that all of the problems of our society can be traced back to white males exercising something called “white privilege”. You can repeatedly see white male democrat politicians apologizing for ever being born, or for being white, or for being male, or having too much money.
While they are immersed in this “labeling” activity, they also make the idiotic claim that everyone else is racist. In reality, racism is an obsessive labeling of people based on their race. Identity politics is simply the newest and most disgusting practice of racist attitudes known.
Meanwhile, the democrats are utilizing white males as surrogate Jews in almost exactly the same manner that the Nazis used the Jews as a focal point for all of their hatred. White males are all ‘privileged’ (even if dirt-poor). White males are all racists. White males hate everyone. This leads me to an obvious question. If you are a white male, and you are a democrat, are you filled with self-loathing which is keeping you in the democrat party, or are you simply stupid.